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Former Vice Mayor of Zhaoqing city, Guangdong have improper relationships with women were double

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/12 7:05:41 Browse times: 136 Comment times: 0

Former Vice Mayor of Zhaoqing city, Guangdong have improper relationships with women were double(广东肇庆原副市长与多女性有不正当关系被双开)

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Former Vice Mayor of Zhaoqing city, Guangdong have improper relationships with women are double | Liu Huixiang double | illegitimate sexual relations _ news

Information times (Guangdong Xinhua correspondents Ji Xuan) South wind network posted a message yesterday: the origin of the Standing Committee, the municipal government Deputy Mayor of Zhaoqing Municipal Committee Liu Huixiang is double.

A few days ago, agreed by the provincial party Committee, provincial discipline Inspection Committee of Zhaoqing Municipal Committee of the Standing Committee of Government former Deputy Mayor Liu Huixiang file review of the serious disciplinary problems.

The investigation, Liu Huixiang violation of political discipline against the organizational review; violation of discipline, improper sexual relations with a number of women using his position to seek benefits for others and receiving property suspected of crime.

Provincial Commission for discipline inspection said that Liu Huixiang being party members and leading cadres, and serious violations of party discipline, and 18 of the party and still no convergence, don't hand, harsh and serious nature. According to the disciplinary regulations and other relevant provisions of the Chinese Communist Party, by the provincial Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee for consideration and approval of the provincial party Committee, and decided to give Liu Huixiang expelled from disciplinary actions by the provincial Department of supervision approval of the provincial government, the Administration expelled; collection of proceeds of its discipline; to be suspected of crime, clues and the money transferred to the judicial organs according to law.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Liu Huixiang double improper sexual relationship

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Information times

  信息时报讯(记者 刘军 通讯员 粤纪宣) 南粤清风网昨日发布消息:肇庆市委原常委、市政府原常务副市长刘惠祥被双开。



  省 纪委指出,刘惠祥身为党员领导干部,严重违反党的纪律,且在党的十八大后仍不收敛、不收手,性质恶劣、情节严重。依据《中国共产党纪律处分条例》等有关规 定,经省纪委常委会议审议并报省委批准,决定给予刘惠祥开除党籍处分;由省监察厅报省政府批准,给予其行政开除处分;收缴其违纪所得;将其涉嫌犯罪问题、 线索及所涉款物移送司法机关依法处理。

责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

刘惠祥被双开 不正当性关系


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