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Tsai is not a city’s “goodwill“? Here it comes

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/8 3:33:37 Browse times: 192 Comment times: 0

Tsai is not a city’s “goodwill“? Here it comes(蔡英文不是要大陆“释放善意”么?来了)

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Tsai is not a city's "goodwill"? Here it comes

Book earlier. Speak of the devil and he will appear.

The day before yesterday, the island uncle had just finished reading the front page of people's daily commentator article, concern on both sides of the news and continued to weight. This is not propaganda, but to open the door, is the real goodwill was felt by people on the island.

According to the latest news, the World Health Organization in line with the principle of one China, invited Taiwan as "Chinese Taipei" name, "Observer" status for the 2016 World Health Assembly. Taiwan from 2009 to 2015 are invited to "observers" participate, but this time, the situation is very different.

  The last bus?

Next Monday is the World Health Assembly (WHA) network application deadline. It is understood that the WHA meeting using Web registration, Member States and observers received invitations in the network registration user ID and password. Only by user ID and password, can be successful. See, this is a typical rhythm of just catch the last bus.

According to Taiwan authorities information received over the WHA invitation time, from March to May; received the invitation date is May 1, 2009 at the latest. Invitation not to this year, breaking the previous records at the latest.

Taiwan WHA has been very heavy. Authorities before Ma Ying-jeou to accept Singapore the Straits Times in an interview said, "Taiwan has yet to receive an invitation, a topic that is probably sensitive sensitive, are the top priority." For a paper invitations, twists and turns, Taiwan already suffering bad.

On April 20, the Taiwan media reported it's true, WHA "Observer" invitation process has ended, "Taiwan will not receive the invitation". Outsiders also have changes reasons is expected, is after the 5·20 identity "92 consensus," Ma Ying-jeou to point off the uncommitted aware of Tsai Ing-wen took office. Taiwan cannot join this year rumors of more like mainland policy toward Taiwan weather vane a gauge of mutation. To this end, the Taiwan "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" and "Wei fu" recently became a "legislator" focus of asked question and the media bombardment.

Officials in dare not guarantee, struggling even at their own expense to outside Geneva outside the trial record. Called the trial, the treatment is different, is to send someone to line up for early in the morning every day to attend card can not enter the Hall on the first floor, a typical guest roles. Looking back at the observer, will speak at the meeting, and there is a 5-minute speech time. For the needs of international visibility and presence of the Taiwan authorities, 5 minutes seconds seconds is a treasure.

Tsai Ing-wen, who took office in care? "Premier" Lin Chuan went out in the first wave of personnel appointments, announced Lin played extended "5·20" post as the new "Minister of Wei Fu". Speculation that is to participate in the WHA to leave enough space for him. Now Taiwan caught the last bus on the entry point of this Assembly. This session of the General Assembly, whether Taiwan is about to say goodbye to "Observer" status "last train"? Keys in the hands of incoming Tsai and the DPP.

  Point in time

WHA this year will be held on May 23 in Switzerland Geneva meeting, Tsai 5·20 worked only three days. This point in time across the island handover, and concerning Taiwan, "international space" issues sensitive overlay, city can be conservative treatment, it is recommended that invitations a year who stopped, "watching his deeds" before deciding whether to release. This is many people gauge the action taken by the city on the island.

In fact, the city is taking out enough goodwill.

Although the extension is played first time announced by the new forest "Wei Fu Minister", but here's the funny part, according to the Taiwan media disclosed that invitations above the recipient's name to the current "Minister of Wei Fu" been Chiang. Through detailed analysis, Mainland or the Taiwan authorities as well. Since Ma Ying-jeou made it clear that, on both sides of the common political basis "92 consensus" reached consensus is Taiwan after 2009 to participate in the WHA. City, Taiwan officials say more clearly that covered the rules of an international organization is clear, without exception, all the one-China principle, Taiwan admits the "92 consensus", you can use "Chinese Taipei" flexibility, there is no "92 consensus", there is no flexible space.

Can say who's invitation with "reasonable arrangements" marks is an extension of Ma Ying-jeou era peace dividend. Think city, definitely not agree to issue invitations, so horse-8 "deviation" in Exchange for "face" off, such myths can take.

Taiwan's more than nine times publicly urged Tsai Ing-wen accepted the "92 consensus", but "on the Moon, when the moon shines on the ditch". Tsai has softened on both sides, but not on the core issues with the Mainland dock. So this time, who also reached at the last minute, allowing city to give Tsai "horse power" the rumors fall, Jing Wei, also with a discriminating choice. If the "92 consensus" relatively abstract concept of, Tsai Ing-wen, playing word games, such as space, then a paper invitations let it image, set a "one home people not say two home words" case and typical.

Conversely, if the admission is two people, how a door? More say, invitations will give new authorities face neither gold, nor to Tsai Ing-wen on the "92 consensus" vague solution sets.

Well, turn to "maintain the status quo say" show sincerity.

  The international space

Taiwan seeks the so-called international space is a sensitive topic. The objective has always been to the Taiwan public opinion pressures of accountability. But there is a myth not desirable, is the old banner outside Tiger Island, swing dance fun Hey. City has China daily, Taiwan has China Times, CAI English accept China Times interview (yesterday Island tert-a excited Pigtailed into has joint reported, specially corrections about) does not representative she has identity "on both sides of with is a China"; Similarly, who is international occasions, APEC annual is international occasions, Taiwan hand took invited letter or confirmed civil identity only allowed participate in, does not can to outside proved Taiwan is independent Yu city of political entity.

Even so, nor on the island want to recruit, or even want to put aside the mainland alone. In recent years, Taiwan attempts to build the pipes with Interpol, but are knocking at the door to no avail. Taiwan "representative in France" Lv Qinglong headquarters in Lyon to visit in person, only visits the library, not even my visitor information registration. Contact the "plate" background, and recollection of President Ma Ying-jeou on the "92 consensus" is based, would have been more meaningful.

While the new authorities on this issue have been guilty, than "former dynasty", has not been selected on the key in the lock, even tickets for the peace dividends have not yet received. State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Ma Xiaoguang 6th during the night should be explained clearly, and undermined the political basis for cross-straits relations, reasonable arrangements would be similar to the who Assembly to sustain. Public concerns on the island, Taiwan's "international space" will be more and more narrow. Because the city has the full capacity to bridge Taiwan has very narrow "ROC", it also has the ability to let Taiwan participate in the activities of international organizations in the future more difficult.

Of course, privately there is still little on the island. Such as the United States Senate recently passed a Bill to support Taiwan to join Interpol as observers. This year in the WHA invitation of anxious waiting, media had hoped the relevant departments in the United States and Europe on the island a "friend" of persuasion.

And eggs. International space sovereignty, don't expect every day which will rain clouds of the us, Japan and Europe. Taiwan head just for a day, that is, "on both sides". Without mainland China's goodwill and the default, and then flirting with strangers, at the international level is not something. City, is given in good faith, there must be a condition, that's what gets the support of the people. Greatest common divisor of both sides of the city, and to public opinion, naturally the "92 consensus" not belong to. From a city perspective, if the discharge is given in good faith, on international occasions in turn by the DPP to demonstrate its pursuit of "independent entities" implications, and how to explain to the 1.3 billion people, end?

Invitation is the answer sheet, is a bellwether, is also a stepping stone. To begin, Taiwan can continue to participate in the September Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization and the November APEC Peru annual meeting? Island media said there are still significant variables, "went on to fight a battle", is a test of, Tsai faces. Recognition of the "92 consensus", the wide expanse. If you try to continue to be a drag, as well as horses do not eat breakfast, and horses run faster, definitely not a good idea. Don't believe me? Think--city shortly before the Gambia diplomatic relations, Kenya and Malaysia Taiwan fraud suspects were escorted mainland, Taiwan represented Belgium international steel Conference was rejected ... ...

/Dong Lu guest editor/son Mowgli

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-05-08 06:35:34
Knight island








  4月20日,台湾媒体还言之凿凿报道说, WHA针对“观察员”的邀请程序已经结束,“台湾不会收到邀请了”。变故原因外界也早有预期,就是5·20之后认同“九二共识”的马英九到点下车,尚未表态清楚的蔡英文上台。台湾今年不能入会的传言,更像是针对大陆对台政策风向标是否突变的一种揣度。为此,台湾“外交部”和“卫福部”近日来成了“立委”质询和媒体追问轰炸的重点对象。


  即将上任的蔡英文在不在乎?“准阁揆”林全特意在首波人事任命中,就宣布林奏延“5·20”后担任新“卫福部长”。外界推测,就是为他参加WHA留出足够空档。如今台湾赶上了本届大会报名时间点上的末班车。本届大会会否也是台湾即将告别 “观察员”身份的“末班车”呢?钥匙在即将上任的蔡英文和民进党手里。

















(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-05-08 06:35:34

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