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Media: to corrupt officials, “James bribes“, had the nerve to send a bunch of fakes

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/15 6:14:49 Browse times: 252 Comment times: 0

Media: to corrupt officials, “James bribes“, had the nerve to send a bunch of fakes(媒体:向贪官行“雅贿”,竟然敢送一堆赝品)

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Media: to corrupt officials, "James bribes" dare to send a bunch of fakes

The author | Meng Yaxu edit | Wei Zhang

A picture of a corrupt official "Ya bribes", its highest record price auction platform on Nantong city intermediate people's Court of Justice.

This picture of the sweet smile of the contemporary painter Huang Yongyu signed, before the auction by the experts as a fake, a starting price of only 3100, but is hotly contested by many bidders in the auction on May 3, after more than 180 rounds of fare increases, final price by a bidder to 100,900, premium rate as high as 32 times more!

Is there a mistake, pay to buy a fake, what's going on here? Some analysts said, although fakes, but also have a certain value, bidders may see value in this regard.

Judicial auction platform screenshots

Chief know noted that the painting's owner, former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, Xu Chao, had been sentenced for taking bribes. In 2011, Xu Chao, his wife received was sent by a company in the home draw. Jailbird, the parties must not think, that picture is a fake.

There is an interesting thing, Executive Office of the Guangdong provincial party Committee, former Deputy Director of original Cai Guang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, the provincial public security Department, Liao was charged with bribery case on May 13 in a Guangzhou Court,

  "Bag" collection of fakes

When it comes to "fake" being outbid, Xu Chao was not the first, and still remember a few years ago the "net red", "bag"?

August 27, 2009, by netizens as "bag" Dai Guosen, Director of Wenzhou economic and technological development zone management Committee of original designer handbags by Chaomei 22 stolen goods by public auction, had triggered public panic buying, the history of Wenzhou's busiest auction attracted more than 690 people participate in the auction, auction lots sold 100% in just 1 hour, a total of 114 items sold 1.178 million Yuan!

Than the online auction of the sweet smile is exciting?

The "bag" in the auction, there are paintings, famous calligrapher Shen Peng, fan Zeng, who signed nearly 20 "famous paintings" was cause for concern. While the assessment experts and interested painting and calligraphy auction house explicitly said: apart from Qi Baishi's "a shrimp" is the real thing, the other "fake", hang out every reference price of less than 200 Yuan, the lowest even only 40 Yuan.

"Bag" stolen property auctions

Yet, know what thought is, but these works sold for auction reference price more than 10 times more than 830 times! People were watching at once startling, "this name is fan Zeng's calligraphy and painting starting price of 60 Yuan, later beat crazy, soared to 50,000 yuan. "The mentality of these people may be a leakage testing, thought there should be a good thing in the booty of corrupt officials, but in fact, corrupt officials received" Ya bribes "also many of them are false.

  A picture to be disputed by the prosecution focus

Keen to accept "James bribe" corrupt officials, calligraphy, jade is the high frequency words, such as former Minister of railways Liu zhijun received nearly 200 pieces of calligraphy, jade and other goods worth more than 13 million Yuan; another example in the Chongqing judicial Bureau, former Director Xu booty show, exhibition of 36 modern crafts, 9 and 69 pieces of cultural relics, calligraphy and painting.

It is worth mentioning that, Wen Qiang's trial of the year on the Court, the prosecution had a picture of fierce disputes erupted, the painting was Zhang Daqian's green landscape, is his biggest single bribe in a pen. Prosecutors produced expert conclusions in the book, price certification center, Chongqing, Zhang Daqian's paintings into columns of heritage, identify their worth as much as 3.64 million.

Chongqing court eventually finds to 3.64 million yuan of calligraphy and painting is not involved. Why? When the Court requests the State Bureau of cultural relics experts have identified, the expert's verdict was: Wen received "green landscape" for ordinary fake and non-high imitation.

Wen's "artistic circle" blend in so long, should be and is a little vision and allegedly, former Vice President of the Chongqing Public Security Bureau public transportation security administration Corps Captain Zhao Liming sent paintings, also sent along with the picture identification certificates and more than 370,000 yuan price marking, Wen asked "does Zhang Daqian's painting, which now has so many really."

Wen received Zhang Daqian's paintings

Look, it literally is a fake, imitation is not even higher.

Stop by mentioning, a lot of "elegant corrupt" like collection of Zhang Daqian's works, but some officials of Zhang Daqian painting comes back.

Former Vice Director of Xuzhou municipal people's Congress Ding Wei and had voluntarily surrendered a picture of Zhang Daqian's paintings, but hold your applause for him, he voluntarily surrendered does not really is "nothing", but rather "be afraid." "Zhang Daqian's painting is very valuable ... ... I am worried that he painted in an accident. "Ding Wei and be questioned, admitted that he was" afraid of an accident ", afraid of Zhang Daqian's works is" ugly ".

  "East side old Guo" collected paintings and fake?

"East side old Guo" this title, have you ever heard it?

Middle 90 's of the last century, "East side like old Guo celebrity pictures" lawyers in the capital is known, says who? Are the Xicheng Court Chief Guo Shenggui.

Guo Shenggui, the "good" is not innate, Guo Shenggui and who worked for many years in East side told the media that the judges of the Court, earlier have never heard of Guo Sheng to your painting hobby. Later, many lawyers spend big bucks to buy celebrity pictures sent to Guo Shenggui, in which you come to me, Guo Shenggui of calligraphy appreciation also gradually improved.

Lawyers had widely circulated a statement: party to Guo Shenggui Office sent two pieces of calligraphy and painting. Take pictures, Guo quickly to the late identification, then drew back from one of these very politely. Party later discovered, Guo returned to painting is a fake.

But is such a has made "down to" people in court, prosecutors alleged he had received three expensive celebrity pictures, the Court but have not identified.

Why? Because of the authenticity and value of calligraphy and painting is not unified and authoritative standards, the Court held that cannot be completely ruled out for calligraphy and painting the real value of a reasonable doubt.

Chief know said that he had shaken a moment of "first Secretary of Hebei"-former Director General of national tax Bureau of Hebei province Li.

Li Zhen case after the verdict, collectibles and valuables of his bribery auction had hit the country, but many paintings, was a discerning eye eye skewers were fake.

Li Zhen case involved special auctions

"At first glance knew it was fake, the whole picture as a report, a pair of hawks have no God, Xu Beihong's ink runs out of gas again, how can it be true? "" Huang Zhou of the donkey, can't stand up. Huang Zhou was to sketch art, smooth lines, but picture flicks, and the lines are very inflexible, knows at a glance brochure copy ", a Hebei province calligraphers Association estimates at auction, about one-third of calligraphy and painting is a fake or inferior goods.

And in calligraphy and painting in the first auction, item 65 only 26 marked the starting price, the remaining 39 pieces not fidelity.

  "Fake" also has "practical" feature?

Many officials were said to have "fake", but there is a local corruption of officials seem unique identification capabilities. The media has reported that Lok Ma of corrupt officials in Shanxi amount is one of the many reasons, is the home of corrupt officials in Shanxi, found a large number of antiques, calligraphy and painting, authentic and often most fakes are rare.

The real deal, and means the estimate and the last to be found relatively large amounts of bribes.

Of course, having said that, some officials received "fake" is "cheated", but some people take "fake" on purpose, after all, some "fake" Although we cannot value, but money-laundering.

According to official media reports, counterfeits can be identified through illegal channels for "the real thing", and then to the "elegant" and bribes to "refined" fake auctions on behalf, bribe and then specify placards high bids of bidders, so, bribe-takers on a secret way to get money. For example, "James" place the fakes into a dealership, and then consciously or unconsciously inform the bribe-giver's favorite ya good, these bribe-givers to designated dealers pay. One prosecutor said that many corruption cases ground-breaking clues from the auction company or dealer for it.

  Selling "fake" is one of the ways of accepting bribe

Intentional collection of "fake" and intentionally selling "fake". Executive Office of the Guangdong provincial party Committee, former Deputy Director of original Cai Guang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, the provincial public security Department, Liao was charged with bribery case in Court May 13 in Guangzhou. Prosecutors accuse 6 single crime facts, 3 single and Liao Cai Guang collection hobby-related.

Allegations from 2006 to 2013, Liao Cai Guang Ji Zhenwu facilitated several times for the businessmen, has sent 16 bribes by accepting Ji Zhenwu of 600,000 yuan, HK $ 1.6 million Yuan, as well as selling vases, statues and other "antiques" received bribes by Ji Zhenwu sent 1.7911 million Yuan.

Ji Zhenwu 2006 Cai Guang Liao's House for the first time, buy 3 "antique vases" Liao Cai Guang Ji Zhenwu was 100,000 yuan each sell. But later qualified the three vases are modern arts and crafts, the price of 300 yuan each. Trial revealed that this batch of porcelain is Cai Guangliao and his wife bought in Jinggangshan.

Since then, Ji Zhenwu directed several high price Liao Cai Guang purchased "antique" statues, vases and other objects, 2007 years spent 1 million Yuan to buy a "antique vases" Ji Zhenwu see vase is fake, upon returning it to the Cai Guang Liao, Liao Cai Guang Ji Zhenwu money back was not. But Cai Guang Liao, in counsel's view, Cai Guang Liao did not know of the antique is a fake.

Xiamen yuanhua smuggling case leads Lai: "not afraid of leadership principles, leadership no hobby. "This ya, for" love "received a lot of things, but regardless of your" fake "was put together or mean, or by selling" fake "way of taking bribes, in the final analysis, are" greedy "!

Information | Xinhua people's daily authorities wide nets procuratorial daily newspaper Liberation of Southern Metropolis daily newspaper Caijing magazine such as Guangzhou daily

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-05-15 20:20:59
媒体:向贪官行“雅贿” 竟然敢送一堆赝品

  撰文 | 孟亚旭 编辑 | 张伟






















  徐州市人大常委会原副主任丁维和就曾主动退还了一幅张大千书画作品,但先别为他叫好,他主动退还的原因并不真的是“无欲则刚”,而是“害怕”。 “张大千的画很贵重……我担心出事就把画还他了。”在丁维和被讯问时,坦承自己是“怕出事”,怕张大千的作品太“扎眼”。
























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(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-05-15 20:20:59

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