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Japan’s Foreign Minister on the issue of South China Sea said, China: its write and sing

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/6 7:48:13 Browse times: 163 Comment times: 0

Japan’s Foreign Minister on the issue of South China Sea said, China: its write and sing(日本外相就南海问题说三道四,中方:其自编自唱)

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Japan's Foreign Minister on the issue of South China Sea said the Chinese side: its write and sing | sea _ news

On May 6, 2016, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei's regular press conference

Question: it was reported that the United States expert in the United States think tank East-West Center Conference on South China sea coral reefs are damaged, the Chinese "reclaimed island" is one of the main reasons. Philippines authorities also claimed that the Chinese on mischief reef, reef-building damage to marine ecology. How do you respond to the Chinese side?

  A: the Spratly Islands are Chinese territory. As owner of the Spratly Islands, China, more than any other country, no institution and anyone concerned about reefs and marine ecological environment.

During the process of construction in a South China Sea Island, we always adhere to the "green project, ecological Islands" of ecological environmental protection, after extensive research, rigorous argumentation, dynamic protection measures have been taken, effectively combining engineering and environment protection, achieve the sustainable development of Islands. In particular, we have adopted a "natural simulation" to simulate the ocean storm waves move blows, handling relevant biological detritus, the natural process that gradually evolved into an oasis on the sea. This has little effect on the coral reef ecological environment system. Upon completion of the construction activities of the Chinese side, will help enhancing the island's ecological environment protection capacity, relevant practices stand the test of time.

Q: workers ' Party of Korea seven National Congress today, what comment do you have?

Answer: the DPRK is now at an important stage of national development. We want North Korea to achieve national development and the people's happiness, also wants North Korea to listen to voices of the international community to jointly safeguard lasting peace and stability in Northeast Asia.

  Q: Russia will be held in Moscow "5·9" parade, comment on this?

Answer: Russia "5·9" commemorations and China "9·3" Commemoration to highlight human justice, courage, bearing in mind the common fight against fascist history of important events. Last year President XI Jinping to attend the "5·9" celebration, attended by President Vladimir Putin to China "9·3," celebration, the two countries jointly maintain the historical justice, highlights Russia as Asia and Europe the main historical contributions to the victory of the world anti-fascist war. We wish the Russia "5·9" commemoration of success.

  Q: we are more concerned about the Philippine arbitration the arbitral tribunal may, in the South China Sea in May or June to make final decisions, will the ruling will affect China?

Answer: those expectations through the so-called decision a fait accompli or idea of pressing China to give way, was destined to be a fantasy. No matter what the Philippine Sea Arbitration Tribunal ruled, are illegal and have no validity, and China will not accept, deny it. China's determination to defend the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and unwavering, and uphold the international rule of law and the United Nations Convention on the law of the integrity and authority of the firm.

  After the meeting, a reporter asked: it was reported that the Japan foreign Kishida Fumio recently during his visit to three countries in Southeast Asia and make irresponsible remarks on the issue of South China Sea. Do you have any comments on this?

Hong Lei said China and ASEAN have reached consensus on the issue of South China Sea, that is, according to the fourth article of the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, directly through negotiation address specific disputes, China and ASEAN countries to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea. According to the verification, the Japan Foreign Minister during a visit to spread some of the allegations are completely untrue, how to write and sing. Japan is not party of South China Sea, during the second world war in the region has a history of disgraceful, are not eligible to make irresponsible remarks on the issue of the South China Sea. Urge the Japanese side was doing things which do not damage the peace and stability of the South China Sea.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
The South China Sea

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日本外相就南海问题说三道四 中方:其自编自唱|南海_新闻资讯




  在南海岛礁建设过程中,我们始终坚持“绿色工程、生态岛礁”的生态环境保护理念,经过深入研究、严谨论证,采取了全程动态保护措施,切实将工程 与生态环境保护紧密结合起来,实现岛礁可持续发展。具体来讲,我们采用“自然仿真”思路,模拟海洋中暴风浪吹移,搬运有关生物碎屑,逐渐进化为海上绿洲的 自然过程。这种做法对珊瑚礁生态环境体系的影响很小。中方有关建设活动完成后,将大幅提升有关岛礁的生态环境保护能力,有关做法经得起时间的考验。




  答:俄罗斯“5·9”纪念活动和中国“9·3”纪念活动同为彰显人类维护正义勇气、铭记共同抗击法西斯历史的重要活动。去年习近平主席成功出席 “5·9”纪念活动,普京总统出席中国“9·3”纪念活动,两国共同维护了历史正义,彰显了中俄作为亚洲和欧洲主战场为世界反法西斯战争胜利做出的重大历 史贡献。我们预祝此次俄罗斯“5·9”纪念活动成功举行。


  答:那些期望通过所谓裁决造成既成事实或者迫使中国让步的想法,注定将是幻想。无论菲律宾南海仲裁案仲裁庭作出什么裁决,都是非法的、无效的, 中国不会接受,不会承认。中国捍卫国家领土主权和海洋权益的决心坚定不移,维护国际法治及《联合国海洋法公约》完整性、权威性的态度坚定不移。


  洪磊表示,中方与东盟已就南海问题达成共识,那就是根据《南海各方行为宣言》第四条规定,由直接当事国通过谈判协商解决具体争议,中国和东盟国 家共同维护好南海和平稳定。据核实,此次日本外相在访问中散布的一些说法完全不属实,多为自编自唱。日本不是南海当事方,在二战中在本地区有过不光彩的历 史,根本没有资格在南海问题上说三道四。奉劝日方还是谨言慎行,不要做损害南海和平稳定的事。

责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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