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Foreign media comment on China’s millions of people out of poverty: the poor move to developed areas

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/15 6:14:33 Browse times: 145 Comment times: 0

Foreign media comment on China’s millions of people out of poverty: the poor move to developed areas(外媒评中国千万人脱贫:将贫困者迁至发达地区)

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Foreign media comment on China's millions of people out of poverty: poverty moved to the developed area | | China out of poverty _ news
Meigu County, Sichuan province liangshanqu lamuajue Xiang Ma Yicun several children on a vacant lot in the village.

Original title: foreign media comment on China's millions of people out of poverty plan: move the poor to developed areas

Reference news, May 15, foreign media say China plans by 2016 remote inland migration of more than 2 million people from the poorest to the more developed regions. China's State Council, said, this is a part of millions of people out of poverty Plan 2020 China. It was reported that 5% of the poor population in China accounted for 1.4 billion population, these people earn less than 2300 Yuan.

According to voice of America radio, May 11, head of China's State Council leading group for poverty alleviation to the media said that total could eventually reach 3 million people, or 10 million people. Now the State Department is negotiating with local experience, migration will be gradual.

China's internal migration shows that for many years, immigration policy has also brought a new set of problems, for example, the increase in the immigrant population, bring new environmental and social pressures to the receiving area. In addition, new immigrants to adapt to the varying capacities of, and concepts such as gutunanli, the lives of many people in the new area into a new dilemma.

According to the France international radio, May 11, China plans to invest 600 billion yuan, the relocation of 10 million people living in poverty in order to ensure that, by 2020, the rural poor are able to get out of poverty. 2016 plans to move more than 2 million people.

Chinese media said Liu Yongfu, China's State Council leading Group Office of poverty alleviation and Development Director May 10, made the remarks at a press conference.

Liu Yongfu said, will invest 250 billion Treasury debt and inject 350 billion financial, will be living without basic living conditions, as well as the ecological environment fragile, easy development environment relocation of poor population in two areas. Relocation compensation of 60,000 yuan per capita.

He said that the investment scale has been given the economic downturn, will not be short of money.

Reports that China's poor are concentrated in relatively underdeveloped Central and Western regions, such as Guizhou, Yunnan, Hunan, Sichuan, Henan, Guangxi and other places, where poor infrastructure, lack of public services, many people live in ecologically fragile areas of the working and living conditions, even at great cost to help the poor, temporary poverty, will return soon.

Liu Yongfu said, relocation main has three species form: a is to County and Center Township relocation, these place has compared mature of public service, like school and hospital; II is relocation to economic zone, and industrial park, Government cover good guarantees room, each home guarantee a people above through training can employment; three is still in local, but moved to traffic slightly convenient of place, like away from Highway near, and away from water near of place, local improved production life conditions.

Liu Yongfu said that 2016 is the year of the massive relocation operation started, more than 2 million to move, accumulate experience and then gradually. Compared to the previous relocation of poor people, will make greater efforts in the future, more preferential policies.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
China out of poverty

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  参考消息网5月15日报道 外媒称,中国计划2016年将200多万人从最贫困的边远内陆迁移到较发达地区。中国国务院说,这是2020年中国制定的千万人脱贫计划的组成部分。据报道,中国贫困人口占14亿总人口的5%,这些人的年收入不到2300元人民币。








  刘永富说,搬迁主要有三种形式:一是往县城和中心乡镇搬迁,这些地方有比较成熟的公共服务,比如学校和医院;二是搬迁到经济开发区、工业园区,政府盖好保障房,每家保证一人以上通过培训能够就业; 三是仍然在当地,但是搬到交通稍微方便的地方,比如离公路近、离水源近的地方,就地改善生产生活条件。



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