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Patient hospital inpatient falls to death, slit his wrists before being taken to hospital

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/6 7:48:47 Browse times: 175 Comment times: 0

Patient hospital inpatient falls to death, slit his wrists before being taken to hospital(北大医院住院部患者坠楼身亡,生前因割腕被送医)

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North falls to death in hospital patients died due to slit his wrists _ news by falls in patients with hospital |

Women have jumped. Beijing News reporter Wang Jianing photography

Ground has not completely cleaned of blood. Beijing News reporter Wang Jianing photography

Beijing News newsletter (cub reporter Zeng Jinqiu) today (May 6) at 5 o'clock in the morning, Peking University first hospital (the "hospital") found a second inpatient patients falls to death, hospital officials have confirmed this. The Beijing News (app ID:bjnews_xjb) reporter learned that, the deceased is a female, due to slit his wrists were sent to the hospital emergency room for treatment. At present, the police have been involved in the investigation.

Dead from a cut wrist the day before being taken to hospital

"She's been feeling low lately, often said to me very depressed. "The deceased a husband, says Mr Wang, his wife yesterday (May 5) morning and slit his wrists, was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, the doctor asks slit his wrists after time and symptoms, Wang a clean wound, was hospitalized for treatment. Yu said the wife had previously sparred with the people, no depression, "she slit his wrists after basically sleeping, woke up at 11 o'clock last evening, said, ' do not want to live '. ”

Yu said the wife wake up he goes out once in a while, can't find wives 12 o'clock back to ward, then alarm. 5:15 today, he told his wife falls to death by the police, its access control was informed that the wife 0 o'clock today alone, left the ward building, for reasons unknown.

Afternoon, a reporter on the scene saw hospital second hospital cleaning marks next to a nearby manhole, two blood can still be seen. Hospital security introduced their 5 o'clock this morning to find the dead, but I do not know where to jump off.

To treat Beijing less than a month to spend tens of thousands of

In Mr, his wife is 39 years old, before they came to Beijing in Yunnan to work together. He said wife died suffering from skin disease, the history has been more than 10 years. In April this year, in with his wife to the Peking Union Medical College Hospital and the hospital for treatment, treatment has cost tens of thousands of Yuan in less than a month.

Peking Union Medical College hospital medical records showed that Wang on April 13 was diagnosed with "peripheral t-cell lymphoma." Yu said his wife's arm began to just red dot, then slowly expand. Doctors told him that treatment needs ultraviolet radiation, more pain to rule, doing 80 to 100 Yuan, need to adhere to for a long time.

Xinhua learned from the Beijing public security branch in the West Bridge station, police received a report at 0:47 A.M. today, about 5:15 notice, his wife falls. 5:30, police arrived at the scene. On to the site, the police registered the identity information, hospital security after cleaning up the scene, and dead bodies taken to the Hospital mortuary.

Hospital advocacy staff, dead than the special hospital is investigating the matter.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Patient falls

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The Beijing News
北大医院住院部患者坠楼身亡 生前因割腕被送医|患者坠楼_新闻资讯

女子从此楼跳下。新京报记者 王嘉宁 摄

地上留有未完全清理干净的血迹。新京报记者 王嘉宁 摄



  “她最近情绪不高,常跟我说很郁闷。”死者汪某丈夫于先生称,妻子昨日(5月5日)上午割腕,被送到北大医院外科急诊进行治疗,医生询问割腕时间及症状后,为汪某擦拭了伤口,随后住院治疗。于先生表示,妻子此前未与人发生过争执,也没有抑郁倾向,“她割腕后基本上一直昏睡,昨晚11点才醒来,说了一句 ‘不想活了’。”








责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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