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Fujian landslide accident 13 people had been rescued, more than 20 people are still lost

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/9 4:25:07 Browse times: 174 Comment times: 0

Fujian landslide accident 13 people had been rescued, more than 20 people are still lost(福建山体滑坡事故已有13人获救,逾20人仍失联)

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Fujian landslide accident 13 people were rescued more than 20 people have still lost | landslides _ news

Origin: Fujian news

Origin: Fujian news

[Life detector detects three life points! Go all out for your life] latest news on front and 4 rescued workers had arrived at the hospital, is currently in good condition, there are still 28 people lost, specific situations needs to be further verified. Currently site has been set up lighting and heavy machinery must ensure that before 20 to enter the scene, found signs of life in three places the current manpower fails to rescue, only after the admission of large equipment, such as rescue, praying that trapped workers could hold. According to journalist 1036 kaizhe understanding: taining currently 13 people were admitted to hospital, according to the statistics, there are still 28 people lost. Of 13 people admitted to hospital, one man was not injured, was the son of one of the workers, is currently in hospital care. According to the worker, and Chi Tan power plant site 2, 3 workers, escaping unhurt when the incident, remain in the scene. Lose the number is very likely also will be reduced.

Source: Fujian news official micro-blog

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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福建山体滑坡事故已有13人获救 逾20人仍失联|山体滑坡_新闻资讯



  [生命探测仪探测出三处生命迹象点!为生命全力以赴]前方传来最新消息,另外4名被救人员已经送达医院,目前状态良好,仍有28人失联,具体情况有待进一步核实。 目前现场已经架起照明灯,另外大型机械必须确保在20点前进入现场,发现生命迹象的三处地方目前人力无法展开救援,只能等大型设备入场后救援,祈祷被困工友能够挺住。据1036记者开哲了解:目前泰宁县医院收治了13人,根据此前的统计,应该尚有28人失联。医院收治的13人中,有一人没有受伤,是其中一名工友的儿子,目前在医院陪护。据工友介绍,还有池潭电站现场还有2、3名工友,事发时逃生没有受伤,留在了现场。因此失联人数极有可能还会减少。


责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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