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Investigation of China’s health food market turmoil: profits up to 200%, do not rely on quality on flicker

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/11 7:15:56 Browse times: 130 Comment times: 0

Investigation of China’s health food market turmoil: profits up to 200%, do not rely on quality on flicker(中国保健品市场乱象调查:暴利高达200%,不靠质量靠忽悠)

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Health disorder survey: profits up to 200% not on quality on flicker | health product _ news

Cost up to thousands of Yuan per gram, according to Xinhua, "grass", has recently been in relevant State departments of health products "de-listing". Reporters found that in recent years, hot behind the health food market, is a large health care concept relying on hype and exaggerated publicity market, costs and development costs accounted for only a small percentage.

  Many scientific research than profit 1%

Recently, the State food and Drug Administration publicly demanded to stop the expensive health care products, "grass" of related business activities. Very pure powder of Cordyceps 5X film-extreme tablets 0.35 g specifications of 81 pieces in gift box priced at 29888, priced at 1054 Yuan per gram. Its manufacturers medicinal resources of Qinghai spring technology limited declares its "micro powder grinding powder and pure tablet patents" Cordyceps "contain to eat" and claimed that "the grass plain flour with at least 7 times more times than the original grass essence stripping", which was spared by many consumers to buy.

Insiders told reporters that the company invested 1 billion yuan for advertising to build its "contain to eat" the so-called high-tech concept, and this investment is highly grass costs a. Cordyceps of Qinghai province, President of the Association, Zhao Jinwen believes that "micro powder grinding powder and pure tablet patents" are not high tech, "pressing equipment technology in China has been applied early, its advertising 7 times more than the original grass in essence stripping rhetoric in the industry also has a wide range of objections. ”

"Profits not by technology and quality, but by the market. "People in the industry say, many premium health products marketing strategy and" grass "is similar.

In accordance with State regulations, health food research funding should be 3% per cent of its profits to 5%, but a lot less bang for health food enterprises in scientific research 1% of profits. Healthcare industry profits up to 100% to 200%, this industry has become an open secret. Many manufacturers do not develop, but bought distribution rights or outsourcing approach to business and health products, leading to various manufacturers more in hype marketing campaign.

  Health "anti-cancer"? Deceptive

And "grass" similar to that in recent years, health care products, "flicker" escalation of marketing, particularly hyped technology concepts, this listening partially and some consumers.

Especially for the elderly started free "health talk" increased, in fact, is for the elderly to "brainwashing". Health products marketing strategy from "advertised" upgraded to a precision aimed specifically at older people "fudge".

To make the product "miracle cure", some health products advertising indiscriminate bombings had not met in traditional media such as television, the Internet and new media is a new marketing channels of health products, or even a large number of health products has been made "little blue Riding Hood" fake and shoddy products have appeared on the Internet.

Food and drug supervision departments, experts say, China approved health care products 27 health care function and no anti-cancer function.

  Recommended purchase consulting a doctor

"Drugs require rigorous clinical testing, health food products really work wonders, the enterprise also produces medicines do? "A pharmacy expert told reporters.

And some on the surface effect of health foods, is actually illegal to add a number of banned substances harmful to the human body, in particular the health foods to lose weight.

"Even high quality health products, also according to the individual Constitution and needs to take. "The number of Pharmacy professionals, now the country is pushing to sign the family doctor project, so when buying health products, consumers may wish to consult the doctor around, avoid superstition ads lead to" buy expensive not only to buy ".

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Health care products

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保健品乱象调查:暴利高达200% 不靠质量靠忽悠|保健品_新闻资讯

  据新华社电 每克售价高达千元的“极草”,日前被国家相关部门从保健品中“除名”。记者调查发现,近年来,火热的保健品市场背后,是大量保健品依靠炒作概念、夸大宣传等占领市场,成本和研发费用则只占很小比例。


  日前,国家食药监局公开发文要求停止高价保健品“极草”的相关经营活动。极草5X冬虫夏草纯粉片-至尊含片0.35克规格的81片装礼盒售价为29888 元,即每克售价为1054元。其生产厂家青海春天药用资源科技利用有限公司宣称其“微粉粉碎和纯粉压片专利技术”可以使冬虫夏草“含着吃”,并声称“极草 纯粉含片比原草至少多7倍精华溶出”,这让不少消费者不惜重金购买。

  业内人士告诉记者,该公司投入10亿元广告费打造其“含着吃”的所谓高科技概念,而这笔投入也是极草成本中极大的一块。青海省冬虫夏草协会常务会长赵锦文 认为,“微粉粉碎和纯粉压片专利技术”并不是高科技,“压制设备研发技术在国内早有应用,其广告中比原草多7倍精华溶出的说辞也在业界存有广泛异议。”


  按照国家规定,保健食品的科研经费应占其利润的3%至5%,但很多保健食品企业在科研上的投入不及利润的1%。保健品行业利润可达100%至200%,这 已成为行业内部公开的秘密。很多厂家自己不研发,而是采取买断经销权或外购产品的办法经营保健品,导致各路厂家更加陷入炒作式营销大战。










责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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