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Man was released from across the province, caught wrong in Inner Mongolia, was wearing shackles a night

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/11 7:16:08 Browse times: 158 Comment times: 0

Man was released from across the province, caught wrong in Inner Mongolia, was wearing shackles a night(内蒙古男子被跨省错抓获释,曾戴手铐脚镣过一夜)

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Inner Mongolia released man was wrong, across the province, caught one night was wearing shackles | | TRANS-province of Inner Mongolia _ news

Original title: sihui, Guangdong Province, the Procuratorate did not arrest decision acquitted Zhang Jiawei late 9th

Press interns Xing Zhanguo Wang Le

Recently, Zhang Jiawei, chifeng, Inner Mongolia men travel in Beijing sihui Guangdong Province, was taken away by the police, were detained the same day. Yesterday morning, Zhang Jiawei's father told the morning news reporter, Inner Mongolia, 9th at 23 o'clock, Zhang Jiawei of Guangdong sihui police released four prosecutors not to arrest decision. Four Prosecutor's Office believes that Zhang Jiawei beating another person involved multiple fractures caused by the fact that no evidence is not sufficient.

  9th night acquitted

Inner Mongolia morning news media reporters, 9th at 20 o'clock, sihui, Guangdong Procuratorate held inspection authority decision not to arrest Zhang Jiawei. Around 22 o'clock, Shu Zhang Jiawei from a local detention center, Zhang Jiawei was acquitted. Four prosecutors to release reason: unclear facts, insufficient evidence.

According to Zhang, after her son was brought back to sihui and sihui police found 7 witnesses, including hotels where the battered security such as chefs, waiters, in addition, there are 3 passers-by provided 12 photos, witnesses identified Zhang Jiawei beating surnamed Liang in the photo security personnel. But Zhang Jiawei on January 24 at 10 o'clock to 11 o'clock in chifeng fitness. After being caught, Zhang Jiawei gym coach arrived at sihui, came forward to testify Zhang Jiawei on January 24 in chifeng.

All the evidence shows that, at the time of Zhang Jiawei in chifeng, not to go to four.

"Northerners and southerners look radically different, we do not have evidence of notice of what they say, only when my son never went to four. "Mr Zhang said.

  Was wearing shackles on several occasions questioned

Zhang, 31 year old son, son in the detention center alone. On May 8, the deadline for the arrest to the Prosecutor's Office did not do. And in the 6th to 7th, Zhang Jiawei brought four or five times in a row.

"When the arraignment wearing shackles. Arrested for minor injury shackled in handcuffs, could hardly imagine. "Mr Zhang said.

According to Zhang, Zhang Jiawei brought back from Beijing when the four, all shackled in handcuffs.

According to Zhang said, four police police custody on April 26 to Beijing Zhang Jiawei, 28th until 18 o'clock from Beijing's Chaoyang District detention center detainees, did not leave the same day in Beijing, but a taxi to leave the detention center when they handcuffed Zhang Jiawei in fetters. Arrive at the hotel, Zhang Jiawei shackled in handcuffs in bed after a night.

Zhang Jiawei said after being released, in jail, he was beaten. But Zhang Fu believes that 15-day period of detention, the son had been psychologically tortured, 1.75-meter, came out to see people still acted like a bow, eye wrinkles.

  Families say accountability

Was released on 10th of the night, he took his son from sihui to Guangzhou, Guangzhou hotel.

Zhang, relatives suspected vehicles quilt cover plates, have been reported in Beijing, Beijing police has accepted the case.

Mr Zhang says, my son had been acquitted, after calm down emotions, will hold four police responsible to account.

"Hopes that those involved in this matter can be removed from the police force. "Mr Zhang said.

The morning of 10th morning news reporters to call the city of sihui, Guangdong Public Security Bureau in Inner Mongolia police station, a female staff member said after the consultation with the leadership, which currently does not disclose, problems can contribute to other families to know, there is a need, we will pass to the media messages.

Source: Inner Mongolia morning news

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Inner Mongolia province

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内蒙古男子被跨省错抓获释 曾戴手铐脚镣过一夜|内蒙古|跨省_新闻资讯


  记者 邢占国 实习生 王乐





















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