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Wei Zexi does not exist where the doctor was in evidence,

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/10 5:14:08 Browse times: 249 Comment times: 0

Wei Zexi does not exist where the doctor was in evidence,(魏则西主治医生所在组织被证实不存在,)

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Wei Zexi doctors Organization confirmed no | | second | Putian _ of armed police news

Original title: violations in armed police hospital to save Department cooperation

The Beijing News (Xinhua Li Dandan) 9th, by the Ministry of Health Planning Committee, CMC logistics Health Bureau, the investigation group comprising armed police Logistics Department of Health Bureau released findings of the Chinese armed police forces Beijing city Corps Hospital. Survey says violations in armed police hospital department cooperation, publication of false information and misleading medical advertisement problems of patients and the public, on suspicion of illegal medical personnel transferred to judicial organs for handling.

On May 2, the national network Office in conjunction with the State administration for industry and commerce, the State Health Commission and the Beijing Municipal Government set up a joint investigation group into the company, "Wei Zexi event" to investigate.

Meanwhile, national Ministry of health and family planning, CMC logistics health, armed police Logistics Department Health Bureau, on May 3 Chinese armed police forces Beijing city Corps Hospital, "Wei Zexi event" relates to the hospital to investigate.

In the upper section and the full cooperation of the people's armed police hospital, held by ACC, access to raw data, organize expert discussions, talking to the person concerned, such as investigations, to correct serious problems in armed police hospital and norms.

Survey in "goes back to the original data, detailed screening screening, restore the truth and seeking truth from facts found" principle, according to relevant laws and regulations, army and the armed police force rules and regulations, focusing on issues of concern to society and the media to investigate. Survey view, violations in armed police hospital department cooperation, publication of false information and medical advertisements mislead patients and Li Zhiliang, who employed the public, bad behaviour, and so on.

Investigation team instructed armed police hospital and authorities to take four measures to put an immediate rectification.

  Interpretation 1

  Cellular immunotherapy can be used?

Peking University Department of Medicine Professor, Department of Immunology, said Wang Yuedan, judging from the results, is from the protection of the interests of patients and to avoid irregular treatment point of view, mainly to deal with the chaotic hospital management. Rectification of the first requirement is an immediate end to cooperation with the Shanghai Ke Laixun technologies, Ltd, since this is not standard treatment.

Wang Yuedan believes that for DC-CIK the cellular immunotherapy technologies, investigation teams and not qualitative. Who and w is West who also received this treatment, this is still not the answer.

Wang Yuedan believes that due to the investigation group demands an immediate halt to cooperation, then the patient may occur halfway through the treatment was stopped, so there must be a policy.

He further explained that some patients pin their hopes on cell-mediated immunity in the treatment, if the Group qualitative treatment is ineffective, patients clearly do not continue. In addition, since there is no qualitative patient claims have no basis.

Investigation request armed police hospital stop using unapproved clinical medical technology. In response, Wang Yuedan said without approval are used in clinical treatment technology, including stem cell treatment, unauthorized radio frequency treatment, and even some of the projects, such as cosmetic surgery.

In his view, the survey will be a warning to other hospitals, health planning Commission will be based on the opportunity to standardize clinical medical technology without approval must be cleared out. But will be in place to implement depends on health determination and enforcement of the Planning Commission. In addition, small hospitals, there is pressure to cancel these items, how to make a small profit in hospital is the point in question.

Beijing News reporter Dandan Li

  Interpretation 2 illegal armed police hospital medical information?

For armed police II hospital of false information released channel, Beijing big Hyatt lawyer firm partner, and lawyer Lang Keyu think, the event in the armed police II hospital biological immune therapy of advertising released channel is widely, released channel a is Baidu promotion, and armed police II hospital of officer online also has on the therapy of introduced; while, so-called biological immune therapy "experts" Li Zhiliang I also in CCTV appeared do had advertising, also in its I of micro-Bo Shang released had the therapy information. So, all in all, the second Hospital of the armed police false information distribution channels both TV media, emerging media, also have their own media. In fact, Putian, pay attention to the packaging, after Li Zhiliang plagiarism of theses published in print media, is a form of propaganda.

Lang Keyu introduced, according to the Ministry of health medical advertising regulations enacted by the seventh medical ads banned acts provided for in articles, publishing medical advertisements by the Wei Zexi, violates three conditions, namely: guarantee a cure or implied guarantee a cure; publicity cure rate, effective clinical results; use on behalf of the people's Liberation Army and the armed police force.

Lang Keyu said advertising so far has qualifications, and consists of two levels. In this case, both the qualification of the armed police hospital, also depends on the specific departments and doctor's qualification. Baidu had declared the armed police hospital qualified, but is in charge of the therapy Department of the hospital contracted out, so also consider section my qualification and Li Zhiliang, Li is first seen the doctor, followed by experts from the bio-medical aspects of his qualifications and experience. Secondly, and more importantly, published content may not be false.

Vice President of China University of civil and commercial law Fei Anling, also said the armed police hospital's foreign service are not provided, but contracted out, but patients using the hospital information for patients, this is false information. Therefore, in this case, the patient's interests had been damaged, and hospitals and private institutions have cheated, is jointly and severally liable, in violation of the advertising law of the tort liability Act and regulations.

Forces involved in supervision of medical institutions in the case, said Fei Anling, any service providers promote their information is good, but not false. But military medical institutions bearing a unique identity, issues relating to the army's image, decades, public trust in the army has come, the occurrence of such incidents, would undermine the public trust in the military medical services, hence the need to strengthen supervision.

The Beijing News reporter Li TINGTING

  Read 3 doctors concerned with formal qualifications?

Investigation team, said medical staff concerned in accordance with the relevant provisions, implemented by its competent authorities revoked a physician practising certificates and other administrative penalties and disciplinary actions taken by suspected criminals, transferred to judicial organs for handling.

Earlier, armed police hospital bio-medical center doctor had a lot of exposure in the media. For example: armed police hospital bio-medical center physician Guo Yue had cancer treatment remarks in various national media. Wrote on a 2013 report, Guo was born in multicellular organism created on the basis of the traditional therapy with therapy as the core, combined with hyperthermia, intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy and radiofrequency ablation of the new model of comprehensive treatment for cancer.

In addition, the report describes it as Chairman of the China Association of cancer biotherapy. But check out social organization and management of Civil Affairs Web site found that the Organization did not exist.

With this "does not exist," Association Vice Chairman Li Zhiliang Wei Zexi doctor, armed police hospital bio-medical center doctors.

"Wei XI" after the incident became public hot spots, Li Zhiliang, Guo Yue and many armed police hospital bio-medical center doctors seemed to evaporate. Media reports, certified by Twitter as "Chinese armed police forces Beijing city Corps Hospital bio-medical center physician" account "to surgeons Li Zhiliang" gradually remove all Tweets.

In addition, the Twitter avatar from personal white-coated photo into a cat picture. Yesterday, reporters in Twitter search "cancer doctor Li Zhiliang" display "user does not exist".

Medical experts said that, in accordance with the People's Republic of China Law on practitioners, medical staff need to have a formal qualification. The survey group's comments, the experts say, this is a signal to other hospitals, need to be more strict for physician review, otherwise they will be punished, it will regulate physician practice.

Beijing News reporter xinna

  Corrective measures

An immediate end to cooperation with the Shanghai Ke Laixun technologies, Ltd. Meanwhile, combed inventory focused on other cooperation projects in operation, stop using the unapproved clinical medical technology. In accordance with the Central Military Commission, the military and the complete cessation of armed police forces paid service requirements of the notice, immediately terminate all cooperation project; each of all employ medical personnel qualified to carry out verification, prescribed corrective action immediately to problems found.

Completely regulation involved armed police II hospital of false information and medical advertising, cooperation party immediately terminated and about media company of contract, stop released false information, and various advertising and not real reported; strictly according to original PLA General, and national business administration General, and original Ministry of health, five sector on ban to army name released medical advertising of notification requirements, on involved forces medical institutions of various advertising, and information promotion and publicity for full completely cleanup, active tie about sector for monitoring, strongly investigation, and Seriously.

Medical staff concerned in accordance with the relevant provisions, implemented by its competent authorities revoked a physician practising certificates and other administrative penalties and disciplinary actions taken by suspected criminals, transferred to judicial organs for handling.

Practise according to law publicity and education in armed police hospital reorganization and discipline, perfecting rules and regulations, standard practice, strengthen internal management, improved style, thoroughly confused management problems. Meanwhile, taking this as a lesson, giving top priority to strengthen system-wide law practice management, overall strengthening construction of vocation, quickly and completely revamp the medical cooperation projects.


  Two major leaders of the armed police hospital was removed from Office

According to China Army Network reported China army network reporter through armed police Beijing city Corps about head understand to, armed police Beijing city Corps strongly support national health family planning, and CMC logistics guarantees Department Health Council, and armed police forces logistics Health Council three party joint survey group survey results, strongly implementation 4 article rectification requirements, in armed police forces working group guide Xia, on armed police Beijing city Corps second Hospital (following referred to armed police II hospital) related problem and about responsibility people, strictly made following processing decided:

An immediate end to cooperation with the Shanghai Ke Laixun technologies, Ltd, people's armed police hospital operation of the centralized rectification of other cooperation projects.

Ordered armed police cooperation between the two parties involved, stop the unauthorized publication of false information and false reports, all kinds of advertising.

Personnel responsible for the 10 JI dealt with according to law. Among them, the armed police hospital administrative dismissal 2 principal leadership, for hospitals and other 6 Administrative demerits and administrative demerit, 2 leadership of the regulatory responsibility of the superiors were given warnings and administration a serious warning. In addition, the local 2 suspected offenders, the other 2 were handed over to judicial organs for handling.

Practise according to law publicity and education in armed police hospital reorganization and discipline, perfecting rules and regulations, standard practice, strengthen internal management, improve our style of business, extrapolate, overall clean.

Chinese armed police forces Beijing city Corps-related charge, during the investigation, the people's armed police hospital was fully closed in on May 4.

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
Armed police hospital in Putian

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The Beijing News
魏则西主治医生所在组织被证实不存在 |武警|二院|莆田系_新闻资讯


  新京报讯 (记者李丹丹)9日晚间,由国家卫计委、中央军委后勤保障部卫生局、武警部队后勤部卫生局组成的调查组对外发布对武警北京市总队第二医院的调查结果。调查组称,武警二院存在科室违规合作、发布虚假信息和医疗广告误导患者和公众等问题,对涉嫌违法犯罪的医务人员移送司法机关处理。














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  ■ 整改措施





  ■ 进展


  据中国军网报道 中国军网记者通过武警北京市总队有关负责人了解到,武警北京市总队坚决拥护国家卫生计生委、中央军委后勤保障部卫生局、武警部队后勤部卫生局三方联合调查组调查结果,坚决落实4条整改要求,在武警部队工作组指导下,对武警北京市总队第二医院(以下简称武警二院)相关问题和有关责任人,从严作出如下处理决定:







武警 二院 莆田系


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