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Ancient trees in China first public interest litigation case, thousands of trees being cut down

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/6 7:47:27 Browse times: 158 Comment times: 0

Ancient trees in China first public interest litigation case, thousands of trees being cut down(中国国内首起古树公益诉讼立案,千余古树遭砍伐)

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The first lawsuit filed over thousands of trees being cut down ancient trees | | old trees _ public interest litigation news

Original title: project covers thousands of ancient tree in jujube transplanting in ancient China's first public interest litigation case

Beijing News News (reporters Wang Shuo) in early 2014, due to an area of need, Xue Dian Zhen Zhong Hua Zhuang village, xinzheng jujube in thousands of ancient Henan transplanted by the local government. Assumed the suspicion of environmental torts, green hair, China Hua Zhuang village, Xue Dian Zhen Zhong 5 Government departments to court. On May 6, the Beijing News reporter was informed that the Office-bearers of the case by the Zhengzhou intermediate people's Court. It is understood that the case is the first case of ancient and famous trees in environmental public interest litigation.

  Due to demand thousands of trees being stolen

Xinzheng is the home dates, species of calligonum history dating back to more than 8,000 years ago the peiligang culture period, local area hundreds of years old ancient Shu Lin, xinzheng jujube tree and formed the stable surrounding the ancient cultural and natural environment. In 2010, xinzheng municipal people's Government has proposed "located in Xue Dian Zhen Zhong Hua Zhuang village, xinzheng jujube implementation levels for the protection of cultural relics in 1023 acres of ancient", in the protection zone, up to 17660 jujube in more than a century old.

In early 2014, this "heritage protection" for construction requirements have changed. According to local media reports, the evening of January 16, 2014, and Xue Dian Zhen Zhong Hua Zhuang Cun Wei Hui people's Government with logging and construction teams of dozens of people, Hua Zhuang village of zizyphus jujuba jujube in ancient woodland harvesting thousands of plants (after authorities identified as 1870), stealing was blocked after it was discovered by villagers.

On April 27 this year, green will bring environmental public interest litigation in China, asked the relevant government departments to stop implementation of the destruction of ancient trees, damaging the environment, humanistic and natural environment to introduce compensation for losses, and apologized to the public.

  The suit says death by transplanting old trees

China green hair said in the complaint, after media reports on this matter, the local Government will be cutting jujube in ancient "port name" moved Xue Dian Zhen Zhong Wang Zhangcun, xinzheng jujube in ancient Chinese garden, so-called "transplant". But as the harvest time is not for the purpose of transplantation, mining of jujube in ancient destructive destruction, after which "transplant" "transplant" are not in accordance with standard operation, resulted in "transplanting" ancient large-area death of jujube trees.

China's green hair is of the view that Hua Zhuang village, Xue Dian Zhen Zhong government sectors such as illegal logging and the destruction of ancient tree forest, destroying hundreds of years have formed a number of local ecological environment, seriously damaging the public interest, it shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

On May 6, green will receive the Zhengzhou intermediate people's Court of China issued a "case".

It is understood that this is a public service organizations on protection of ancient and famous trees the first environmental public interest litigation filed by. China Green Deputy Secretary-General Ma Yong said, the case is civil action for environmental NGOs through an attempt to correct and regulate government administrative violations.

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
Ancient tree in public interest litigation

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The Beijing News
国内首起古树公益诉讼立案 千余古树遭砍伐|公益诉讼|古树_新闻资讯

  原标题:工程占地千余古枣树被移栽 国内首起古树公益诉讼立案












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