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China fifth golden monkeys live for the first time or only 300 PCs

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/13 7:10:34 Browse times: 303 Comment times: 0

China fifth golden monkeys live for the first time or only 300 PCs(中国首次获得第五种金丝猴活体 或仅存300只)

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China first won the fifth golden snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus live or exist only 300 | | | nature reserve _ live news

China News Service, November 13 (Xinhua Hu Yuanhang) Nature Conservancy Chief Scientist of China, China head of the Primate specialist group Long Yongcheng, 13th, in an interview with Xinhua, confirmed that in the nujiang River of nujiang River, received a 2 year old Golden monkeys live, this is the first time China won the fifth kind of Golden monkeys living sample.

"Nu River Golden monkeys", is a new species were discovered and named only 3 years and fifth golden monkeys in the world. Prior to this, world recognized Golden snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus roxellanae, Yunnan Golden Monkey, Rhinopithecus brelichi and Viet Nam snub four, of which the first three are located in the territory of China.

Long Yongcheng said, in early 2010, wild flora and fauna International (FFI) in the northeast of Kachin State in Myanmar found specimens of a new species of Rhinopithecus and will be renamed RhinopithecusStrykeri, but cannot be sure whether the species still exists. In 2012, the Salween forest of gaoligong mountain national nature reserve in Yunnan personnel film of this new species of Rhinopithecus and collected stool samples. After DNA tests determine that it was the world's fifth such Golden snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus-co-nujiang.

"Nu River Golden Monkey full body black, ear and cheek with a bit of white hair; pale pink facial skin, have distinctive white beard on Chin; longer tail, almost 1.4 times times the length. "Long Yongcheng to reporters, nujiang River acquired the Golden monkeys live is a 2 year old female monkey, are now housed in the gaoligong mountain national nature reserve. This golden monkeys used to be adopted by local farmers after injuries at home, then the farmers know it for the nu River after the snub handed over to the Salween Forestry Bureau.

Nujiang Golden monkeys live for the first time is amazing, and extremely limited information currently available, experts believe that the Golden monkey population is not optimistic the nujiang River, estimated at just more than 300-odd, and is critically endangered.

"How to make a scientific and effective monitoring, conservation and research, critical task has become imminent. Of course, Golden Monkey protection also needs to be involvement of local farmers. "Long Yongcheng said. Over the years, Golden Monkey family hovered on the brink of extinction. Rhinopithecus bieti distant mountain fir forest of Yunnan and Tibet, and only more than 3,000-odd; and Guizhou Golden monkeys seen on fanjing mountain, Guizhou province, a smaller number. In addition to China and Viet Nam, a these treasures in the world, only France and the United Kingdom a very small number of countries, such as the Museum has a collection of several specimens. (End text)

(Original title: China fifth golden monkeys live for the first time or only 300 PCs)

(Edit: SN091)November 13, 2013 China News Network(中国首次获得第五种金丝猴活体 或仅存300只|金丝猴|自然保护区|活体_新闻资讯

  中新社昆明11月13日电 (记者 胡远航) 大自然保护协会中国部首席科学家、中国灵长类专家组组长龙勇诚13日,在接受记者采访时证实,日前在怒江获得一只2岁多的怒江金丝猴活体,这是中国首次获得第五种金丝猴活体样本。






(原标题:中国首次获得第五种金丝猴活体 或仅存300只)


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