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Tongzhou into Beijing throughout the city center, the stress in the future population of 400,000

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/10 5:13:54 Browse times: 167 Comment times: 0

Tongzhou into Beijing throughout the city center, the stress in the future population of 400,000(通州全境纳入北京城市副中心,未来疏解40万人口)

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Tongzhou stress of 400,000 people into the Beijing city center the future throughout | Tongzhou _ news

  Article review: Tongzhou, Beijing CBD next to a city, only the month of April, there have been "big news". In early April, in the Tongzhou District Government official website, Tongzhou quietly from the "administrative center" with the words "Beijing City Center."

The Chief Photographer of the Visual Center of the China economic weekly Xiaoyi photography

The China economic weekly reporter Wang Hongru | Beijing

(Article published in the China economic weekly 2016 18th)

Tongzhou, Beijing CBD next to a city, only the month of April, there have been "big news". In early April, in the Tongzhou District Government official website, Tongzhou quietly from the "administrative center" with the words "Beijing City Center."

The morning of April 26, Chang Liu Guiming, Deputy, Tongzhou district, in a meeting, initially identified Executive Assistant just limited to 6 km from the center of the range, then gradually extended to old town, Tongzhou area of 155 square kilometers. For now, all Tongzhou area of 906 square kilometers were included in the scope of the Beijing City Center. What does this release signals?

  Another in Beijing urban area

Tongzhou district, is located in the East end of Chang an Street extension, is the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei bridgehead. The special geographical position, determine the development of Tongzhou attracts more and more attention.

The morning of April 26, Tongzhou district, Beijing Municipal People's Congress work safety inspection of law enforcement to "Beijing City Center" research. Administrative office-building in Tongzhou, Tongzhou District Deputy head Liu Guiming introduces all Tongzhou area of 906 square kilometers were included in the scope of the Beijing City Center.

It is understood that at present Beijing with a total area of 16808 sq km, the urban area of 735 square kilometres. When the Tongzhou district into the city center, the equivalent of rebuilding a city area of Tongzhou.

A total area of 906 square kilometers in Tongzhou district, which included 4 Street, 10 towns, 1 Township. "The Beijing City Center" expansion of this area, what does it mean?

Capital Development Research Institute of Peking University President Li Guoping told the China economic weekly reporter, Tongzhou, currently all towns and villages are set out in the Beijing City Center, which will be able to Tongzhou district in space to ensure coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei bridgehead role played, modernization and internationalization, fully functional and relatively independent city center (Metro).

  4 years later, Tongzhou district reference to return

Not just the changed area, Tongzhou, recent reference about the city is quietly changing.

Netizens screenshot shows: on April 4, the official website of Tongzhou district logo also appears as "administrative center", on April 9, the "administrative center" becomes "Beijing City Center."

What happened to just a few days? Tongzhou's position to change it? Cause netizens speculate on the position change, Tongzhou district.

On May 3, the reporter login found official website of Tongzhou district, official website of Tongzhou's column, "Beijing City Center", "Beijing administrative center" uses both.

April 6 "notification announcement" column published of "on held Beijing City City Deputy Center hot problem public lecture of notification" announcement in the, with of is "City Deputy Center" of reference; and in "Beijing City Deputy Center" column in the, April 15 published of administrative Deputy Center for to speed up, solid advance focus project construction, still with of is "administrative Deputy Center" reference.

In this regard, the Tongzhou district officials have not given a formal response. According to press reports, Beijing Tongzhou "City Center" is not a reference to the new, 4 years ago, have been proposed.

In 2012, the 11th Party Congress, Tongzhou, focusing for the first time, to create fully functional "City Centre".

Changed in the last year. In July 2015, on follow-up to the views of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei collaborative development program agreed to. Tongzhou district, which proposes to focus and speed up the planning and construction of the municipal administrative center, raised concern that the new positioning of the Tongzhou district.

8 months later, on March 30, 2016, the Tongzhou District Government issued a document, are still visible "Center of Beijing, Executive Vice," the term.

However, since the beginning of April this year, Tongzhou district, "City Center" in reference to gradually replace the "administrative center".

"The name change, but position unchanged, shifted to Center planning administrative institution has not changed. In General, the main centre is comprehensive, Center is professional in nature, is only a city center of Beijing, Tongzhou district, will probably have other city center. With the 2017 Beijing Municipal administrative institutions part of the move, Tung Chau will be a predominantly administrative function of the city center. "Li Guoping told China economic weekly, said in an interview.

This means, although focusing in Tongzhou, Tongzhou district, but the city center is not the only. This in the 2005 approval of the State Council, the Beijing urban planning (2004-2020) the proposed new town development strategy embodied the plan is clear, Tongzhou, shunyi, yizhuang is the focus for the future development of three new city.

Throughout the past 10 years, the Beijing Municipal Government over 50% of public service facilities are concentrated in the three Metro, especially public transport development leading the construction of the new city's effectiveness is for all to see. These areas will become the main position of undertaking area in central Beijing.

Tongzhou district in accordance with the "Thirteen-Five" program objectives by 2017, the administration area will take shape, functions of the central city to undertake achieved significant results; by 2020, commensurate with the functions of spatial pattern formation, preliminary building international city framework, non-functional stress of a major breakthrough in the capital.

  Long term will be driven 400,000 people leading to Tongzhou

On November 30, 2015, the Beijing City Planning Committee informed about the construction of the center of Beijing, Executive Vice the situation: by 2017, the municipal administrative units in whole or in part into work will achieve substantive progress, driven forward by about 400,000 people leading to Tongzhou.

The data shared by Li Guoping: "Tongzhou increase of 400,000 people is normal, because government agencies will come in, including related services and support to come in. Due to the increase in administrative functions, will certainly bring some services in administrative functions of population gathering. ”

According to the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Government on the implementation of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei views require the concerted development plan, the Beijing Municipal Administration Center functions are mainly municipal administrative institutions in order to promote the whole or partial transfer to the municipal administrative center, driving part of cultural tourism, business office functions to the municipal administrative center relief.

Administrative units are relocated, the next, and how to ensure that the stress of the population from Beijing at Tongzhou "stay"? Wang Fei, Deputy Director of the Beijing municipal planning authority gives the answer: "configuration is better than the downtown public facilities and green space environment and attracting more people to the Tongzhou district employment and livelihood; build a city ' half an hour traffic circle ', optimize transportation networks. ”

The released specific measures include: urbanization, employment in Tongzhou district, to local residents to provide various types of housing policy, the living community for supporting local employment, urbanization; construct cultural centre, Grand Theatre, sports centres and other high-grade utilities; formed into Center City excellent hospitals, focusing on primary and secondary schools, kindergartens and other resources.

Latest news is that the current people's Congress middle school, and 4 schools have been officially stationed in Tongzhou district. The morning of April 27, held in Tongzhou district of Beijing Municipal Education Commission promote Beijing Center Education Symposium, capital Normal University high school affiliated to (Tongzhou campus), the second Middle School of Beijing (Tongzhou campus), the high school affiliated to Renmin University (Tongzhou campus), the high school affiliated to Beijing University (Tongzhou campus) opened, marking the 4 schools in Tongzhou district, entered the school, and in the fall of 2016 enrollment.

Here at Line 6 subway "Hao Jia fu station" North of the future here will be the building of some departments at district level, such as Tongzhou district Bureau of maternal and child health hospital, archives, etc. The Chief Photographer of the Visual Center of the China economic weekly Xiaoyi photography

  Tongzhou district stress of at least 100,000 population

One side is "stay" people on the other, to control the excessive population growth in Tongzhou, to stress people out.

In terms of population control, Vice Mayor Liu Guiming, Tongzhou district, Tongzhou, working on it, will introduce stricter measures for the population. Stress status of stock floating through elimination of low capacity, combined with the environment, combined with the stress of non-core functions in the capital, the stress out people, involving more than 100,000 people at least.

According to the China economic weekly about now is stepping up does not meet the urban function positioning of Tongzhou district industry adjust to quit, to achieve industrial upgrading, ordered the stress of non-core functions, the capital, in 2016 is expected to be adjusted out of 1000 enterprises.

According to press reports, in order to give relocation business related services, Hebei, Inner Mongolia and Shandong Tongzhou district and surrounding areas such as docking platform, relocation companies and moving into the dock. Already, related policies, as well as in the area of favorable conditions was compiled.

Tongzhou district Guanhong, Deputy Director, said: "next we prepare manual issued to all enterprises, so that enterprises in the choice of moving to not blindly go to choose, we also told the local Government to do butt for the enterprise embedded, try to create a good environment. ”

To evacuate the population still depends on the industry, this is Beijing, where the evacuation of industry requirements are basically the same. "For those who have the pollution, low energy consumption, covering large, Tongzhou district, is not suitable for use in the development of the traditional manufacturing industries, have to gradually exit; but not all quit at once, there is a slowly outward transfer process. "Li Guoping said.

Tongzhou, people in and out, everybody is very concerned about the possibility of repeating similar to Beijing's "big city"? Official data show that by the end of 2014, resident population of Tongzhou to 1.356 million, "Thirteen-Five" during the upper limit of population regulation, Tongzhou district approximately 1.6 million people.

This means that in the "Thirteen-Five" period, Tongzhou district resident population ceiling of about 1.6 million. Tongzhou district, this goal with the introduction of 400,000 people in and out the stress of the 100,000 population data are consistent. Construction of Tongzhou district, to avoid a repetition of the "big city", Li Guoping reminder: Tongzhou, preferably no more than 2 million of the population in the future, or it will form new jams.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

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通州全境纳入北京城市副中心 未来疏解40万人口|通州_新闻资讯

  文章导读: 通州这个紧邻北京CBD的城区,仅4月一个月,就不断有“大新闻”发生。先是4月初,在通州区政府的官方网站上,通州悄然由原来的“行政副中心”改为了“北京城市副中心”。

《中国经济周刊》视觉中心 首席摄影记者 肖翊 摄

  《中国经济周刊》记者 王红茹 | 北京报道













  短短几天发生了什么? 难道通州的定位要变吗?引发网友对通州区定位变化的猜测。








  “名称改变,但定位不变,行政事业单位向副中心转移的规划也没有改变。一般而言,主中心是综合性的,副中心多是专业性的,通州区仅是北京市的一个城 市副中心,以后可能还有其他的城市副中心。随着2017年北京市属行政事业单位部分迁入,通州就将是一个以行政职能为主的城市副中心。”李国平接受《中国 经济周刊》采访时表示。










  最新的消息是,目前人大附中等4所名校已经正式进驻通州。4月27日上午,北京市教委在通州区召开推进北京市副中心教育发展专题座谈会,为首都师范 大学附属中学(通州校区)、北京市第二中学(通州校区)、中国人民大学附属中学(通州校区)、北京理工大学附属中学(通州校区)揭牌,标志着4所学校正式 进驻通州办学,并将在2016年秋季招生。

这里位于地铁6号线“郝家府站”北侧,未来这里将建设一些区级部门,比如通州区妇幼保健院、档案局等。《中国经济周刊》视觉中心 首席摄影记者 肖翊 摄










责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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