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“Print media in friendship forest“ located in kubu

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/9 4:26:04 Browse times: 175 Comment times: 0

“Print media in friendship forest“ located in kubu(“中印媒体友谊林”落户库布其)

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"Print media in friendship forest" located in kubuqi | | medium | kubuqi _ China and India News

On May 3, representatives from the Indian media in China's seventh largest desert--common kubuqi desert by planting a Scotch pine, symbol of friendship green, lasting friendship "print media in friendship forest" located in kubuqi desert.

Media persons participate in the friendship forest planting as "print media in 2016" guests. India included India observer Research Foundation, India flashes, India broadcasting network, NDTV, the business standard newspaper and other agency officials, journalists and think-tank personnel. The Chinese people, including the people's daily, global times, China News Agency, Beijing daily, Beijing evening news, Chinese society of South Asian and other agency officials, journalists and researchers, amounts to more than 30 employees,

"Print media" is a high-level dialogue mechanism between the two media, through media exchanges between the two countries to promote friendship between the two peoples and boost the harmonious development of Sino-Indian relations. "Print media in dialogue" has been successfully held three times, is gaining wide attention from Governments and all sectors of society.

It is understood that the "printed media" activities kubuqi was chosen, due to the theme setting and practice tally kubuqi desert control to poverty alleviation, conversation topics, including China and India in the eradication of poverty and the opportunities for cooperation on addressing climate change, "along the way" strategic opportunities under the Green cooperation prospects in China and India and so on. Kubuqi is authorized by the United Nations "desert demonstration zone of ecological economy in the world", by businesses and local people to work together to govern, the seventh-largest desert in China has largely been returned to OASIS, created the ecological wealth of more than 460 billion yuan, led up to 100,000 people out of poverty. Statistics show that India 69% of land belonging to drought levels, close to 1/4 at risk of desertification of land, governance without delay, Indian media for learning from kubuqi desert control experience with keen interest.

Foundation organizers global times and India said the observer Research Foundation hopes media become the messengers of Sino-Indian Friendship, bonds of China-India Exchange, you play "when Xuan Zang" role, helping push towards a deep and long-term development of bilateral relations. Believe that with the deepening of exchanges between media professionals and understanding, both people will like to know each other "print media in friendship forest" to thrive, that has stayed forever young.

Responsible editor: Zhang Shen

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Printed media in the library

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  参加友谊林植树活动的媒体人士为 “2016年第三届中印媒体对话”嘉宾。印方人士包括印度观察家研究基金会、印度快报、印度广播网、新德里电视台、商业标准报等机构的官员、记者和智库人员。中方人士包括人民日报、环球时报、中国新闻社、北京日报、北京晚报、中国南亚学会等机构的官员、记者和研究人员,共计30余人,





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