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National average rainfall of China by 20% floods killed 72 people missing

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/16 7:20:56 Browse times: 158 Comment times: 0

National average rainfall of China by 20% floods killed 72 people missing(中国全国平均降雨增两成,洪涝灾害致72人死亡失踪)

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National average rainfall increased by 20% flood disasters in the flood killed 72 people missing | | | rainfall nationwide _ news

Original title: floods so far this year killed 72 people missing

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 14, the State flood control and drought relief headquarters Office informed the 14th, as of May 13 statistics so far this year, a total of 72 people missing due to flooding deaths, which 59 people dead, 13 missing.

Informed the show into since the flood, the national average rainfall of 104 mm, 20% more than normal, since 1961, 2nd part, too many parts of the northeast in the Northwest more than 1 time, large parts of South and South East of North, Northwest and Northeast more most 30% to 1 time.

As of May 13, a total of Fujian, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces (regions and municipalities) suffering from devastating floods, disaster preparedness 59 people dead, 13 missing, 11200 houses collapsed. And since 2000, compared to the average over the same period, this year the flood affected population, death too many 3% and 43% respectively.

Source: dazhong daily

Responsible editor: Zhang Chenglei SN069

Article keywords:
Flooding rains the national

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全国平均降雨增两成 洪涝灾害致72人死亡失踪|洪涝灾害|降雨|全国_新闻资讯


  据新华社北京5月14日电 国家防汛抗旱总指挥部办公室14日通报,截至5月13日统计,今年以来全国共有72人因洪涝灾害死亡失踪,其中死亡59人、失踪13人。




责任编辑:张承磊 SN069

洪涝灾害 降雨 全国


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