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25 hospitals in Beijing as “Department of Putian“, of which 1 recognition

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/6 7:47:25 Browse times: 246 Comment times: 0

25 hospitals in Beijing as “Department of Putian“, of which 1 recognition(北京25家医院被传为“莆田系”,其中1家承认)

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25 hospitals in Beijing as "Department of Putian" 1 recognizes | | | hospitals Beijing _ in Putian City News

Yesterday afternoon, reporters visiting Beijing Jianguo hospital, for more than 20 minutes at the door, saw patients into.

Yesterday afternoon, reporters visiting Beijing Wuzhou women and children's Hospital, on the wall of the corridor on the first floor, hung with many celebrity photos taken this Edition with the hospital staff photo/reporter Liu Chang.

Legal evening news (reporter Xu Kunyao Zhang Ting Zhou Chao Wang SI SI Trainee journalist Li) "Wei Zexi event" to "Department of Putian" onto the air waves recently posted online a copy of "hospital in Putian list", there are several hospitals in Beijing ranks among them. The legal daily (app ID:fzwb_52165216) reporter searched 25 among the "lists of" Hospital found that as of this morning, a total of 13 hospitals website can be opened. Yesterday, our multiple reporters on visits to some of the hospitals.

  Search network list "list" hospitals 13 official website opens

Reporters circulating on the Internet of "list of hospitals in Putian" see, there are 25 in Beijing.

Yesterday reporter according to "list" Shang displayed of hospital name for search found, has 11 home of official website normal run; 8 home Hospital search not to its official website; 2 home website Shang wrote with "is upgrade in the", and attached has contact phone; 2 home website "cannot displayed this page"; 1 home website open Hou no specific information; also has 1 home name for "Beijing products Kang hospital management limited", in search Shi not search to, but in Beijing enterprise credit information online displayed the enterprise has "revoked".

This morning, this reporter once again query the hospital's official website yesterday showed a "this page cannot be displayed" or "upgrading" of Beijing Jianguo hospital, Beijing tianlun infertility hospital and Beijing Rui Jing diabetes hospital's official website today can be opened normally, yesterday to open as usual in Beijing, Mr Rui orthopaedic hospital Web site, could not open today.

 Networking advice to journalists "to the hospital for two"

"Beijing Hospital of the North Sea" is in the list of network hospital.

Yesterday afternoon, the journalist found when searching, its website tips Web site is being upgraded and is not accessible. Reporters later discovered, a group called "medical net" on the page marked in Beijing hospitals in the North Sea. Reporter takes you to the page, the page bottom right corner pops up a dialog box, press to select one "gynecological" window for consultation.

Journalists with "menstruation" for advice, who call themselves the "Guo of Beijing Beihai hospital doctors" who hosted a press conference. Other basic information after asking two checks recommended journalists to go to the hospital to confirm the problem.

Pressed by reporters, "Guo doctor" who it was, they explained, "I am a network doctor, not in the outpatient reception, you came here by our clinic expert Li or Zhang Zhiying doctor reception, special expert is Sun Aida and Professor Shi Shuyi, we can see their information on the official website".

Official website provides telephone reporter called consultation which followed, each other informed, the official website is being upgraded, you need to wait a few days, medical online registration is the formal, the hospital will have some sources to guide the hospital network, "Guo doctor" is mainly responsible for the register.


Of hospitals on the list among the network what is the actual situation? Yesterday, the late journalist on the part of the hospital was visited by.

  "Happy recognition"

Beijing Rui Jing diabetes hospital: Registration Office said was "Department of Putian"

1:30 P.M. yesterday, reporters visited Beijing Rui Jing diabetes hospital in Nancheng, hospitals open, experts are also regular visits. When journalists arrived at the hospital, while lunch is not yet over, but there have been several patients came to register, pay.

Legal evening news (app ID:fzwb_52165216) reporter saw Hall not only have huge signs reading "health care hospitals", still photos and presentations by many experts, including some public hospital doctors.

Subsequently, the reporters to ask the patient's identity to the registration office is the hospital belongs to the "Department of Putian" staff answered was happy: "Yes, we belong to the hospital in Putian, many patients will consult this issue, but we are a regular hospital. ”

The staff member said, now visits doctors in the hospital are experts in all public hospitals, in patients who do not trust can go straight to the hospital to check file, and here is health care hospitals in Beijing.


Health hospitals: hospital officials insisted was not "Department of Putian"

Located near caishikou Dajie, Xicheng District Health hospitals in the network list. Yesterday afternoon, reporters came here to visit, interview a number of patients, they say, hear, "Wei Zexi event", but I do not know that "hospitals" list, select here a big reason the doctor is in big hospitals, can't put it, in the case of their illnesses, would rather spend a little more money.

Subsequently, the reporter went to the outpatient and the inpatient Department, on the first floor lobby registration desk, about 30 patients go through the relevant formalities. Guidance staff, 51 compared with the past without much passenger traffic before and after the change, has been leveled.

When a reporter asked networks "list of hospitals in Putian" refers to when the hospital, a hospital staff member insisted, "I can only say that we are not a hospital in Putian, inconvenience to be interviewed".

International Medical Center: posted a statement denying "Department of Putian" related

Journalist found when searching yesterday, Beijing International Medical Center's name also appears in the network list. Journalists search their website open found that Home is hanging out "statement on the Department of Putian and Beijing International Medical Center has nothing to do."

Yesterday afternoon, reporters outside the Beijing International Medical Center, which also posted a "statement on the Department of Putian and Beijing International Medical Center has nothing to do." Said in a statement, Beijing International Medical Center, shares, operating and management have had nothing to do with Putian companies, individuals. There's "Beijing International Medical Center" seal.

"I don't know why, our name will appear on the Web lists. "Two staff members in the Marketing Department of the Centre, said the company made it clear, reserve network list of publishers and spreaders rights of legal liability.


Beijing Jianguo hospital: unless a doctor cannot be entered

On May 3, Putian, Beijing Jianguo hospital admitted that this newspaper had reported "blood". Yesterday, the reporter visited the premises at xidawang road.

Entering the Hospital found, interior decoration, and prominently display a number of medical experts resume, name of the main entrance there is a guidance and security, but do not see patients.

Press enter, and guidance immediately asked whether reporters have a reservation and wanted to visit projects, the reporter asked "dermatology", the guidance said the hospital for male hospital, without seeing a doctor needs to leave immediately and not allowed to stay, is not allowed to understand the medical condition.

Journalists stay near the gate of the hospital in its 20 minutes or so, has never seen patients into.

 Tianlun infertility hospital: "Department of Putian" "don't know"

Located in Chaoyang men Nan da Jie Beijing tianlun infertility hospital, also in the network list.

When reporters came to entering the gate of the hospital staff came asking help. Although journalists are friends, but the staff insisted that reporters inform your friends name. When reporters entered the hospital, 2/f, staff also follows to the second floor, has been "follow" reporter.

Journalist sees on the wall side of the hospital experts, many experts are from some of the city's three hospitals. Hospitals include gynaecology, Andrology, gynaecology clinic has seven or eight of them. Small waiting room filled with people.

But whether they amount to "Department of Putian hospital" which relevant personnel on these "do not know".

 Capital city Dermatology hospital: asked about the "Department of Putian" guidance "don't know"

Yesterday afternoon, the reporters came to capital city Dermatology Hospital of Beijing. Not many people in the Hall on the first floor. In the waiting area, the reporter saw several medicine acne on the face of the girl. One girl said, they came to take medicine, take the medicine every Thursday afternoon, each spent more than 700 Yuan, is already the 6th time. "Noon heard friends say that the hospital's name appears on the ' list of Putian ', was also a little concerned. ”

Journalists with "families looking for patients" to hospital visits found on each floor, Tingzhen does not appear in the medical area, and so on. Asked about the "Department of Putian" information, medical staff cautiously said "don't know". Hanging on the wall on one side of the Hall introduction to 41 doctors, medical staff said, the doctor is the holder of a practising certificate, for senior doctors.

When asked by reporters which led on duty that day, the staff said: "the day of the ' general duty ' in the medical area. "But in accordance with the guidance staff guidelines in the Office area of the hospital has seen" always on duty "personnel.

 Beijing Wuzhou women and children's hospitals:

Stars on the wall photos

Beijing Wuzhou women and children's hospitals are also among the "list". On May 3, this newspaper reported the hospital refuses to "Department of Putian" interview.

Yesterday afternoon arrived at its premises in the XI da Wang Road, first floor Hall can be divided into guidance and registration office, unless the medical personnel that outsiders can't go upstairs. After the registration, will be in service reception, and be directed to the appropriate Department.

In the guidance, a member of staff asked the reporter whether there is a medical need, reporters to ask "birth", and obtain some recommendations, information, reporters saw in the hospital's cost in 50,000-70,000 per month, this is the "package" costs, such as patients with special needs, can make the appropriate adjustments.

Afterward, the reporter "wanted to see the medical condition" for advice, guidance, they said bed is full, pregnant women need a break, you must contact good to visit with the doctor.

However, the legal evening news (app ID:fzwb_52165216) reporter see a corridor on the first floor, on the wall hung pictures of a number of film and TV stars pictures with hospital staff.

During the visits, 4 patients and family, heard "Wei Zexi event", but I don't understand the list of homes available on the Web. "Seeing some stars in this production, think services also have some protection. "A family member said.

This version of text/reporter Xu Kunyao Zhang Ting Zhou Chao Wang SI SI Trainee journalist Li Dong

Intern Wu Yu Shan

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
Beijing Putian hospital list

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Legal evening news
北京25家医院被传为“莆田系” 其中1家承认|莆田系|医院|北京_新闻资讯


  昨日下午,记者探访北京五洲妇儿医院,在一层走廊的墙上,挂着许多明星与医院工作人员合影的照片 本版摄/记者 刘畅。

  法制晚报讯(记者 徐琨尧 张婷 周超 王思思 实习记者 李东)“魏则西事件”将“莆田系”推上风口浪尖,最近网上流传一份“莆田系医院名单”,北京有数家医院位列其中。《法制晚报》(微信ID:fzwb_52165216)记者搜了25家位列“名单”之上的医院发现,截至今天上午,共有13家医院官网可以打开。而在昨日,本报多路记者对部分医院进行了探访。

  搜索 网传名单“上榜”医院 13家官网能打开




  网络咨询 建议记者“去医院做两项检查”











  法制晚报(微信ID:fzwb_52165216)记者看到,大堂内不仅有巨大的招牌写着“医保定点医院”, 还挂了许多专家照片和介绍,包括一些公立医院的名医。













  北京建国医院:除非就诊 否则不能进入










  京城皮肤病医院:问及“莆田系” 导医“不知道”












  本版文/记者 徐琨尧 张婷 周超 王思思 实习记者 李东

  实习生 武玉姗


莆田系 医院 北京 名单


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