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Foreign Media: India police shot at South Tibet protesters, 2 dead, 10 injured

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/12 7:05:36 Browse times: 169 Comment times: 0

Foreign Media: India police shot at South Tibet protesters, 2 dead, 10 injured(外媒:印度警员向藏南抗议群众开枪,2死10伤)

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Foreign Media: India police shot at South Tibet protesters 2 dead, 10 injured

Network synthesis of Tibet to foreign media reports, China, India, "Arunachal Pradesh" (that is, Southern Tibet, China) electric last week struck police officers and hundreds of civilians shot in Mong Kok area, resulting in 2 deaths, more than 10 people were injured.

It is reported that local people were dissatisfied with India Government dams in tawang and demonstrations. The demonstrators said dams would caused rivers to flood throughout tawang region, and the region with religious and historical values.

Earlier, "Abang" police have arrested a Tibetan monk who protested the construction of the dam. The monks enjoyed a high prestige in the local, his arrest intensified conflict between the local people and the police. This in addition to the protest against the construction of dams, demanding the release of one of the purposes of the monks also protested.

India 2008 National hydro-electric power policy, "said Arunachal Pradesh" has 50,000 megawatts of hydro-electric power potential, India one-third of the total hydropower potential. In recent years, "Abang" signed a memorandum of understanding with several power company, plans to build more than 100 more hydro-electric projects, of which 14 projects in tawang.

And start zangmu hydropower station project in China at about the same time, India began in the lower reaches of the Yarlung zangbo River, "Arunachal Pradesh" building 14 hydroelectric projects, in order to establish its "downstream". However, for a variety of reasons, India "Abang" hydro-electric projects struggled.

According to domestic media reports October 2015 shows, "Abang" virtually all of the 14 hydroelectric project stalled, yet there is not a project. 13 projects hampered by a lack of environmental permits, there is only one project reaches financial closure, but no money.

The report also said, under "Arunachal Pradesh" Unfortunately progress of hydro-electric power project, the State's Chief Minister nabamu·Tuji at a hydropower working group meeting in September 2013, anger erupted. Back in February 2008, then-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is known as the country's first major 3000 MW danba song hydropower project Foundation, but because of the Ministry of the environment is lit red, the project difficult.

One India senior official said India on water resources issues in the action is a response to build a hydropower station in the Yarlung zangbo River in China.

Think of the Asia times, tawang the escalation of violence in India has serious security implications.

At present, the Sino-Indian border dispute has three sections: the western part of Kashmir, China controls most of the territory; the middle of Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, a small piece of territory between; India Northeast "Arunachal Pradesh", all India controls.

The Chinese Government has never recognized the so-called "McMahon line" and "Arunachal Pradesh". Recently, the China United States "' Arunachal Pradesh ' is India a part of" the language requirement United States verified and clarified. (Li Yan, China Tibet online text/images from network)

Related news: India map launched Southern Tibet into a new draft focus

China Tibet online, according to several foreign media reports, India has recently unveiled a new draft map, anyone making "errors and false" map, ranging from fines, to jail. Among them, associated with India over disputed territory between India and Pakistan, sparked widespread media attention. United States Washington considers India requires much more than his actual control of the territory, India was attempting to put their uncontrolled area into himself. United Kingdom's daily mail also published on the border issue, India in the wake of the article, said the draft was India trying to "symbol of illusion" as "fact" is another example.

Sketch map of disputed area

It was reported that a new Bill called the Act on supervision of geo-spatial information, is currently at the draft stage. The draft provides that "any draw, dissemination, publishing or distributing geographic information that contains the error India map, could face up to 1 million rupees (about 15,000 dollars) to 1 billion rupees (about US $ 15 million) fine and/or up to 7 years in prison. "Anyone who, without India government permission to get India's geo-spatial image information. Already have this type of information must be India security applications. This means that Google wants to continue in India provide services such as Google maps, Uber, continues to provide a taxi service, you need to obtain an authorization, and undergo a rigorous review.

The Washington Post said, India wants the world to see the map, that is all the disputed area belongs to India's map. India Government to define its borders, is not under the actual control of the area to develop, but with China and the disputed region of Pakistan, according to India divided interests of.

The daily mail believes that India Government consultations to resolve their border conflict through negotiations, decided to pass a Bill to address, with intent to prevent India people know for a fact these designated "boundary" is not recognized by most countries in the world.

In fact, India on border issues sensitive manifestations is not the first time. Because of their dissatisfaction with Google to Pakistani-administered Kashmir as Pakistani territory, India has condemned twice in 2005 and 2013 on Google. In 2010, the United Kingdom of the Economist calls "boundary problem", India Government to withdraw the publication. In April 2015, the Al-Jazeera television was forced to stop India live 5 days why India monitors declared "Al Jazeera's part of the map is not displayed correctly India territory frontier". In February this year, India patankete (Pathankot) air force base after the terrorist attacks, India did not immediately seek ways to solve the problem of the Government, but the United Nations and China to carry out "diplomatic war" and accused Google of its maps and geo-services provided in sensitive defense-related facilities and high-resolution images of a nuclear power plant ... ...

United Kingdom daily mail think, this items Bill intent through severe punishment errors map information provides who to maintenance national of "security, and sovereignty or territory full", but India Interior Department more should concentrated concern those abuse map information of people and organization, and not building a system to punishment a "service provides business", just is because he with of map "errors" mark has so-called of India border. If the legislation, India will "cut off from the world."

Reports that there is no doubt that this is going to convince anybody, let them believe India unilaterally drawing borders are sacrosanct. Kashmir and Southern Tibet will not be granted to India at all. In this case, such a Bill would only give India manufacturing endless trouble.

Scholars fill blank map

In April this year, Hao Xiaoguang told the Southern Tibet, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Research results, according to the history of Southern Tibet monba and lhoba ethnic origin and geographic distribution of national homogeneity and the related historical events, demonstrates the continuation of the Southern Tibet historically was an important part of China, and recommended in the map of China, Southern Tibet marking the traditional Chinese names.

The Chinese Government has never recognized the so-called "McMahon line" and "Arunachal Pradesh" (that is, Southern Tibet, China). (Guo pan, China Tibet online text/images from the network)

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-05-12 17:18:03
外媒:印度警员向藏南抗议群众开枪 2死10伤

  中国西藏网讯 综合外媒报道,印度“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”(即中国藏南地区)警员于上周用电棒敲击并向数百名达旺地区平民开枪,导致2人死亡,10余人受伤。





  据境内媒体2015年10月的报道显示, “阿邦”的这14个水电工程几乎都停滞不前,尚没有一个项目开工。13个项目因缺少环保许可而受阻,只有一个项目达到财务收尾,却没钱了。





  中国政府从未承认过所谓的“麦克马洪线”和“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”。近日,中国就美国“‘阿鲁纳恰尔邦’是印度的一部分”这一言论要求美国进行核实和澄清。(中国西藏网 文/李艳 图片来自网络)

  相关新闻:印度出台地图新草案 藏南地区成焦点

  中国西藏网讯 据多家外媒报道,印度近日出台了一项新的地图绘制草案,称任何人制造“错误和虚假”的地图,轻则罚款,重则坐牢。其中,由于涉及到印巴及中印争议的领土,引发了媒体的广泛关注。美国《华盛顿邮报》认为,印度要求的领土比自己实际控制的多, 印度是妄图将自己未控制的地区纳为己有。英国《每日邮报》也发表《在边境问题上,印度该清醒清醒了》的文章,称该草案是印度试图将“虚幻的象征”当做“事实”的又一例证。










  中国政府从未承认过所谓的“麦克马洪线”和“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”(即中国藏南地区)。(中国西藏网 文/郭盼 图片均来源于网络)

(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-05-12 17:18:03

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