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Shenzhen launch micro-bonus rewards to report traffic violations: people have taken to the streets......,

Writer: Article type: IT Message (IT资讯) Time: 2016/5/13 7:20:14 Browse times: 315 Comment times: 0

Shenzhen launch micro-bonus rewards to report traffic violations: people have taken to the streets......,(深圳上线微信红包奖励举报交通违规:市民纷纷走上街头……,)

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Shenzhen launch micro-bonus rewards to report traffic violations: people have taken to the streets ... ...-micro-random picture, the app-IT information

IT information news on May 12 after the end of April, app launch app bonus incentive traffic reporting project , Shenzhen citizens as long as the phone app, the use of random picture feature, you can report traffic violations involved in. Reporting successful and approved, Shenzhen traffic police will give members of the public to send micro-red, as a form of reward. This is the country's first micro-red envelope payment traffic reporting awards new playing methods, but also the country's first case of public security fiscal own-designed to grant micro-red case.

At present, the project has been on the line for a week, how about you? According to Tencent's official data, for a week, Shenzhen police whistleblower payments total 76700 Yuan red packet, through micro reported volume growth compared to previous 471% to the letter. Random picture irregularities on the line over the previous month, reported a day.

As you can imagine, when the app launched this feature, a wave of Mission holds a mobile phone on the streets of Shenzhen take photos of spectacular ... ... Not by an exclamation point, geese does play.

So how does this function do? In previous articles we have described here may wish to introduce it again:

Micro-credit-wallets-found city services-Shenzhen vehicle service "random picture in violation of" service and click Enter, or by focusing on "Shenzhen traffic police", the public, find the "random picture in violation of" service offerings.

Step 2: user login, or direct reports.

Step 3: fill out the information and submit.

Step 4: report successfully displays the following screen. After that, you can also "random picture report query" column check to report progress.

Step 5: after approval, you can get traffic zombie sending out thank you bonus!

深圳上线微信红包奖励举报交通违规:市民纷纷走上街头…… - 微信随手拍,微信 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月12日消息,此前4月末,微信推出微信红包奖励交通违法举报项目,深圳市民只要手机里有微信,利用微信随手拍功能,就可参与举报交通违法。举报成功且审核通过后,深圳交警将会给市民发送微信红包,以资奖励。这是全国第一个通过微信红包发放交通违法举报奖励的新玩儿法,也是全国第一例通过公安财政自有专户发放微信红包的案例。









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