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Deputy Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the original Gong Qing were filed for investigation, make money trading

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/13 6:47:57 Browse times: 165 Comment times: 0

Deputy Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the original Gong Qing were filed for investigation, make money trading(国台办原副主任龚清概被立案侦查,搞钱色交易)

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Deputy Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the original Gong Qing were filed for investigation of money transactions | Gong Qing | State Taiwan Affairs Office _ news

Gong Qinggai. Information chart

@ # CCTV CCTV News-newsletter # "highest law decisions indigenous Gong Qing, Deputy Director of the Taiwan Office of the State investigation," recently reviewed, the Supreme People's Procuratorate decided, in accordance with the CPC Central Committee Taiwan work Office, former Deputy Director and the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, former Deputy Director Gong Qing the alleged bribery investigation and coercive measures. Investigation is in progress.

Recently approved by the CPC Central Committee and CPC Central Commission for discipline inspection of the central Taiwan Affairs Office Vice Director, the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, former Deputy Director Gong Qing file review of the serious disciplinary problems.

By check, Gong Qing almost serious violation political discipline, against Organization review, long-term make superstition activities; serious violation Central eight items provides spirit, violations access private club, squandered waste public funds, violations playing golf; serious violation discipline, not truthfully report personal stock, and property situation, personal about matters; serious violation clean discipline, received gift, using positions Shang of convenience for its child business activities seek interests, long-term occupied private main high-end car, make money color trading; serious violation work discipline Using his position in the business for the benefit of others and to ask for or accept property, were arrested for bribery.

Gong Qinggai as a member of the party's senior leading cadres, loss of ideals and convictions, and serious violations of party discipline and party's 18 still no convergence, don't hand, harsh and serious nature. Under the Chinese Communist Party disciplinary actions and other relevant provisions of the Ordinance, approved by the consideration of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for discipline inspection and the CPC Central Committee, decide punishment imposed Gong Qing is expelled; approved by the Ministry to the State Council, dismissed sanctions; collection of proceeds of its discipline; to be suspected of a crime problem and the money transferred to the judicial organs according to law.

Gong Qinggai Biography:

Gong Qinggai, male, of Han nationality, born in June 1958 in Shishi, Fujian people, party in March 1979, to work in September 1980, graduate seminar on Executive Master's of business administration from the Open University of Hong Kong, postgraduate education, master of business administration.

Fujian province Jinjiang County of yongning commune 1978.07--1980.09 berm Brigade Secretary of the Youth League branch

1980.09-1987.07 Fujian Jinjiang County party Committee Organization Department Director for cadres, organization

(1985.09-1987.07, Quanzhou City Committee of CPC full-time study)

1987.07-1992.12 shenhu Bay, Jinjiang County, Fujian province, Deputy Secretary, Mayor of the town (1987.10)

1992.12-1995.04 Deputy Mayor of Jinjiang city, Fujian province

1995.04-2002.05 Jinjiang, Fujian province, Deputy Secretary of the municipal Committee and Acting Mayor, Mayor (1996.01)

2002.05-2003.10, Fujian province, Quanzhou municipal Standing Committee, Jinjiang municipal party Committee Secretary, Mayor

(2000.08-2002.12 of the Central Party school on-the-job learning)

2003.10-2005.03, Fujian province, Quanzhou municipal Standing Committee, Party Secretary of Jinjiang

2005.03-2005.06 Quanzhou, Fujian province, Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee and Party Secretary of Jinjiang

2005.06-2007.01 Quanzhou, Fujian province, Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee

2007.01-2007.06 of Nanping, Fujian province, Deputy Secretary of the municipal Committee, Vice Mayor

2007.06-2010.02 of Nanping, Fujian province, Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee and Mayor of

2010.02-2012.08, Fujian province, Pingtan comprehensive experiment district Party Committee Secretary and Director of the Management Committee

2012.08-2013.10 party member of the Fujian Provincial Government, Pingtan comprehensive experiment district Party Committee Secretary and Director of the Management Committee

2013.10--Central Office, Deputy Director of the Taiwan Office of the State (resume from the CPC Central Committee Taiwan Affairs Office and State Council Taiwan Affairs Office Web site)

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Gong Qinggai

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国台办原副主任龚清概被立案侦查 搞钱色交易|龚清概|国台办_新闻资讯


  @央视新闻 #央视快讯#【最高检依法决定对国台办原副主任龚清概立案侦查】日前,最高人民检察院经审查决定,依法对中共中央台湾工作办公室原副主任、国务院台湾事务办公室原副主任龚清概以涉嫌受贿罪立案侦查并采取强制措施。案件侦查工作正在进行中。


  经查,龚清概严重违反政治纪律,对抗组织审查,长期搞迷信活动;严重违反中央八项规定精神,违规出入私人会 所,挥霍浪费公款,违规打高尔夫球;严重违反组织纪律,不如实报告个人股票、房产情况等个人有关事项;严重违反廉洁纪律,收受礼品,利用职务上的便利为其 子经营活动谋取利益,长期占用私营企业主高档汽车,搞钱色交易;严重违反工作纪律;利用职务上的便利在企业经营等方面为他人谋取利益并索取、收受财物,涉 嫌受贿犯罪。




  1978.07--1980.09 福建省晋江县永宁公社沙堤大队团总支书记

  1980.09—1987.07 福建省晋江县委组织部干部、组织科科长

  (1985.09—1987.07 泉州市委党校脱产学习)

  1987.07—1992.12 福建省晋江县深沪镇党委副书记、镇长(1987.10)

  1992.12—1995.04 福建省晋江市副市长

  1995.04—2002.05 福建省晋江市委副书记、代市长、市长(1996.01)

  2002.05—2003.10 福建省泉州市委常委,晋江市委书记、市长

  (2000.08—2002.12 中央党校在职学习)

  2003.10—2005.03 福建省泉州市委常委,晋江市委书记

  2005.03—2005.06 福建省泉州市委副书记,晋江市委书记

  2005.06—2007.01 福建省泉州市委副书记

  2007.01—2007.06 福建省南平市委副书记、副市长

  2007.06—2010.02 福建省南平市委副书记、市长

  2010.02—2012.08 福建省平潭综合实验区党工委书记、管委会主任

  2012.08—2013.10 福建省政府党组成员,平潭综合实验区党工委书记、管委会主任

  2013.10-- 中央台办、国台办副主任(简历摘自中共中央台办、国务院台办网站)

责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

龚清概 国台办


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