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Chinese students are 150 million mansion, Vancouver, Chinese high prices?

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/17 9:02:13 Browse times: 294 Comment times: 0

Chinese students are 150 million mansion, Vancouver, Chinese high prices?(华裔学生1.5亿购豪宅,中国人炒高温哥华房价?)

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Chinese students are 150 million mansion Chinese speculation Vancouver House prices? | | mansion _ in Vancouver news

Original title: Chinese students bought 150 million mansion in Vancouver, the Chinese "occupation" in Canada?

Smaller partners have recently been Chinese student Zhou Tianyu (transliteration, TianyuZhou) in Canada the "story" was shocked.

With 31.1 million Canadian dollars (about 150 million RMB) price moves bought Canada Vancouver House, set a 2016, Vancouver mansion sold records.

High up in the mansion's location.

The news sparked controversy again, Chinese in Canada how strong the purchasing power? Today, the outside thing (xjb-waishier) will give you the chop chop.

  Who bought 150 million worth of luxury?

The Super-prime location was classified as Canada one of the most expensive 16-property, built in 1979, is a three-story mansion covering an area of more than 6,000 square meters, about 1356 square meters indoor area, a total of 5 rooms and 8 bathrooms. House with swimming pool, gym, swimming pool and so on.

In order to purchase the home, Zhou Tianyu paid a down payment of about 100 million Yuan, and loans of $ 9.9 million. This means that, as a student with no income, he needs to pay the Bank $ 17,000 every two weeks.

News coming out, everyone was shocked. Zhou Tianyu who? Where he so much money? Are you interested in the problem. However, even well-connected Canada Media also failed to dig up this mysterious number of Chinese students.

Foreign matter (xjb-waishier), on the basis of Canada's regulations, real estate agent customers all kinds of important information must be kept confidential.

Some netizens think the "Zhou Tianyu" is Canada-Chinese pianist Zhou Tianyu. In response, she quickly clarified on the social network: "this really isn't me."

But people also know that an important information, a man named Feng Cui (transliteration, cuie Feng) businessman owned the mansion of 1% property.

Some analysts believe, she's probably Zhou Tianyu's mother. After all, Canada granted to Zhou Tianyu with no source of income for banks cannot loan of nearly c $. Based on the Bank's assessment, mystical Feng Cui's assets totaled c $ 25.6 million, which makes her qualify to borrow money from banks.

  Chinese speculation Vancouver House prices?

Chinese have high prices in Vancouver, such a claim would have become common in Vancouver. In April, the latest data show, in Vancouver, a separate residential average, $ 1.4 million, up 30% over the last year.

Appears together with the soaring House prices, it is repeatedly reported news for China in Vancouver House stealing. Early last year, one of the richest in Vancouver from Nanjing to more than 51 million Canadian dollar price, buy a top luxury, with Zhou Tianyu buying mansions at the same location, the gray Cape in Vancouver's West End district.

Luxury Vancouver gray Cape district, location very good.

Earlier this year, a building aged 88 years old residences in Vancouver, more than more than 10 Chinese buyer bidding to snap up, final price of c $ 9 million, higher than the seller's listing price was c $ 1.17 million. And buyers a couple is a young Chinese couple, it was said that they would not even look at a House, would readily pay the full amount.

Howe threw the daughter of local image in China, Canada and complaints from residents. "The Chinese are buying Canada! "This is Canada a magazine's latest journal titles. Mentioned in this article, Chinese bought at least 30% houses in Vancouver, spent nearly $ 12 billion in the Vancouver real estate market.

Vancouver local Chinese home buyers Handbook.

Other data show that if only Vancouver area will total more than $ 4 million mansion, 75% of the buyer's money has a significant relationship with mainland China.

Canada British Colombia-Chinese Yan Andi, a Professor of urban planning at the University (AndyYan) was an analysis of Vancouver is the most expensive of the three districts, found in the property sold within six months after the September 2014, 66% of buyers are Chinese, and most of these people claimed to be a housewife or student and have no income.

  Why do Chinese love Vancouver?

The buyer who is behind these mansions? We have no way of guessing. But there is little doubt that, because of the warm climate, livable environments, Vancouver has always been Chinese immigrants Canada preferred.

Canada has been the Chinese investors of all ages.

Who is Canada investment Immigration Agency told about (xjb-waishier), in recent years, visiting Canada immigrating continued hot, while investment Canada increases the threshold of, but many people choose to "save him", through Saskatchewan, Quebec immigrant investor after landing, to settle in the Toronto or Vancouver property buyers.

The Agency also said on condition of anonymity, Canada House is the way some money-laundering, through the purchase of assets overseas.

Data shows that at least more than 300,000 Chinese in Vancouver, more studies suggest that after 18 years, the Chinese will replace the white became the Vancouver area "ethnic majority".

Cheng Muyang mansion in Vancouver.

Vancouver is also known as "paradise for corrupt officials". Last year, China has issued a "red notice" list of hundreds of people, fled to Canada up to 26 people. Hebei province Cheng Weigao's son Cheng Muyang, is one of them. He currently lives in Vancouver, not only worth more than 20 million homes in Vancouver, also established a commercial Empire, developing real estate projects, and can park their private planes in the island.

Author: Yan Ying Zhuan Edition: Teacher Chang

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Vancouver luxury

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华裔学生1.5亿购豪宅 中国人炒高温哥华房价?|温哥华|豪宅_新闻资讯












  但人们还是得知了一个重要信息,一名叫冯翠(音译,cuie feng)的商人拥有这栋豪宅1%的产权。



















  撰文:颜颖颛 编辑:昌老师

责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

温哥华 豪宅


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