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Taining, Fujian mudslides have killed 35 people, 1 people still lost

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/10 5:13:38 Browse times: 160 Comment times: 0

Taining, Fujian mudslides have killed 35 people, 1 people still lost(福建泰宁泥石流灾害已致35人遇难,仍有1人失联)

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Taining mudslides have killed 35 people in Fujian Fujian | 1 still lost | mudslides _ news

Original title: taining global geopark in Fujian and debris flow hazards: 1 people killed 35 people still lost

On May 10, sanming city, Fujian Province Public Security Bureau deployed 13 additional forensic DNA samples taken on the bodies of the victims, identification. Photo: police in sanming city
On May 9, taining, Fujian debris flow disaster rescue operation. 8th at 4 o'clock, Kai Shan Heung, taining the debris, resulting in chitan hydropower plant 1 Office building was destroyed, 1 project site accommodation camps are buried. News service reporter Wu Caisen photography

CNS, Taining, May 10 (reporter Long Min)-10th, taining, Fujian debris flow disaster relief on the 3rd day. Official in taining County, on the morning of 10th and linked to 2 staff, 1 bodies found.

As of 10th at 13 o'clock, provided construction 41 "5.8" natural geological disasters of debris flow in list of lost total contact 5 people found 35 bodies, 1 were also lost.

8th at 4 o'clock in the morning, Kai Shan due to heavy rainfall and debris flow hazards in taining County, China Huadian group chitan hydropower plant extension project Department offices and camp were buried.??

At present, the search for search and rescue work continues. (End)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Debris flow in Fujian

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China News Network
福建泰宁泥石流灾害已致35人遇难 仍有1人失联|福建|泥石流_新闻资讯

  原标题:福建泰宁泥石流灾害:35人遇难 仍有1人失联

  5月10日,福建三明市公安局抽调13名法医正对遇难者遗体采集DNA样本,进行身份辨认。 图片来源:三明警方供图
  5月9日,福建泰宁县泥石流灾害救援现场。8日4时许,泰宁县开善乡发生泥石流灾害,造成池潭水电厂1座办公楼被冲垮、1座项目工地住宿工棚被埋压。中新社记者 吴才森 摄

  中新网泰宁5月10日电 (龙敏)10日,福建泰宁县泥石流灾害救援进入第3天。泰宁县官方通报,10日上午又联系上2名人员,搜寻到1具遇难者遗体。





福建 泥石流


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