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Xinhua News Agency: Russia and the Ukraine was not up to EU standards, are recognized as a market economy

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/14 8:04:40 Browse times: 141 Comment times: 0

Xinhua News Agency: Russia and the Ukraine was not up to EU standards, are recognized as a market economy(新华社:俄罗斯、乌克兰未达欧盟标准,也被承认是市场经济)

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Xinhua News Agency: Euro ewu | | standard has also been recognized as a market economy a market economy _ EU news

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 13 (reporters Han Moliang and)-12th plenary meeting of the European Parliament adopted a non-legislative resolution, opposed to recognize China's market economy status. China-EU economic and trade ties have never been so prosperous today, some members of the European Parliament still choose static, short-term, one-sided view, look at China-EU economic and trade situation, unfortunately. Some European politicians hold Chen Nian, fear of change and preservation interests, actually harm himself.

A long-standing debate about whether to recognize China's market economy status in Europe. Opponents the most direct reason is that China would fail to meet the European Union's "market economy." For years, their China trade and investment, finance and many other fields of reform "selective blindness." Even if the Chinese market is still incomplete, but since it joined the WTO, China in decentralization, building market and improvement of market legal system, such as results, the world for all to see. This may also explain why more than more than 80 economies worldwide recognition of China's market economy status, including Switzerland, and New Zealand, and Australia and other developed countries.

Looking back at EU's "market standard", as some MEPs pointed out that even many EU Member States were unable to reach. Since the international financial crisis, increased government intervention in the market in many European economies, and various control measures and rescue mechanism after another, who did not seem to own not reaching to heart.

"Confusing" is that while some countries did not meet EU standards, such as Russia and Ukraine, the EU has openly recognize its market economy status. It can be seen that recognition of market economy status and sometimes a "market economy" itself, but mixed with all kinds of political games and calculate.

In the time before the vote, people can feel the sea of "politics": since the beginning, the European iron and steel enterprises in a difficult situation to the European Parliament and other institutions launched a strong lobbying, it is concluded that recognizing China's market economy status, China's steel dumped into Europe, causing local bankruptcies and mass unemployment.

But the fact is, the European iron and steel enterprises in transition and a lack of innovation, high operating costs in the world's lack of competitiveness. In 2015, the EU imported a total of 32 million tons of steel, only about one-fifth from China, difficulties simply blaming China for the industry as a whole is unreasonable, and as opposed to granting market economy status to China "to prove" even more unspeakable objectively. For Europe to prevent decline in competitiveness is not to conservative and populist, but rather need to find markets and opportunities in the new open cooperation.

However regrettable that today some European politicians are influenced by interest groups, was gripped by the short-term difficulties, be fooled by minutiae, lost the courage and power of foresight, cannot in the long term, and overall trade between China and granting China market economy status seems to be they can't touch the "no-go zone".

In 2015, the EU has become China's largest trading partner for 11 consecutive years, while China is the EU's second largest trade partner for 12 consecutive years. In recent years, the Chinese capital has poured into Europe, widening the field, create a lot of employment. China and the United Kingdom, the European Central Bank currency swaps and other financial cooperation agreements have been signed. China "along the way" initiative and the European development strategy, China international capacity and cooperation envisaged in Europe Jean-Claude Juncker investment plan, there is a lot of areas for docking. Broad prospects for Sino-EU economic and trade cooperation, is particularly necessary in today's global economy struggling to recover.

The realization of this, will undoubtedly take a liberty and equality, mutual trust and mutually beneficial trade and investment environment. In this sense, recognizing China's market economy status, an end to the anti-dumping "surrogate country" approach is not only the European Union comply with the relevant provisions of the WTO Treaty obligations, more cooperation is in line with the general trend, is committed to the proper meaning of common prosperity.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

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Xinhua News Agency
新华社:俄乌未达欧盟标准 也被承认是市场经济|市场经济|欧盟_新闻资讯

  新华社北京5月13日电(记者韩墨 梁淋淋)欧洲议会全体会议12日通过一项非立法性决议,反对承认中国市场经济地位。在中欧经贸往来从未如此繁荣的当下,一些欧洲议会议员仍然选择用静态、短期、片面的眼光,看待中国改革开放和中欧经贸大势,令人遗憾。一些欧洲政治家固守陈念,惧怕改变,看似保全利益,实则损人害己。









责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

市场经济 欧盟


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