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Entering the South China Sea summer season fishing: 16th from 12 o’clock and lasted 2.5 months

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/16 7:20:27 Browse times: 167 Comment times: 0

Entering the South China Sea summer season fishing: 16th from 12 o’clock and lasted 2.5 months(南海进入伏季休渔期:16日12时起,历时两个半月)

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Entering the South China Sea summer season fishing: 16th took 2.5 months from the 12 o'clock

Information diagram. New UNRISD Yin Haiming photo video: Hainan started summer season fishing should take boats to Hong Kong to source: News
News Agency, Haikou, May 16 (reporters Wang Ziqian) 16th 12 o'clock into the South China Sea lasted 2.5 months of mid-summer fishing moratorium, 7952 fishing boats in Hainan province into mid-summer fishing in Hong Kong.
This is the 18th year of the implementation of the fishing moratorium in the South China Sea system, fishing time is May 16, from 12 o'clock August 1, at 12 o'clock, the fishing waters from 12 degrees north latitude to "Fujian, Guangdong and waters boundary" of the People's Republic of China South China Sea under the jurisdiction (including North Bay). During the fishing moratorium, apart from the single layer of gill nets, fishing tackle, and prohibit other job types.
Fishing boats in Hainan fishing boats account for 32% this year, involving fishing fisherman 36475. Hugh fishing during the province is strictly prohibited trawl fishing to Thorn, and fishing job; is strictly prohibited to any excuses engaged in drag Bell and dive catching job; thorn network fishing is strictly prohibited to any excuses carry double or triple thorn network; is strictly prohibited with any way engaged in lights fishing job; fisheries auxiliary vessels shall not for violations fishing provides guarantees and service, in Hugh fishing during, on violation Hugh fishing provides of fishing in principle are buckle Hong Kong processing.
Reporters saw in Haikou new port, a large number of fishing boats have returned to port. "Joan lingao 04183 ship" crew of Huang Yang said the ship was fishing days 5 days before returning to Hong Kong, will consolidate and repair fishing equipment during the fishing nets, staff rest waiting for August fishing.
Office of ocean and fisheries fishery fishing authority, Hainan Province, said that huangyan island waters belong to the jurisdiction of the South China Sea North of latitude 12 degrees waters, set v, Nanhai district since 1999 has been included since the fishing moratorium system range. Nansha sea does not belong to the fishing range of Hainan during the fishing period in the Nansha Islands fishing vessel monitoring. Who hold special fishing license and installed the Nansha Nansha fishing vessels this year position monitoring equipment of fishing vessels, to 12 degrees north latitude South of Nansha Nansha position in production should be fully opened when monitoring equipment, strict enforcement of fishing vessels report system in Hong Kong. During the voyage, nets and banding should be sealed, no special fishing license for Nansha, and Nansha is not installed position monitoring equipment of fishing vessels, will be allowed to go to sea.
During the fishing moratorium, Hainan fishermen will be organized to carry out laws and regulations, fisheries production skills, navigation safety and training, will also organize the fishermen go out to visit, learn and study, to enrich their material and spiritual life.
(Editors: Dou Yuan UN833)
2016-05-16 13:57:59
China News Network
南海进入伏季休渔期:16日12时起 历时两个半月

资料图。中新社发 尹海明 摄 视频:海南开始伏季休渔 应休渔船回港 来源:央视新闻

  中新社海口5月16日电  (记者 王子谦)南海16日12时起进入历时两个半月的伏季休渔期,海南省有7952艘渔船进港伏季休渔。





(责任编辑:窦远行 UN833)
2016-05-16 13:57:59

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