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British media said narrowing the urban-rural income gap in China: rural areas began to sell iPhone

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British media said narrowing the urban-rural income gap in China: rural areas began to sell iPhone(英媒称中国城乡收入差距缩小:农村开始卖iPhone)

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British media said narrowing the urban-rural income gap in China: started selling iPhone| rural income gap _ news

Original title: British media said narrowing the urban-rural income gap in China: rural began selling iPhone

Reference news, May 16 British media said – one of China's poorest provinces, Anhui, on the main street of the small town hang Bu the shop is full of local flavor. Streets lined with shops selling seed and fertilizer, filled with tools and machine shops, a few simple little restaurant and a small hotel. In these shops, mixed with a different store, iPhone and iPad are shining in the window.

According to the United Kingdom the Economist May 14, you can see that from these electronic gadgets, who was overshadowed by rapid development of the urban mapping in rural China, it began to prosper. Controversial is that it shows to urban and rural microcosm of the huge income gap between inequality, may be reduced. Sale of iPhone owners Yuan Yue (voice) said: "if we don't have money to buy, and I'm not going to open the shop. All money earned. But people's income increased. ”

Reports said over the past 35 years, significant economic growth in China has been showing uneven look. Official and independent studies have shown that transformed China from a very egalitarian society into a very unequal society. Average or not is the most commonly used measure of income Gini coefficient. Gini coefficients are between 0 and 1 (0 means all income parity, 1 represents a person has everything). China's official statistics show that China's Gini coefficient in the 80 's of last century less than 0.3, then China is located in the most equal countries in the world-wide income. Today, the factor is almost 0.5, China has also become one of the most unequal countries in the world.

Other sources of data are displayed, income inequality, chaps, it was more serious than official figures. A survey is widely quoted Southwestern University of finance report concludes that by 2010, China's Gini coefficient has climbed to 0.61, China has become one of the most unequal countries in the world, not much as South Africa.

Although China's Gini coefficient is very high, now began to decline. According to official data, the Gini coefficient has decreased for 7 consecutive years, dropped from 2008 to 0.49 0.46 last year.

Reports from across the country, and lead to deterioration of the maximum wealth due to urban and rural differences. Now, the degree decrease this gap seems to be the main reason. In 2009, the average income of the urban population is 3.3 times times the average income of the rural population. At present, the gap has narrowed to 2.7 times. Meanwhile, the income of the rural population has maintained rapid growth for six consecutive years. In fact, many rural people work in the city or work in factories or engaged in basic services. Even so, given China's strict household registration system, the rural population still cannot be settled in city housing.

Reported that the income of migrant workers was one of the reasons China's population changes. China's labor force has started to shrink. This change in driving up blue-collar wages. Another reason is, seeking cheap labor, companies have to move inland, moved to those areas that are relatively poor. Yuan Yue said, was out of town several electronics factory located in the plant, he began to sell iPhone in hang Bu. Air zone, along the way, a man sitting in front of the stalls recruitment. 3000 Yuan a month ($ 460) to salary salary lower than a normal job in the city is not much. "We are hiring all the year round. Question after all is salary. They are not happy, it will leave, "jobs said.

This proves that the Nobel Prize-winning economist Simon Kuznets proposed in 1955 by a theory. Kuznets said at the beginning of the development of a country, who can generate a decent salaries of lucky and those given to depressed farming occurs across huge gaps. However, as the economy continues to grow, one will eventually be incorporated into modern parts of the economy, will also reduce their imbalances. Although, with the increasing prosperity of the country, which is no longer applicable, but China's current situation was in line with rule told by Kuznets.

Reports, but this is not entirely the spontaneous change. Lead to a change of part of the answer seems to be due to redistribution policies. The past decades, China expanded the coverage of basic medical insurance and Welfare; introduced the free nine-year compulsory education in rural areas, and scrapped centuries-old agricultural taxes.

However, to do a lot of things. Government investment in rural areas is still too low, particularly prominent in the national pension system. If you don't make a change, inequality will continue to poison the land of China. Gan Li of the Southwestern University of finance and said: "if we are totally dependent on economic development, then it can't really eliminate inequalities. ”

In addition, for many people, "income inequality in reducing" opinions may not be obvious. Inequalities (in this case people have, relative to what people earn) phenomena are still serious. 2015 hurun rich list showed, China (in dollar terms) billionaires (596) to United States (537). Early this year, according to a study done by the Beijing University, pyramid 1% 1/3 of Chinese families in control of national assets.

Since 2012, wealth in China is not so much to see. However, sports car, luxury restaurants and luxury boutiques in major cities everywhere. Even if Apple mobile phones into the countryside showed the income of China's rural population is on the rise, these money the material piled up in the big cities remind people all the time, a small group of urban elites are so rich. (Compile/Akon)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Income gap

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  参考消息网5月16日报道 英媒称,安徽——中国最贫穷的省份之一,小镇航埠的主要街道上满是颇具乡土气息的小店。街道两旁有售卖种子和化肥的店铺、堆满了工具和机械的商铺、几家简朴的小饭馆和一家小旅馆。而在这些店铺中,夹杂着一间与众不同的店铺,iPhone和iPad正在橱窗里熠熠发光。















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