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Taiwan Office of the State “cannot pick the fruit not worship a tree“ emphasizes the “92 consensus“

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/11 7:16:52 Browse times: 174 Comment times: 0

Taiwan Office of the State “cannot pick the fruit not worship a tree“ emphasizes the “92 consensus“(国台办以“不能摘果子不拜树头”强调“九二共识”)

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Taiwan Office of the State "cannot pick the fruit not worship a tree" emphasizes the "92 consensus"
China News Agency, Beijing, May 11 (reporter Yang 喆shi Long Hong) "ball in Taiwan on the new power hand", "can't just pick the fruit, not worship a tree" ... ... The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference in Beijing on 11th, is an important node of the cross-straits relations, the spokesman said Ma Xiaoguang as a series of vivid words "5·20" talk, who respond to issues such as the General Assembly.
New leader of the Taiwan authorities took office on May 20, its inaugural conversation touched the "92 consensus" caused concern at home and abroad. The press conference, Ma Xiaoguang said the current cross-straits relations are at an important node, the ball is in Taiwan on the new power hand, what people see.
He pointed out that cross-strait relations has made a series of achievements, and the "92 consensus" are inseparable. First, to maintain the status quo to maintain the common political basis, "can't just pick the fruit, not worship a tree." In this regard, the overwhelming majority of Taiwan compatriots should be able to understand.
Ma Xiaoguang stressed that only acknowledge the "92 consensus" of historical facts, identify its core meaning, communication, interaction between the two sides, cross-strait relations will continue to move forward.
He said China's request is reasonable, because it is not Taiwan newly elected leaders raise new requirements since 2008. China reiterated to Taiwan policy will not be Taiwan political changing, sincerely hope that cross-strait relations will go along the "92 consensus" is based pave the bright road of sustainable development, it is also the expectations of the people on both sides.
Adopted by the previous legislature, the DPP is set to fine tune the outline of the course proposals to representatives of public opinion, Ma Xiaoguang in response, compiling textbooks should show respect for history and respect for reality. His "Taiwan independence" separatist forces "thinks that he is sowing is the so-called" dragons ", but only" the flea "".
According to reports, the United States Deputy Secretary of Dong Yun Chang recent interview with Taiwan media interview said there cannot be any form of stalemate or crisis between the two sides, so far she considers Tsai "walk the talk" and "doing very well". Ma Xiaoguang said in response to news service reporter asked if the cross-strait stalemate or crisis, the responsibility borne by the change.
He further noted that, for some time, who struggled to maintain the cross-strait common political basis, maintain the overall situation of peaceful development of cross-strait relations, who destroyed on both sides of the common political basis, change the cross-strait status quo, who watch, who demolished the bridge, I think we all see very clearly.
Taiwan was invited to attend who Assembly-related issues, said Ma Xiaoguang, the one-China principle widely recognized by the international community, its authority unquestionable, challenges the international community recognized the principle of arrangement would be difficult.
He also pointed out that, regarding the handling of Taiwan's participation in World Health Assembly principle, and Taiwan in 2009 years can participate in the background is cross-strait relations on the two sides adhere to the "92 consensus" opened up on the basis of peaceful development, which is an objective reality. If someone is attempting to challenge a principle will lead to what kind of consequences, they should assess and predict.
Ma Xiaoguang said that authorities on both sides will be held from May 12 to 14th in Zhuhai of the cross-straits cooperation in combating crimes and judicial mutual assistance agreement working group talks on cooperation in the fight against Telecom fraud. He praised the cross-strait cooperation in combating crimes and fruitful implementation of the agreements on mutual judicial assistance in recent years, and expressed the hope that the "92 consensus" this common political Foundation is destroyed, leading to all aspects of peaceful development of cross-strait relations are affected.
A reporter asked, Taiwan authorities leader Ma Ying-jeou departing, spokesman for the head of an eight-year evaluation of why? Ma Xiaoguang, eight years created a new situation of peaceful development of cross-straits relations, received wide support and the compatriots on both sides of the international community recognizes this, and this is obvious, undeniable, history will be written.
In addition, Ma Xiaoguang also Taiwanese companies involved in "along the way" construction, channel Forum related questions answered.
(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-05-11 19:20:31
China News Network
中新社北京5月11日电 (记者 杨喆 石龙洪)“球在台湾新的当政者手上”、“不能只摘果子,不拜树头”……国务院台办11日在北京举行例行发布会,针对正处重要节点的两岸关系,发言人马晓光以一系列生动的话语就“5·20”谈话、世卫大会等热点问题作出回应。












(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-05-11 19:20:31

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