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34 million years ago, fossils unearthed in Yunnan, and Primate evolution key stage

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34 million years ago, fossils unearthed in Yunnan, and Primate evolution key stage(云南出土3400万年前化石,揭灵长类进化关键阶段)

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34 million years ago unearthed in Yunnan | | Primate fossil fossil Primate evolution lift key stages _ news

File photo: Ring tailed lemur

Reference news network on May 7, British media reports said 34 million years ago in southern China, on the tree of life 6 precious fossils of fur animals helps people understand a key moment in the evolution of primates. Primate became human.

Reuters reported on May 5, 5th scientists announced the discovery of the 6 previously unknown, extinct primate species remains: 4 like the lemurs of Madagascar, a nocturnal and eat like insects and lizards in the Philippines and the tarsier of Indonesia, there is a monkey-like primates.

Reports in all mammals, primates are most sensitive to the environment. After the dramatic changes in global climate, these primates only survive for a short period of time. Flora and fauna at the climate change living conditions became colder and drier, resulting in all primates are extinct in North America and Europe, had had a devastating impact on primates in Asia.

Later evolved into the Primate lineage of monkeys, apes and humans was known as the great apes, originated in Asia, whose earliest fossils date back to 45 million years ago. Only later, about 38 million years ago, some apes migrated to Africa. It is in Africa 200,000 years ago, humans arose. But if the apes first appeared in Asia, why apes and humans is not there? 34 million years ago, the cold climate is the main reason.

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of vertebrate paleontology and paleontologist Ni Xijun (voice) said it represented a key moment in Primate evolution "a key filter."

Reported that in before the temperature drops, Asia of primate apes dominated. Later, they are lemur-apes dominate, while primates like monkeys decreased substantially. 6 new species found in China's Yunnan province, is the only one in the great apes will illustrate this point.

Effect of temperatures on Africa are not too big, and the great apes of Africa has become more and more diversified. University of Kansas paleontologist kelisi·bierde said: "If the early Asian anthropoids have not (in front of the sudden drop in temperature) in the colonization of Africa, we cannot think about that sort of thing here. ”

Beard added: "Similarly, if Asia great apes (in front of the large drop in temperature) has not suffered such a great loss of evolution, our distant ancestors likely evolution in Asia, not in Africa. "He said:" the only apes in this pile of fossils, a small primates, like monkeys called Bahinia banyueae, maybe with today's smaller, such as wool (American small long-tailed Macaque) monkeys of South America, such as similar. "Bild said, its teeth show that its diet with fruit and insects.

The 6 species of wreckage only teeth, jaws, and a few other bones of the fossil.

The study, published in the United States in science magazine. (Compile/diffident)

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Primate fossil

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云南出土3400万年前化石 揭灵长类进化关键阶段|灵长类|化石_新闻资讯


  参考消息网5月7日报道 英媒称,3400万年前在中国南方的树上生活的6个毛皮动物的珍贵化石有助于人们深入了解灵长类动物进化过程中的一个关键时刻。灵长类动物最终演变成人类。







  比尔德还说:“同样地,如果亚洲类人猿(在气温大降前)没有蒙受如此巨大的进化损失,我们遥远的祖先可能就会在亚洲而不是在非洲进化。”他说:“这堆化石中唯一的类人猿,一个瘦小的、像猴的灵长类被称为Bahinia banyueae,或许与今天较小的诸如绒(美洲产小型长尾猴)之类的南美猴相似。”比尔德说,它的牙齿表明它的饮食以水果和昆虫为主。



责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

灵长类 化石


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