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Forbes speculated blockade the South China Sea, experts: nonsense

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/9 4:25:05 Browse times: 165 Comment times: 0

Forbes speculated blockade the South China Sea, experts: nonsense(《福布斯》臆测中国封锁南海,专家:无稽之谈)

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Forbes speculated the blockade South China expert: nonsense | sea _ news

[Global times journalist Wang Tian fan] shortly before the Iran revolutionary guards Deputy Commander of housaiyin·salami to the United States and its regional allies warn said if the American ship "threatening" through the Strait of Hormuz, Iran could blockade the passage. United States Forbes, 8th raised a provocative point: China may be like Iran blockade the South China Sea. 8th, an interview with reporter for global times, experts said, this is malicious deduction is nonsense.

Strait known as the throat at sea in the Middle East. Needs via the global trade in about 1/3 offshore oil. Iran and the United States several times in history in the Strait of Hormuz the outbreak of conflicts. And the South China Sea is also the world's most important oil and gas transport corridor. "Iran threatens to shut down offshore oil hub, in the South China Sea will also do that? "The 8th Forbes website published an article on this topic, said Iran's move seems to be in the South China Sea action" threatened ", particularly in China to enhance reclamation and other" military activities "background.

US media said, the overseas Chinese University Professor Zhuang guotu, 8th on the global times reporters, the South China Sea is China's economic line, via the region's foreign trade and logistics 60%, imported through the South China Sea oil and gas also has a larger proportion, if it is blocked, the equivalent of "cut the way out". Zhuang guotu believes that tried to block of the South China Sea "impossible in China, only could be the opponent", it is because of this, US media is more like a "threat". Other experts also believe that the South China Sea, Forbes view is nonsense. Now from the arbitration case declared the award approached the South China Sea, at a time when the US media wants to put pressure on China and to tarnish the image of China.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
The South China Sea

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《福布斯》臆测中国封锁南海 专家:无稽之谈|南海_新闻资讯

  [环球时报记者 王天迷]前不久,伊朗革命卫队副司令侯赛因·萨拉米对美国及其地区盟友发出警告,称如果美舰“威胁性”通过霍尔木兹海峡,伊朗就将封锁这一通道。美国《福布斯》网站8日由此事提出一个耸动观点:中国可能会像伊朗一样封锁南海。8日接受《环球时报》记者采访的专家都表示,这是恶意推演,完全是无稽之谈。



责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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