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China’s giant corruption: flight 1 night of gambling in Hong Kong lost millions, the next normal work

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China’s giant corruption: flight 1 night of gambling in Hong Kong lost millions, the next normal work(中国巨贪:乘机赴港赌博1夜输百万,次日正常上班)

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Giant corruption abroad: flight 1 night of gambling in Hong Kong lose work | corrupt | Li peiying million daily _ news
"The country giant corruption" Li peiying

The capital international airport, located in the northeast of the capital, Beijing, is Asia's busiest airport. Due to the unique geographical location and important role in portal, known as "the country". In January 2007, the National Audit Office found in the audit of the Beijing Capital International Airport, Beijing Capital International Airport is not only significant funding irregularities, there is a huge shortfall of funds. Authorities quickly investigate, thus, capital airports holding company Li peiying, Chairman of the original clue to suspected criminal has finally surfaced.

Li peiying, was 57 years old, as the capital airports holding company "leader" has 4 years of time. As the company's "master", his ability, high prestige, very influential in the industry, there is also a famous nickname-"Airport Tycoon". After Li peiying corruption uncovered in June 2007, was removed from Office for investigation. After referral to the judicial authority, the Supreme People's Procuratorate of Shandong province's procuratorial organs in accordance with the specified jurisdiction and undertakes cases Li peiying, in January 2008, the Shandong provincial people's Procuratorate on suspicion of taking bribes to Li peiying filed for investigation. Office of Shandong provincial people's Procuratorate, former Deputy-level prosecutors, a former anti-corruption agency Deputy Director-General of the people's Procuratorate of Shandong province Ji Xinhua, when Li peiying project leader. His first impression of Li peiying, this person is not a general.

Li peiying case team leader Ji Xinhua: my first impression of him, not very tall, face without expression, gestures, eye contact, give the impression that he is very introverted and talk very carefully, also revealed a certain degree of calm.

In the beginning of the investigation, Li peiying Prosecutor's interrogation, has been silent, trying to fight. Audit institutions in the audit of the Airport found that the airport had 600 million of the huge sums of money, was transferred out of stock financing, and this was 600 million a loss of 380 million, leaving more than 200 million.

Responsible for financial stocks of capital airport, is the investment manager of an investment firm Li Songhe. For years, his money for airport stock, making it 600 million funding led to a loss of nearly 400 million. Lose a lot of money, but according to the contract, financial risk should be borne by the Beijing Capital International Airport, Li Songhe without charge. But this time, he mysteriously disappeared. The Prosecutor believes that this person must hold the secret to it is important, you must find his whereabouts as soon as possible. So, the Prosecutor on one hand where to find Li Songhe, while his capital airport all Finance and meticulous investigation. An extremely difficult and complicated job was at the beginning.

Li peiying case team leader Ji Xinhua: at that time at the time of audit, I am afraid, account materials, fit in this room.

Deputy Secretary of the Shandong provincial people's Procuratorate the anti-corruption Bureau Chen Chenghua: printer at the time broke a few, because to play these compare, calculate how much loss.

One another, a pen and a pencil. Case prosecutors to spare a trace of rigorous and meticulous suspicious clues, check one account after another through all of the buying and selling records. Finally, in a series of dull figures, they discovered a terrible secret.

Deputy Secretary of the Shandong provincial people's Procuratorate the anti-corruption Bureau Chen Chenghua: found there are 82.5 million Yuan, is divided into three funds, people who turn away.

Prosecutors found that airport commissioned Li Songhe financing funding a total of 600 million and 380 million of which are now lost, but the fact is, that a loss of 380 million, there are 82.5 million Yuan is not a real loss, but being turned away. So, who is transferring the money? As a financial sponsor investment manager Li Songhe must know the truth. Prosecutors increase the intensity of the hunt. After the was removed, Li Songhe was captured in the field. His account revealed the mysteries hidden in the King case – transfer of 82.5 million Yuan was Li peiying.

A former investment manager Li Songhe of trust investment companies in China: he (Li peiying) call me, said the capital's money, saying the financial accounts, moved the three a total of 82.5 million.

Li peiying was Quang Binh people of Hebei province, was born in 1950, he was born into a poor family for generations were poor farmers. Talk about their own family, Li peiying unbearable excitement showed. While family poverty, but he was intelligent and diligent, 18, the army, and later to the civil aviation flight, from June 1972 to Beijing Capital International Airport, then step up leadership posts. When Li peiying capital airports holding company "leader", the airport has acquired many domestic airports, and assets to expand rapidly. It should be said that Li peiying very hard, has a certain ability to work, also has contributed to home repair wells. However, the powerful Li peiying desires gradually expanded. Some unscrupulous traders and their relatives to provide support and help at the same time, also for taking a great deal of interest. As a direct result of Li peiying fall into the abyss of corruption, and eventually took to the road of no return, actually is a very simple and banal reason, that is-gamble.

Li peiying: into the casino for the first time was in 1989, in the United States in Las Vegas casinos.

Gaudy Casino, deal or no deal of heroism, instant win excitement, deeply attracted because of loss of faith and spiritual emptiness of the Li peiying. Is the time, he was hooked on gambling. For more than 20 years after the time, he can't quit gambling addiction and, ultimately, his deeper, it is difficult to extricate themselves.

Li peiying case project leader Ji Xinhua: Li peiying from airport, fly to Shenzhen, then in Shenzhen to Hong Kong, in Hong Kong, transfer Casino of dedicated helicopter aircraft, fell to that casino floor of platform Shang, before and after with to of time also on three hours, he this a night can lost 4 million, lost finished zhihou, second days can nothing people as, sat early aircraft, in at nine o'clock zhiqian, and appeared in airport. With a big bag, and walked steadily to the Office.

From the moment hooked on gambling, Li peiying seems to be wearing a mask, lived a double life, put on a mask, he is powerful and respected State Executive, took off his mask, he becomes an uncontrollable gambler.

Li peiying case team leader Ji Xinhua: Li peiying said, say after me, myself, and two eyes blink don't blink, just staring at the cards, looking forward to the results, after winning the election, excited that I really like the chicken blood, excited, lose it? Lose a more impulsive desires, no, I have to win. Is it over and over again, in such a highly excited. But the General result, lost again.

And careful Prosecutor found that there was a man, and when Li peiying to Macau for gambling, almost always from the left. This person is the individual businessman Qiao Li.

Qiao Li: because I was a private, I can provide more convenient. Is to accompany him to gamble.

Procuratorial organs in accordance with the cited Qiao Li and Qiao Li's account, Master Li peiying Macau gambling, lots of detail. In the face of facts, Li peiying was finally lowered his head, and he confessed his guilt. Li peiying said he privately transferred 35 million of public funds, not for anything else, in order to repay the gambling debt.

Li peiying: people really make me a gambling debt when I began to fear at this time. When they once have no money, you can't give him help when people may want to shake you out.

Qiao Li: do not cast its OK? Isn't it? This is very natural, very regular. I want to reach my goal I'm sure have to comply.

In statements from Li peiying, Qiao Li heavy hearted, which he thought to be untrustworthy. Then, Qiao Li, Li peiying really don't know? We have no way of knowing. But his performance at that time, he was willing to jump into a trap, and jump to the complete and yet, never climbed it.

On May 1, 1998, Li peiying appeared in the Grand Lisboa Casino in Macau. This time, the British lippett to Qiao Li first step set set. He and Hu, General Manager of a Beijing company to go gambling in Macao, Hu was responsible for providing gambling money. Hu offered its 1 million chips, and suddenly found an excuse to leave. Li peiying these chips are all lost, and another 2.5 million chips and losing them all. As he prepares to leave, because there was no money to pay for gambling, Casino horses back. Good Casino money is not owed. Danger, reminded Li peiying Qiao Li, his help. Qiao Li after hearing agreed at once, to Li peiying paid 2.5 million worth of gambling debts.

Mr Kwok, Deputy Director of Shandong provincial people's Procuratorate the prosecution the Prosecutor: Qiao Li to advance funds rescued for him, so after that, Li peiying Qiao Li trust.

Since then, Li peiying said: "I feel Qiao Li and the Casino are familiar with, can provide convenience for me to Macau for gambling, so later on the main Qiao Li with me. "In Exchange, a month later, Li peiying agreed to Qiao Li's request, in the name of the airport to Qiao Li provided a loan guarantee of 20 million Yuan.

Qiao Li also "loyal" to Li peiying paid a total of more than 27 million gambling debt.

Mr Kwok, Deputy Director of Shandong provincial people's Procuratorate the prosecution the Prosecutor: he can lose most when one night to more than 11 million HK dollars.

Li peiying ways to get 35 million yuan in assets from the capital airport, and Qiao Li. So far, Li peiying has step by step toward the abyss of evil.

Li peiying: gambling debts that I know is not owed. At that time perhaps life-threatening, a threat to his position that more. Let this pass over the first.

Capital Airport group finance the original charge for telling, he also reminded Li peiying.

I say you leave the 82.5 million State Fund, from the finance unit, to move you out, which was itself illegal. After you come back, no matter where to check, detect embezzlement are you, if you don't come back, but even corruption, when I warned him. He's all right. Just say whatever.

Li peiying expected of such responses in the colleague, as high-handed arbitrary Li peiying was always listen to others views.

Lixia district, Jinan City people's Procuratorate prosecutors he bingxin, Director of public prosecution and clean: we do about him, I should say, more consistent, and is single.

According to the public prosecutor's Office investigation, Li peiying bribes amounting to more than 26.61 million Yuan. His corruption of 82.5 million Yuan, its proceeds of crime more than a billion. "The country giant greedy" How do no unrighteousness, it can escape legal punishment.

Li peiying: before the Heavenly Court, I don't want to excuse any guilt for the crimes committed for yourself. First of all I'm guilty executed and I willingly accepted the sanction of the law.

Shandong provincial people's Procuratorate after Li peiying completed investigating the case, specified, Jinan City people's Procuratorate for examination and prosecution in the case. On December 25, 2008, Li peiying, Jinan City people's Procuratorate prosecuted on February 10, 2009, Jinan City intermediate people's Court made a verdict in the case: the crime of corruption and bribery cases involving capital punishment to Li peiying. Refuses to accept the ruling Li peiying, filed an appeal on July 6, 2009, Shandong provincial higher people's Court of second instance decision, dismissed the appeal and upheld the. On August 7, 2009, approved by the Supreme People's Court, Li peiying, Jinan City, Shandong province, were executed. Qiao Li, who was also punished by the law.

(Note: in addition to Li peiying, a rest of the people involved are not his real name. ) Source: Shandong people's Procuratorate

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Corruption, Li peiying

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国门巨贪:乘机赴港赌博1夜输百万 次日正常上班|贪污|李培英_新闻资讯
























  1998年5月1 日,李培英出现在澳门的葡京赌场。这一次,李培英走向了乔力设套的第一步。他先是和北京某公司总经理胡某某一起去澳门赌博,由胡负责提供赌资。胡给其提供了100万元筹码,突然借故离开。李培英将这些筹码全部赌输,又拿了250万筹码并全部输掉。就在他准备离开时,因为没钱付赌资,被赌场马仔扣下。赌场的钱可不是好欠的。危难之际,李培英想起了乔力,请他出手帮忙。乔力听后,立刻答应,为李培英支付了这250万元的赌债。

  山东省人民检察院公诉一处副处长 检察官 郭琳:乔力去给他垫付了资金解了围,所以从那之后,李培英对乔力比较信任。



  山东省人民检察院公诉一处副处长 检察官 郭琳:他最多的时候一晚上能输到1100多万港币。






  济南市历下区人民检察院公诉科科长检察官 贺冰洁:大家对他的评价呢,应该说是,比较一致,就是独吧。





责任编辑:张淳 SN182

贪污 李培英


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