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Medical case in Guangdong killed: train 1 specialist for at least 12 years

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/9 4:25:29 Browse times: 195 Comment times: 0

Medical case in Guangdong killed: train 1 specialist for at least 12 years(广东杀医案背后:培养1名专科医生至少需要12年)

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Guangdong killed behind the case: training 1 | specialist takes at least 12 years of doctor-patient relationships _ news

Original title: the "killing" case: training a specialist requires at least 12 years

After each reporter Chen Pengli

Doctor Chen Zhongwei, Guangdong was cut more than more than 30 knives, eventually died due to invalid save, leading to much attention and discussion. In recent years, the doctor-patient contradiction occur. According to the business daily reporter, tense doctor-patient relationship, from a certain perspective, associated with domestic tensions high quality medical resources, which is also reflected in physician training, training a specialist requires at least 12 years, involving a variety of "expensive" costs. In addition, in the doctor-patient relationship tense issues, although the national push for risk-sharing mechanisms, but due to various reasons, medical institutions and insurance companies are not active, so after the problems of doctors and patients, the lack of a more effective mechanism.

May 5, the Guangdong provincial people's Hospital of Stomatology Director Liu Chen Zhongwei cut down more than more than 30 knives in the rescue after more than 40 hours, eventually died saving invalid. Over the weekend, the Guangdong "killing" case in the major social networks, crowding the screen.

According to the Guangdong provincial people's Hospital, informed, Chen Zhongwei was seriously injured by a man armed with a knife in a dormitory, Chen Zhongwei struggle before claiming to cut people in 1991, Chen Zhongwei oral surgery, tooth discoloration requires compensation.

The daily news noted, tense doctor-patient relationship, from a certain perspective, associated with domestic tensions high quality medical resources, which is also reflected in physician training. Reporters learned that starting from the University, train a specialist who take up to 12 hours. Costs involved in addition to individual and national economic costs, time costs, labor costs, and so on.

This reporter has learned, in the huge time costs, investment and return is proportional to the difficult cases, some medical graduates "regret medicine" mentality.

Specialist how to?

Reporters learned that internally a hospital specialist qualifications and training processes in General is: 5 year Bachelor + master + Dr + 3 years 3 years 3 years compliance (rotation, when the College Board for up to 3 years, 2 years, 1 years) +2~4-year specialist Board.

Judging from the individual economic costs, reporters learned that undergraduate tuition costs vary depending on the specialty of medical students, student individual households within the direct annual tuition costs in million, but which does not include other living costs other than tuition.

However, since domestic hospitals to medical students the minimum qualification is a postgraduate degree, because most medical students choose this large but even read, and graduate student tuition fees can be as high as 20,000 yuan a year.

About to graduate from a University in Guangdong Province this year small-sword (a pseudonym) told reporters that the undergraduate period net tuition expenses of about 8000 Yuan a year. This figure, completed 5 years of undergraduate education, small sword of the family need to be directly responsible for the tuition costs about 40,000 yuan. 8 master can't even read down, students need to pay directly the pure cost of tuition at around 100,000 yuan.

This is only reflected in the students ' individual costs, cost also includes medical schools from the State construction and research costs and costs of national scholarships.

But relative to the economic costs, doctor's more important is the time cost. It is understood that currently the hospital for most of the minimum requirements for the master's or above. Small sword, told reporters that even if employment immediately after graduation, only 3 years after the regulation sorts clinicians, and become a specialist is required 7 years.

This means, from which, the nation should cultivate a specialist doctor 12 years time. Doctors personally, become a specialist age at their 30.

The small sword and a hospital doctor Ting in Shenzhen were abandoned after select undergraduate continuing education graduate of direct employment. Because their families cannot continue to support the graduate, "in fact, I want to go to graduate, but wanted to work out as soon as possible. "Ting told reporters.

Doctor training time has become the consensus within the industry, which also contributed to the shortage in the domestic doctor, doctor shortage reasons.

"The rules relating to the medical costs of human resources, because novices entered the hospital rules, each at least 1 physician training in the Department. "Small sword told reporters.

In this case the injured doctor Chen Zhongwei former Administrative Director in Department of Stomatology, Ting (not her real name) told reporters that the Director is about 40 years old, train time in about 20 years.

They will regret why study medicine?

Reporter learned that, for medical students, there are some people who "regrets".

Ting told the business daily journalist, first because medicine is very hard, constantly reading exam, long and secondly, present tense doctor-patient relationship problems; the third was about imperfect policy, regulatory policy and failed to protect the Board of Pearson's interests.

The small sword said, "regrets" mentality most of them stem from medical input and returns not in proportion.

In the outside world, a doctor or a high paying career. However, the small sword-Ting told reporters that the doctors without outside income is so high, proportion of highly paid doctors in the hospital is not large, annual income of over 300,000 doctors are numbered.

According to the small sword introduced domestic hospitals pay standard is: 2800 Yuan Department of basic salary + bonus and other benefits, general practitioner's monthly income of 1~2 million Yuan. "But how many domestic hospital? ”

Reporter learned that, in the planning stage, when you undergraduate planning for up to 3 years, master planning for up to 2 years when doctors and 1 year. During the planning period, one or two line city hospital doctors personal monthly income of around 3000 Yuan, three or four urban hospital earns for 1500 Yuan a month or so.

"Plan, Pearson needs pressure is quite big. "Small sword told reporters.

According to reports, after becoming a Board Pearson, examinations are required (at least once a year), Lecture with credits, so as to upgrade the professional title.

Responsible editor: Zhao Jiaming SN146

Article keywords:
The doctor-patient relationship

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  ◎每经记者 陈鹏丽



























责任编辑:赵家明 SN146



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