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Visit Lei Yang foot bath street, Police anxious to remove 16 pedicures shop signs

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Visit Lei Yang foot bath street, Police anxious to remove 16 pedicures shop signs(探访雷洋案足浴一条街,警方急拆16家足疗店招牌)

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Visit Lei Yang foot bath street Police anxious to remove 16 home | pedicures pedicure Shop signboards | Lei Yang | sign _ news

Original title: media visited the "Lei Yang" foot bath street, Police anxious to remove 16 pedicures shop signs

Beijing Changping District State of Lei Yang foot reflexology shops
Health Center was demolished, there was one "kin".

Lei Yang case has been rife. May 11 at 6 o'clock in the morning, Changping District, Beijing Changping police Lei Yang covered the 16 foot long Brocade SAN Street shop sign torn. Nearby residents described the foot reflexology shops in this street roughly in the last 4 years, "rampant". Whether there is a special regulation for the police, residents ask: "have a special regulation to Lei Yang? ”

In fact, according to media reports, on June 23, 2005, the Changping Public Security Bureau dispatched hundreds of police, East Beach Street in the small area of the police station to combat prostitution illegal. Total of 22 foot reflexology shops on this street, the day's action, police have arrested 20 people involved, including prostitutes has 17 people and seized unlicensed hair salon 22; collection of Harpoon, chains and knives 7.

Puzzling is that after removal of foot massage shop signs in the police, is still open for business, and during the interview, constantly wearing a red armband Boyle stepped forward to stop residents, not an interview.

  Street 500 m 16 foot reflexology shops this morning emergency is removed eventually

Dragon Brocade SAN Jie in Beijing's huilongguan, Changping District, if it is not a case of Lei Yang, this is not a spacious suburban streets are hard to be known.

This street of about 1.5 km, cut split in the Middle, light popular in the West, about 500 metres in the East. Because there are several nearby residential district, the community shop downstairs, so it looks a little more lively in the East, opened on the first floor with all sorts of hardware stores, auto repair shops and supermarkets. Of course, is the largest foot reflexology shops.

Journalists from the middle of the traffic lights on the cover forward, can see it on the door "foot massage, welcome to" shop will have 16, but strangely, signboards that each shop door beams were ripped to pieces.

"Behind closed doors during the day, you can't see anything, was more lively in the evening, those massage girls sitting at the door to say hello. "Long a mother surnamed Qin, Jin Yuan dong Wu district see journalists taking pictures on the cover, came up:" are you a reporter? You can see how lively come a few days earlier, police closed now. " She said this two to community media in many, Lei Yang, we have also learned through various channels, "would have had a good regulation".

"Today at 6 in the morning after an emergency is removed eventually, several police cars, all in uniform, has been pulled down for more than an hour, pedicures every specialty has been pulled down. "She added.

Journalists look on the cover, found foot reflexology shops scratch on the door and sure enough there, but posting long, these scratches did not affect Word identification, advertising light boxes around there are fresh signs of destruction were on.

  Foot reflexology shops in existence 4 years that "regulation can have a Lei Yang? ”

In 2007, Dragon Brocade Long Jinyuan district near third street were housing, a barren landscape where there has been a gradual popularity, area residents come from all directions, downtown, also from Tongzhou and Hebei.

Moved here from Hebei's uncle Liu, 69, was one of the first live Long Jinyuan households. "The 2007 year when very clean here, no foot massage parlors. "He remembers, when Street opened up stores, hardware stores and restaurants. Later, because of smoke, after residents complained, restaurant was closed, only beginning to massage parlors.

"Is the last three or four years, have sprung up, as a series of companies to open up. "Uncle Liu seems annoyed of these massage parlors, tone of resentment," is a look at the problem, real foot reflexology, massage, why are you pulling a curtain? Sitting at the door of those women, wear that exposes why? ”

Thanks Uncle sitting next to Uncle Liu simply said: "you said is crap, who do not know they have a problem? ”

Since there is a problem, and opened so many, why police treatment? On this issue, Liu ye laugh and ask: "If there is regulation, Lei Yang? ”

Being said, several tea with Mark Boyle stepped forward, blocked Uncle Liao, "I don't know don't talk nonsense". Since then, reporters chatted with residents, Boyle came word, don't let residents interviewed.

  Residents are wondering: why good clients, not to ban foot reflexology shops?

In fact, as early as 2005, Changping District, Beijing police in a small town in the East carried out regulation of prostitution.

According to media reports, on June 23, 2005, the Changping Public Security Bureau dispatched hundreds of police, East Beach Street in the small area of the police station to combat prostitution illegal. Total of 22 foot reflexology shops on this street, the day's action, police have arrested 20 people involved, including prostitutes has 17 people and seized unlicensed hair salon 22; collection of Harpoon, chains and knives 7.

For these operations, as well as recent years East third street, SIP stations for Dragon scales nylon combat of prostitution and whoring, other residents of the community does not agree with Uncle Liu "regulation Lei Yang thing" argument.

Also since 2007 and moved into Long Jinyuan residential Lin said, work has been carried out against the police, often you can see a police cruiser in longjin Street, also heard the news of prostitutes was caught, but makes her wonder is why prostitutes caught was fined, foot massage parlors are still open for business?

"Take the Lei Yang is concerned, the accident happened to him on May 7, the night of May 8, massage shops on this street. "She said.

Cover journalists to verify the Lin said, and sure enough, this 16 foot reflexology shops have closed, signs have been removed, but approaching "longjin Street East" sign near the foot store still.

These foot massage shop doors locked, sitting at the door. Near longjin Street in the massage shop at 18th, 38th, 3 persons, two men and a woman, aged around 40 years old.

Journalists came through the door and asked on the cover is open, the woman answered wearing a black "closed today". About 30 meters away from her shop and the other a massage shop with the door open, women dressed in red told reporters "only ordinary massage, no health care."

"What do you want that, health care? "The woman looked up and looked through the glass door to the street and said:" no, no, what you see this street, which still have health care. "

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Foot reflexology shops Lei Yang signs

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Sichuan online-huaxi City newspaper
探访雷洋案足浴一条街 警方急拆16家足疗店招牌|足疗店|雷洋|招牌_新闻资讯










  “白 天都关着门,你看不出来有什么情况的,晚上就比较热闹了,那些按摩女就坐在门口招呼。”龙锦苑东五区一位秦姓婆婆见封面新闻记者拍照,上前:“你是记者 吗?你早几天来就能看见有多热闹,现在警方都让关门了”。她说,这两天到小区的媒体很多,雷洋的事,大家也都通过各种渠道了解到了,“早就该好好整治 了”。





  从河北搬到这里的廖大爷今年69岁,是第一批住进龙锦苑的住户。 “2007年的时候,这里很清净的,也没有足疗按摩店。”他回忆,当时街边开得最多的就是商店、五金店和餐馆。后来,因为油烟大,居民多次投诉后,餐馆被关,才逐渐有了按摩店。













  封面新闻记者上前透过门缝询问是否营业,一位穿着黑色衣服的女子回答“今天不营业”。 而与她的店相隔30米左右的另一家按摩店则开着门,穿红色衣服的女子向记者介绍“只有普通按摩,没有大保健”。



足疗店 雷洋 招牌


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