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Renowned artist Yang Guang died at the age of 86

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Renowned artist Yang Guang died at the age of 86(著名艺术家杨之光病逝,享年86岁)

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Yang died of illness at the age of 86, famous artists | | artists _ the light of Yang news

Yesterday, the Express Reporter, according to multiple reliable sources confirmed that the China National Academy Fellows, Guangzhou Academy of fine arts Professor, China's top art award "China Fine Arts Award: lifetime achievement award" winner, renowned artist Yang Zhiguang in Guangzhou died the same day, at the age of 86.

New Express Reporter Han Bangwen Zhou Guoping

  2010 Guangdong art lifetime achievement award

Yang Guang was born in 1930 in Shanghai, jiexi County in Guangdong Province of origin. In 1949 from the Lingnan school of painting Gao Jianfu. In 1950 admitted the Beijing Central Academy of fine arts painting Department, accepting teachers such as Xu Beihong, ye qianyu, Dong xiwen. In 1953 after graduation taught at the Guangzhou Academy of fine arts painting Department, served as Professor, Dean, Vice Dean of the school of fine arts. In 2010, the Guangdong Province, Yang Guang won the first literary award for lifetime achievement.

Chike said of Yang Zhiguang of art historians: "from the light of Yang, Gao Jianfu, is Xu Beihong road, by the influence of Jiang zhaohe, absolutely first-class painter of figure painting in Chinese painting. "The new Express Reporter, Dr light in the fields of painting, and adhere to the daily sketch and creative," Gu Yang find my method for reference, most avoid eating leftovers "as the motto for life.

Created in 1954 by the lifetime of the first landmark works is the light of Yang, in the works, he first recorded with the new Chinese painting style elections by the people.

In his later years, he was originally with no bone-shaped grand scenes of the characters of the 98 Ode to a hero.

  Later works and manuscripts donated

Yang Zhiguang old age more than 4,000 pieces of his important works and manuscripts, documents all donated to the major public art galleries, selflessness and generosity saved for posterity the artistic achievements of his life. On October 15 last year, held at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Museum and Memorial Hall of Lingnan "young age--the light of Yang light art exhibition" display of the Dr from the 50 's of last century after more than half a century of work, manuscripts, documents a total of more than 1000 pieces of his rigorous, innovative exploration of art, and for his significant contribution to art education in Guangdong.

Dr light is building a new teaching system of one of the founders of Chinese figure painting. Career in teaching at Guangzhou Academy of fine arts for decades, Dr light for the arts produced a number of famous artists, including Lin Yong, Cheng yongqiang, Chen Zhenguo, Liang Rujie, etc. His student Dr light's aesthetic taste, value concepts, creative skills development, generation after generation.

Recalling Dr light through the art of life, Guangzhou Academy of fine arts curator says Mr Hu Yang light almost every landmark works are being created in different times, and was closely related to the social life: "his language combination of shape and achieve a natural fusion of the State. He created and the time process closely linked to a visual language system. ”

  Painting quotes

① to learn to walk before you run. First, to change. To be able to "like" further pursuit of "not like" a higher level.

② deformation is a means and not an end, is designed to vividly express. Quest is not out of the spiritual essence of the "unreal" in order to be "as if". Qi Baishi proposition painting in "between the real and unreal", that's what it means. I do not favour the free spirit to play the so-called deformation of the object of the game. General earlier accused of Ming and Qing literati, text game, a bit extreme. Some deformation of the painting who also can't read, this is a real game. I have always believed in the literary mind and the carving of dragons in two sentences: "the discretion of strange yet true, without playing China plane crash", this is the artist's very good motto.

During the painting of my, calligraphy, seal cutting, music, literature, drama ... ... Bring much benefit to me, and I feel more and more training in these areas is so important. Painting, also can be said to be drawing accomplishment.


"I want the young generation to guard against arrogance and rashness sink down to scholarship"

Previously, new express reporters have repeatedly interviewed Dr light, recorded many of his insights about art, life, and society. Retrieve text is published again, by the memory of art both skilled and demeanor.

New Flash: How do you evaluate the teaching of the National Taiwan for more than 60 years?

Dr light: my life is full of ups and downs of life. I am native of jiexi County, is a native of Hakka people born in Shanghai, but family and life is complicated. Later, Taiwan Street, in the "cultural revolution" in the barn twice ... ... I have eaten nothing, now young people are difficult to imagine, but my strong, not afraid of anything, even the most vulnerable, they also survived. This character of innovation in art made me not afraid of hardship, has been trying to create the self.

New Flash: art is concerned, some people say you are the Lingnan school of painting, and some people say you are Xu Beihong. Which is your own?

Dr light: I do not belong to the Lingnan school, also not part of the Xu Beihong, I am Yang Zhiguang. Unique light of Yang, are most proud of in my art.

New Flash: you and Huang Zhou, Fang Zengxian, Liu wenxi were generally known as Xu Jiang after the four portraits, in your opinion, who highlighted some of the achievements, some more?

Dr light: can't say whose achievements are outstanding, who says personality is most obvious, I think it was Huang Zhou. He sketches themselves, the picture is very vivid, even Master Xu Beihong affirmed his.

New Flash: portrait painters tend in later life it is difficult to have a very big breakthrough, what do you think about this phenomenon?

Dr light: realist portrait painters, gold is more than 50 times, a peak appears in more than 60 years, but 70 years old, has achieved a major breakthrough is more difficult. This is the normal rule, I was no different. Modeling accuracy depends on physical and eye, refuses to accept the old people can't. Disc herniation, saddled with high blood pressure in recent years, creating unsustainable.

New Express: since writing difficult, ever try Freehand flower and bird, or man?

Dr light: I know to present my body to scale new peaks a bit powerless, simply writing. Now only the calligraphy, but take this fitness offers many benefits.

New Flash: if not in this life to say what a pity, what would you say?

Dr light: I've always wanted to calligraphy and painting, but the flesh is weak.

New Flash: you are also a fine arts educator, trained a large number of artistic talent. Between the two identities, artist and educator, which one do you value more?

Dr: I'm more interested in educator identity. Training for this job, more difficult and more important, greater, more even than his artistic achievements. To this end, I created Yang Arts Center in his later years, all thoughts are placed there.

New Flash: your evaluation of the current Lingnan painting how to? send for the younger generation want?

Dr light: Lingnan art world has changed so much, becoming more and more open and broad vision, talent, all of its head, but many, such as follow the trend of more serious problems. I want the young generation to guard against arrogance and rashness, and sink down to learning. No fame, fame kills people.

Dr light CV

Born in Shanghai in 1930, jiexi County in Guangdong Province of origin.

In 1949 from the Lingnan school of painting Gao Jianfu.

In 1950 admitted the Beijing Central Academy of fine arts painting Department, accepting teachers such as Xu Beihong, ye qianyu, Dong xiwen.

In 1953 after graduation taught at the Guangzhou Academy of fine arts painting Department, served as Professor, Dean, Vice Dean of the school of fine arts.

1954 creation of the lifetime of the first "to enter the science and culture".

In 1991 by the United States international culture and Art Center in New York "award for outstanding achievement in painting".

1997-1998 is all the effort more than 1000 pieces of works were donated to the National Art Museum of China, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou Art Museum, Guangzhou Academy of fine arts, China Ministry of culture awarded the "Patriot Act" award.

2000 establishment of Guangzhou Art Museum, "Dr light Museum" Museum.

Founded in 2002, "Dr light Arts Center."

2006 works the mine recruits, of the inspired text (cooperation with the OU Yang) was named "50 years of the Guangdong Association of classics".

In 2007 appeared in the Guangdong Province, 50 "celebrities".

2009 "with the times – Yang Zhiguang National Taiwan teaching centre for 60 years and Dr light art exhibition" held at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing.

2010 was awarded the Guangdong's highest literary honor--the "Guangdong Arts lifetime achievement award."

2012 was awarded the highest award of Chinese art, "Chinese Arts Award and a lifetime achievement award."

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Dr light artist

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著名艺术家杨之光病逝 享年86岁|杨之光|艺术家_新闻资讯


  新快报记者 韩帮文 周国屏


  杨之光于1930年生于上海,原籍广东揭西。1949年师从岭南画派高剑父。1950年考入北京中央美术学院绘画系,接受徐悲鸿、叶浅予、董希文等老师指 导。1953年毕业后任教于广州美术学院中国画系,历任教授、系主任、美术学院副院长。2010年,杨之光获首届广东省文艺终身成就奖。





  杨之光晚年把自己的重要作品及4000多件手稿、文献悉数捐献给各大公立美术馆,无私而慷慨地为后人保存了他一生的艺术成果。去年10月15日,在广州美 术学院美术馆及岭南画派纪念馆举办的“扬时代之光——杨之光艺术研究展”展出了杨之光从上个世纪五十年代之后半个多世纪的作品、手稿、文献共1000多 件,展现他严谨、创新的艺术探索历程,以及他为广东美术教育所作出的重大贡献。





  ②变形是手段而不是目的,目的是为了传神达意。探求不脱离精神实质的“不似”是为了更“似”。齐白石主张作画要在“似与不似之间”,就是这个意思。我极不 赞成游离了对象的精神实质去玩弄所谓变形的游戏。以前有人笼统地把明清的文人画指责为笔墨游戏,未免有些偏激。当前某些画的变形变得谁也看不懂,这才是真 正的游戏。我始终信奉《文心雕龙》中的两句话:“酌奇而不失其真,玩华而不坠其实”,这是画家极好的座右铭。



  “我希望年轻一代戒骄戒躁 沉下心来做学问”



  杨之光:我这一生是饱含酸甜苦辣的一生。我祖籍揭西,是地道的客家人;生在上海,但家庭与身世比较复杂。后来,到台湾流浪过,在“文革”中先后两次进牛 棚……我什么苦都吃过,现在年轻人都难以想象,但我人生坚强,什么都不怕,纵使最无依无靠的时候也挺过来了。这种性格让我在艺术上的探索不怕艰辛,一直努 力在创造自我。
















  1930年 生于上海,原籍广东揭西。

  1949年 师从岭南画派高剑父。

  1950年 考入北京中央美术学院绘画系,接受徐悲鸿、叶浅予、董希文等老师指导。

  1953年 毕业后任教于广州美术学院中国画系,历任教授、系主任、美术学院副院长。

  1954年 创作的《一辈子第一回》获“向科学文化进军奖”。

  1991年 获美国纽约国际文化艺术中心颁发的“中国画杰出成就奖”。

  1997年—1998年 将毕生心血1000余件作品分别捐赠给北京中国美术馆、广东美术馆、广州艺术博物院、广州美术学院,中国文化部为此特颁“爱国义举”奖状。

  2000年 广州艺术博物院建立“杨之光艺术馆”专馆。

  2002年 创办“杨之光美术中心”。

  2006年 作品《矿山新兵》、《激扬文字》(与鸥洋合作)被评为“广东美协成立50周年经典作品”。

  2007年 入选广东省50名“文化名人”。

  2009年 “与时代同行——杨之光从艺从教六十年回顾暨杨之光美术中心作品展”在北京中国美术馆隆重举行。

  2010年 荣获广东文艺最高荣誉奖——“广东文艺终身成就奖”。

  2012年 荣获中国美术最高奖“中国美术奖·终身成就奖”。


杨之光 艺术家


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