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Lei Yang case involved civilian police: mobile video will be announced in due course

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/11 7:16:00 Browse times: 246 Comment times: 0

Lei Yang case involved civilian police: mobile video will be announced in due course(雷洋案当事民警:手机录像视频将适时公布)

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Lei Yang case involved civilian police: mobile video will be announced in due course | Lei Yang _ news

Original title: Lei Yang died exactly what happened that night? CCTV reporters interview with involved civilian police

This morning, Changping branch of Beijing Public Security Bureau issued an official Twitter for Lei Yang was arrested for prostitution in the course of investigating a sudden death situation report, micro-this is the second time after the incident, the police officer issued than previously published for the first time, there are four main information gain:

1, mined in rebel bitten by police, will be torn down police shooting equipment broke.

2, Ray kicked the driver, open the door to escape.

3, Ray a pedicure shop and whoring, whoring paid 200 Yuan funding.

4, foot reflexology shops 5 specific identities of suspected offenders.

Reporters found that in after police released this article further, on the Web, some of the original questions still, but also a new issue has emerged:

1, equipment broken, memory card inside will break it?

2, Lei Yang have prostitutes?

3, yellow foot reflexology shops in question is not within the area of the police station, and why?

4, the bruises on how the deceased?

5, there is no violence in law enforcement?

6, Lei Yang got what?

7, when the police found Lei Yang physical abnormalities?

8, the phone records the location of the deceased who was deleted?

9, confirm why not inform family members after death?

10, law enforcement live video be published?

All the question marks on the death of Lei Yang, are actually the same question to ask, and that is what is truth? Today, the Changping Public Security Bureau involved in the police Dong Xiao Xing Yongrui an interview with CCTV reporters, Deputy Director of the police station, he was also the Chief Commander of the police.

  Yellow foot reflexology shops in question is not within the area of the police station, and why?

Why law enforcement across jurisdictions, he explained that this is according to an offsite security detachment deployed with police, is also commonly used in police anti-vice tactics.

According to Xing Yongrui introduced, according to the deployment of a security detachment led deployment East small station to huoying was arrested for prostitution establishment in the area of combat.

Day night at nine o'clock around, "specific time I also remember not special clear has", Xing Yongrui led one police and four name Association police dressed in undercover came to has incident foot therapy shop near, from foot therapy shop of are door out one men, look panic to to West go, because early master this places has prostitution whoring suspected, this men walk and very fast, "has whoring of suspected", so on with police on person for questioned check.

Police identify themselves with him and produce documents before, began questioning checks.

The man out of the foot reflexology shops Lei Yang.

  How the police was controlling Lei Yang?

According to gathered from multiple cameras can record, Changping police confirmed that Lei Yang out of the House first that night and then from West to East from the South to the North, walk all the way in the evening around 21:04, came to the foot store near the incident. 21:14 Lei Yang out of the foot when police found and questioned. Do you have a video of this key region? Police say there are no installed surveillance cameras.

Xing Yongrui memories men hear each other after the police surprised a moment, then began preparing to run, but then was jointly controlled by the police. "Because it was casual, so I best card, shows him with his identity, said that I was a police officer, you need to meet, and this man had been shouting do not fit to run, you want to break free".

Men's reaction to being controlled is very fierce, "first shout, yell for help, say you are not really the police, police. There is also a free, was extremely agitated. Each other and we were down, anyway, he escapes, struggling, we control such a situation ".

Public concern is the control of the man by the police, said Xing Yongrui, "unarmed, grabbed him by the hand with our bare hands, according to him, would not let him escape, basically." "At the beginning was two people, then support to three people, then support to five people," this process went on for about 20 minutes, five police eventually brought the man under control, that is, Lei Yang.

  Law enforcement recorder is really damaged?

For on-site disposal process is using a video recorder for law enforcement? Police told reporters that evening and did not carry enforcement recorder.

Xing Yongrui introduction, because it is the undercover operations, and loggers are hanging, wear thin in the summer, law enforcement recorder can't hang. "Hand will be very evident."

This law enforcement record that was not carrying instrument cases, police taking the taped video evidence the other way out?

Xing Yongrui said it was using a mobile phone video, "at the beginning I took the mobile phone", but in the interrogation process, "we dominate when he violently resist, revolt, led us all down. Of course, objectively, he didn't mean to put my cell phone broke, dropping is the process of cell phones, and it broke. Later the video is recorded by another. "

And when reporters look at the cell phone video, and police said it would, in due course, be released to the media.

  Lei Yang got what?

Lei Yang of the deceased's family and police official micro-blog are referred to the same detail, Lei Yang in the control process, fled from the car once, Lei Yang exception is also in the body of the car. Police told reporters his party details.

Xing Yongrui introduced, preliminary control after the thunderous Ocean, just take it to a car where Elantra, ready to be brought back to the review, "because I can't drive police cars to" Lei Yang was sitting in the middle of the back seat, next to two people. "One man, one hand, at that time not to use firearms, one in front of the driver."

Xing Yongrui memories, car not far behind, after entering the community, Lei Yang from the leap up in the middle of the back seat to the passenger seat, "I can't assume that he wanted to do, but Rob the steering wheel, and kicked the driver's behavior. Later this driver to get parking, he went from being the co-pilot the doors down, we police the past and control. " Said Xing Yongrui, Lei Yang is "normal, just get off when there is no ground". Certainly "feet".

  When the police found Lei Yang physical abnormalities?

Xing Yongrui introduced when they hurriedly and rushed over to manual control for Lei Yang, "one hand". After Lei Yang under control again, they change it for Lei Yang and handcuffed to a van. At this time, he discovered Lei Yang began to appear strange.

"I was sitting next to him, his car sitting in the middle seat, do not resist, don't talk." "Because he had been in revolt in the early, always yelling, just get on it had no words. Thought he might need some water now, "" anyway, some body does not think he hurried at first taken to a hospital. "

Said Xing Yongrui, Lei Yang found after an exception, were immediately rushed to nearby hospital for emergency treatment. However, 22:55, Lei Yang died.

  Bruises on the how of the deceased?

Lei Yang's family members questioned said that Lei Yang found a slight injury in the head and had bruises that appear, these scars are caused by what?

Xing Yongrui, said, "this is what we in the uniforms and in his resistance because ground, not just each other were injured, we also have injuries."

Why Lei Yang family was killed two hours later?

In this regard, Xing Yongrui explained, was found after the thunderous Ocean exceptions taken to the hospital, the police did not contact the families of, does not know the identity, what is the name, where you live, do not know who to contact. Subsequently police thought of Lei Yang's cell phone to contact his family, Lei Yang, who at that time did not find phone.

"According to our analysis, he could not carry a cell phone, may we subdued him to rebel against the process, left behind at the scene, I arranged to get around, because at that time the first night, the second field is full of grass. Looking for a long time, found a wallet, a cell phone. Find phone, indirectly when the first call is such a situation. "

  Why cell phone location information be deleted?

Lei Yang family reaction cell phone location records were deleted in, and how the police explanation?

Xing Yongrui said, "then I was listening to, watch online comments saying". "Because of his use of the mobile phone is the iPhone, he has the password, right now, our technology is not up to unlock somebody else passwords (horizontal)".

  Lei Yang have prostitutes?

Changping police believe, based on the prostitute's testimony and related evidence, have confirmed that Lei Yang whoring the night of pedicures in-store activities.

Changping Public Security Bureau pre Brigade Captain Gao Chunzheng introduced, based on the DNA identification of the scene of condoms, could prove to be whoring the Lei Yang. Meanwhile, from a prostitute's confession identified, as well as other places designated by the confession of the person, is able to finds Lei Yang and whoring.

At present, Lei Yang autopsy report will be the key conclusions confirm the cause of death, the Beijing people's Procuratorate will send forensic assistance to participate in the investigation, procuratorial organs to perform their legal supervision functions to ensure fair treatment. (CCTV Reporter: Wu Chuang cuishijiexuping Zhao Xuefeng)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Lei Yang

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  目前,雷洋的尸检报告将成为确认死因的关键结论,北京市人民检察院将派出法医协助参与调查,检察机关将依法履行法律监督职责,保证依法公正处理。(央视记者:吴闯 崔世杰 徐平 赵学峰)




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