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China to Nepal aid over India, Indian media: printed aid cut in half

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/10 5:11:43 Browse times: 158 Comment times: 0

China to Nepal aid over India, Indian media: printed aid cut in half(中国对尼泊尔援助超印度,印媒:印援助减半所致)

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China to Nepal aid Super India print media: print halve the assistance China | Nepal | international assistance-news

  Reference News May 10 Indian media said, if said Nepal with Chinese increasingly intimate that xiaerma·aoli show a more attentive attitude, India suffered some damage but it is asking for it. While India denies threat to Nepal economic blockade of their own, but recently India and Nepal of tensions coincides with China's assistance to Nepal on the list more than India.

India India Times reported May 9, Nepal Government according to a new report on official development assistance, fiscal year 2014-2015, India for Nepal's assistance has decreased 50%, making its assistance to the countries on the list more than a India.

Reported that the official development assistance of US $ 37.95 million China, India a little more than $ 22 million. These last 5 years India the first time Nepal 5 countries of official development assistance. China is now ranked fourth, ranked in the top three is the United Kingdom and the United States and Japan, the fifth was Switzerland.

Nepal new development cooperation report also said that India and China through scholarships, training and study tours to Nepal to provide assistance, which cannot be reflected in the total amount of aid.

"Both are Nepal's major donor countries, assistance received from the two countries do not have comprehensive statistics," the report said. India committed to Nepal earthquake reconstruction of 1.4 billion dollars. (Compile/Wang Di Qing)

Source: reference news network

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
China Nepal international assistance

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中国对尼泊尔援助超印度 印媒:印援助减半所致|中国尼泊尔|国际援助_新闻资讯

  参考消息网5月10日报道 印媒称,如果说是尼泊尔与中国的日益亲密使总理夏尔马·奥利表现出更为殷勤的姿态,印度由此遭受的一些损失却是自找的。虽然印度否认威胁到尼泊尔经济的封锁是自己造成的,但最近印度与尼泊尔关系紧张的事实却正恰逢中国在援助尼泊尔榜单上超过印度。






责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

中国尼泊尔 国际援助


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