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Gleaned from the Philippines declined Ma Ying-jeou invited Taiping Island, Taiwan authorities denounced one fallacy

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/13 6:48:03 Browse times: 261 Comment times: 0

Gleaned from the Philippines declined Ma Ying-jeou invited Taiping Island, Taiwan authorities denounced one fallacy(菲律宾回函拒绝马英九登太平岛邀请,台当局逐条斥其谬论)

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Gleaned from the Philippines declined Ma Ying-jeou denounced Taiping Island to invite Taiwan authorities go through his fallacy | Ma Ying-jeou | Island _ news

Taiwan authorities the monument stands over the Nansha Islands (source: "Central News Agency")

Original title: letter Ma Ying-jeou refused to Taiping Island of the Philippines invited the Taiwan authorities dismissed the claims unfounded

"Global network reported reporter Xu Yichao" according to Taiwan joint news network May 13 reported, Taiwan authorities foreign sector said, for Taiwan failed to was invited participation "sea arbitration case" of program, also not was Arbitration Chamber Advisory views, for Philippines of errors discusses, for to international social show about thing card, Taiwan foreign sector on several occasions public invited 5 bit arbitration member and the Philippines sent representative field parameter visit Taiping Island, to understand facts truth, but arbitration Chamber has not has positive response, The Philippines is to an oral reply and the dual approach refused landing. In this regard, the foreign Department said the authorities will once again solemnly invites 5 arbitrators field investigation in the island.

"South China Sea Arbitration" sentencing is imminent, authorities said 13th foreign Department press releases, legal team with the exception of the Philippines wrote to the Tribunal stating that Taiwan authorities non-parties to the case, requested the Tribunal ignored evidence presented, but also distorted the facts, distort the legal once again humbled Taiping Island is only a "reef", rather than "Islands." In this regard, foreign-related departments to claim 13th Yan Zhengsu, strongly questioned and refuted the Philippine article by article "all stand up to empirical testing said."

Foreign Affairs Department said, "the United Nations Convention on the law of the" brief provisions "for UN-Habitat" and "have their own economic life" of the "island" shall have the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf, there are only 12 nautical miles territorial sea "rocks". While the Philippines as to belittle the legal status of the island, for attaching many of the provision itself has not been internationally recognized and has no credibility. For example, the Philippines held the islanders must to not have military status of the civilian population, but has been unable to answer "police not human? "This issue, but failed to agree on issues such as number of residents, the residence time clear and internationally accepted definition, deals worth crediting.

Addition, Taiwan authorities also said, Philip party hired so-called "experts", used or not for international widely accept, and or excessive harsh not objective standard, belittling Taiping Island freshwater water and the original health soil soil, is on including international media representative and the scholars in within third party people personally drinking the island freshwater and the edible by local production crop cooking Cook and into cuisine, love blind, "is a ridiculous of on the".

Foreign-related departments and professional data proved suitable for Habitat, points out that the soil is concerned, current island production output of crops and native plant, enough to supply at least 50 to 100 people food. Water quality on the Taiping Island is 5th, two water quality monitoring results are in line with international standards.

Business Promotion Department and called for, if the arbitral tribunal decides not to respond to the Administration's kind invitation, shall not be ruled on the legal status of Taiping Island, sentencing if there is any damage and the South China Sea "sovereignty" and maritime rights in, the "Republic of China" is not legally binding, Taiwan authorities neither recognized nor accepted.

Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou in April invited the Philippines and international arbitral tribunals Taiping Island "witness", but the Philippine side was private, as orally indicated that he did not accept the invitation to visit, then Manila economic and Cultural Office in Taipei recently to return rejected International Arbitration Court has been no response.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
President Ma Taiping Island

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菲律宾回函拒绝马英九登太平岛邀请 台当局逐条斥其谬论|马英九|太平岛_新闻资讯


  原标题:菲律宾回函拒绝马英九登太平岛邀请 台当局斥该国主张无稽

  【环球网报道 记者 徐亦超】据台湾联合新闻网5月13日报道,台当局涉外部门表示,因台湾未能获邀参与“南海仲裁案”的程序,也未被仲裁庭咨询意见,对于菲律宾的错误论述,为向国际社会展现有关事证,台涉外部门数度公开邀请5位仲裁员及菲律宾派代表实地参访太平岛,以了解事实真相,但仲裁庭至今未有正面回应,菲律宾方面更是既以口头以及复函的双重方式拒绝登岛。对此,台当局涉外部门表示,将再度郑重邀请5位仲裁员实地赴太平岛考察。







责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

马英九 太平岛


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