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China: as long as honest in the Philippines did not solve the dispute

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/11 7:15:20 Browse times: 174 Comment times: 0

China: as long as honest in the Philippines did not solve the dispute(中方:只要以诚相待中菲之间没有解决不了的争议)

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China: as long as honest in the Philippines did not solve the dispute
China News Agency, Beijing, May 11 (Ye Qiu曈) for newly elected Philippine President duteerte has released positive information, land generous at the 11th, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said at a regular press conference in Beijing, as long as China and the Philippines in a honest and principle, we should, just did not take the last key Biscayne, did not get past the slopes, did not solve the dispute.
A reporter asked, according to reports, the spokesman for the newly elected President of the Philippines duteerte 10th, said du would like to dialogue with China on highly sensitive territorial disputes in the South China Sea, and is willing to work with China to develop oil and gas resources in the region, explore joint fisheries management regimes. You have any response? Claiming that the Philippines would be improved by differences in the South China Sea issue?
Lu Kang said China follows closely the general elections held in the Philippines. Healthy and stable development of Sino-Philippine relations serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples, but also conducive to regional peace, stability and prosperity. For a long time, the dispute between China and the ASEAN countries have been maintaining close communication, effective control differences, maintain regional peace and stability and economic prosperity and development.
Lu Kang said China has a saying "neighbors are dearer than distant relatives". As long as China and the Philippines in a honest and principle, we should, just did not take the last key Biscayne, did not get past the slopes, did not solve the dispute. China hopes that the Philippine new Government with which we meet each other halfway, and properly handle disputes, take concrete actions to promote the healthy development of Sino-Philippine relations back on track.
(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-05-11 19:32:27
China News Network
中新社北京5月11日电 (叶秋曈)对于菲律宾新当选总统杜特尔特近日释放积极信息,中国外交部发言人陆慷11日在北京的例行记者会上表示,只要中菲本着以诚相待、求同存异的精神和原则,就没有迈不过去的坎、没有爬不过去的坡,也没有解决不了的争议。



(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-05-11 19:32:27

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