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1 empty rating officials in Shaanxi Province for many years, after the prison monthly salary

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/11 7:14:51 Browse times: 131 Comment times: 0

1 empty rating officials in Shaanxi Province for many years, after the prison monthly salary(陕西1名干部吃空饷多年,坐牢后每月仍领工资)

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1 empty rating officials in Shaanxi Province after years of prison each month, salaried | double | information on wage rates _ news and eat |

Western us (Shaanxi radio and television station of the city hotline) "more pay, the less you earn less, no pains, no", which is the normal distribution system, but some people can do their own spec work, led the State's salary. Baoji have led empty rates are eating into the jail.

Rating and ate many years forest "Deputy head" is?

Whistle-blowers: "in Fufeng County Forestry Bureau Deputy Director for years are not going to work, but didn't pay a penny less, named Li Xinqi. ”

According to whistle-blowers Guo description, in Fufeng County, Baoji City Forestry Bureau Deputy Director named Li Xinqi, don't go to work for more than 10 years, but wages are reproduced in anyway, out to do their business, doing business as illegal three years ago, went to prison.

While in prison, but rates have not stopped the airspace. In mid-April this year, intelligence correspondent to the Fufeng County, Baoji City Forestry Bureau.

Reporter: "there is no Li Xinqi this person? ”

Fufeng County Forestry Bureau Deputy Director Lu Zhifang: "there's no such person. ”

Reporter: "no Li Xinqi this person? ”

Fufeng County Forestry Bureau Deputy Director Lu Zhifang: "you look to the forestry station. ”

Current Deputy Director of the forestry stations: "09 I came here, to have seen Li Xinqi, not at work might have ten years, Li Xinqi original is a station on the Deputy head long ago. ”

A Deputy head does not work for many years, and was physically sick or other motives? His unit is doing now?

Forestry workers: "he's out here, doing business for more than 10 years out, related to the cement business, behind tobacco, for so many years, we don't know if he is still there. “

Forestry staff member confirmed Li Xinqi Deputy Director did not work again, but running his own business on the outside, while Forestry Bureau told Xinhua, who asked not to be named, Fufeng County, although the forestry station Deputy Director Lee over the years not to make any contributions, wages have been reproduced in anyway.

Forestry workers: "Li Xinqi pay, to tell you the truth, Li Xinqi paychecks, people used to be a leader, a little empty rates mean more sensitive this thing also. ”

When reporters find the forestry station in Fufeng County, party branch Secretary and want to know more about the powerful Li, Deputy Director of people now where, the Branch Secretary's response was the very unusual.

Reporter: "that he is not in how many years? ”

Secretary of the forestry branch: "you kept asking why? ”

Reporter: "for so many years that you have not implemented the people in? ”

Secretary of the forestry branch: "we implemented what he did. ”

 5000 a month in jail remained empty rates

According to interviews in Fufeng County, when contact with Li Xinqi acquaintances hardly knew that Li Xinqi's whereabouts. Does he really was because the crime had been held? In early May, the reporters came to the prison from Guanzhong, Shaanxi Province.

Guards: "Li Xinqi now serving sentences in prison fire in us prison detention, he is 2013 November 30 were detained, Yangling district people's Court to the crime of illegal business was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months. ”

The Li Xinqi, Deputy Director for selling tobacco, involving more than 3 million, was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months a few years ago, has been in prison for nearly two years.

But even more extraordinary is that in these two years ' imprisonment, the Deputy Director Li is still enjoying a normal salary, this reporter in Fufeng County forestry station financial room has been confirmed. At this point, the finance staff in his hand is the latest in a month of forestry stations in the staff list, and in the seventh, the reporter saw Lee strange names.

Financial officer: "I'll show you recent payroll, the payroll in March this year, Li Xinqi 5200 Yuan a month. ”

Reporter: "in February, how much? ”

Financial officer: "the same. ”

The ate many years empty rates even in prison to airspace in the rating, this thing sounds like a fantasy, who is continuing to send this money to Li Xinqi? Subsequently, the reporters came to the Fufeng County party Committee Organization Department in charge of cadres.

Organization Department of cadre group of workers: "Forestry Bureau and had people give me books. ”

Reporter: "Forestry Bureau Li Xinqi still work? ”

Organization Department of cadre Group staff: "Hmm. ”

  Organization Department kicked a ball at the Forestry Bureau

Forestry Bureau Deputy Director Lu Zhifang: "Wei Secretary tasks assigned to me not to do it again, don't ask me, what's the thing you are looking for forestry station. ”

Reporter: "I heard someone say he was put into prison? ”

Secretary of the forestry branch: "shut not closed I don't know, haven't sent a letter here. ”

Reporter: "sent to prison to pay it? ”

Secretary of the forestry branch: "no to some letter. ”

So forestry has kicked the ball back to the parent unit. Fufeng eventually reporters came to the Commission for discipline inspection.

Reporter: "inmates can get paid? ”

Fufeng County discipline inspection staff: "certainly not to double, according to party discipline rules sentence words if party members expelled, officials dismissed. ”

Reporter: "they did forestry forestry station responsible? ”

Fufeng County Commission for discipline inspection staff: "this surely belongs to a disciplinary offence, whose problem is who takes responsibility. ”

Reporter: "do you know this thing? ”

Staff of the Commission for discipline inspection: "know, investigating this matter. ”

Reporter: "now a salary? ”

Staff of the Commission for discipline inspection: "......"

According to China's regulations, State service personnel, such as having infringed the penal law, from the date of entry into force of the judgement, should bear criminal responsibility, discharged from public employment. National regulations on the punishment of civil servants of administrative organs of the 17th article of civil servants of administrative organs is sentenced according to law, expelled, and cease to enjoy the rights of civil servants; do not enjoy retirement benefits. (Manuscript sources: Western network)

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
Double salary to eat empty rates

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陕西1名干部吃空饷多年 坐牢后每月仍领工资|双开|工资|吃空饷_新闻资讯

  西部网讯 (陕西广播电视台《都市热线》) “多劳多得,少劳少得,不劳不得”,这是再正常不过的分配制度,可有些人却可以干着自己的私活,领着国家的俸禄。宝鸡有一领导吃空饷都吃到了牢里。

  空饷吃了多年 林业“副站长”在哪儿?


















  每月5000块 坐牢依然吃空饷

  根据多方采访, 在扶风县,当年跟李新奇接触过的熟人几乎都不知道李新奇的行踪。难道他真的是因为犯罪已经被关押?今年五月初,记者来到了陕西省关中监狱。




























双开 工资 吃空饷


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