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Yellow Dragon Temple “billion Abbot“: I am not second abbot

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Yellow Dragon Temple “billion Abbot“: I am not second abbot(黄龙寺“亿元方丈”:我不是第二个释永信)

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Yellow Dragon Temple "billion Abbot": I am not second abbot | huanglong Temple _ news
Huanglong Temple Abbot released unfaithful.
Releasing loyalty 10 "alms" 50 million.

Original title: Dragon Temple "billion Abbot" business

Redevelopment announced two years ago ten years compared to the high-spirited huanglong Temple, huanglong Temple Abbot release loyalty apparently lean a lot now. The past two years, loyalty to the Abbot has been in the whirlpool of public opinion. Some say he is living in a mansion, driving cars, and mountain lovers, was the second abbot.

Since last June, he announced that his three prayer beads were valued 150 million Yuan, and plans after the Dragon Temple, built at a cost of 400 million Yuan, he received hundreds of calls every day. The phone, mostly he is over seven years old still want to rebuilt the temple moved, but others called him, saying he was too pushy, too high profile, like a family.

But one thing, he inherited the huanglong Temple in 12 years, the broken Temple had by an unknown smell-free, become a strong incense Temple, he was also known as "CEO of Buddhism". Allegiance to the Abbot was able to "popular", because he was worth billions of Yuan billionaires before becoming a monk, he was also known as "Abbot billion yuan." But the 74-year old Abbot said outside their misunderstanding, he didn't want the temple on the road to commercialization.

Text, charts/Guangzhou daily reporter xiaohuanhuan

  Huanglong Temple is located in the foothills West of Dessau and 12 km of Jianshui.

  Auction firm 150 million into nets Red

74 year old Abbot going release Chung acted powerfully. The mountain, a mountain just finished dressing. Some main hall collapsed, according to some accounts he and restoration of old photographs from 2004 to 2007, spent more than 40 million Yuan.

Release planning to cheat in the newly built Temple funds needed for the initial budget of 400 million Yuan. To do this, release hold loyalty to come up and take many years of 3 prayer beads out of the auction. As early as 2014, releasing loyalty because it became an Internet red.

At that time, the disciple 3 to pop his prayer beads to the Shanghai auction company auctions, auction house valued at 150 million Yuan, release Chung was called "million monk".

Because the auction house fee charge of 1.5 million Yuan, release Chung did not agree. Subsequently, he and 1 billion yuan worth of collectibles in Yunnan province for a four-day public exhibition, become attached to. "Million monk" name is spread throughout the country.

But this brought disaster for him. The night of November 25, 2014, several thieves turning into his room from the toilet, 3 outside of the bedroom door of prayer beads and a stolen bronze. This issue was once release with a loyal heart, kneeling in front of the Buddha as he cried for 1 day and 1 night.

He began to rethink that "Buddhism talk must be fruit, maybe because I was too high profile before, let everyone know I have such rarities, just attract thieves. ”

  Merchant and select monks

Releasing loyalty was born in 1942 in the Yi nationality in Yunnan Honghe a family, grew up with his father to study Chinese medicine, practicing Kung Fu.

From the age of 25, release hold loyalty in business, business is getting bigger, mainly open mine and do the construction and real estate. By 1993, he had a total of 13 companies, worth more than 2 billion yuan.

Age of 52 years, releasing loyalty has made an amazing move – he decided to became a monk. In 2004, releasing early allegiance to the huanglong Temple. The more than 800 year history of the temple fell into disrepair and ruins everywhere.

Compared with the new temples, repairing old temples more trouble, more money.

Never worry about the release of money held allegiance to the first time the lack of money. His shag leak, lying on the bed, looked up and could see the day. He is very worried about: paving another one from the bottom to halfway up, convenient to transport building materials up the mountain road, just a hundred thousand of Yuan.

  10 "alms" 50 million

After monks release loyalty still displays the Monster's business acumen. He first looked at the ancient city of Jianshui tourist: he wrote some "Buddha" or "Zen" character, the street stall to sell. Jianshui violet pottery is very rare, he found a local ceramic enterprise, wrote on the tea for them. "Because I'm famous, two thousand or three thousand Yuan each to write a Word. ”

Gradually, many people seek to find words for pictures. Most of his paintings are Tiger-people think that Tiger to ward off evil, "demand" maximum. Heard of his calligraphy skills and deep ceramic enterprises in Yunnan province to find him, he painted a portrait of the 500 Arhats in porcelains, firing them up gave him 30,000 yuan.

From 2013 onwards, the calligraphy and painting "connection prices" skyrocketed, due to release faithful painted a picture of a 312 metre long won the 500 arhats and bodhisattvas "world's longest picture" Guinness world record certification. The news got out, one of the most expensive painting "affinity" hundreds of thousands of Yuan: "they think my pictures are certainly valuable, collectable" release Zhong said with a smile, he drew this picture for 5 years, some had wanted the painting to 40 million Yuan, which he refused.

In this way, he is 10 years "alms" 50 million Yuan. He acknowledged that his advantage over other families this, because "before doing business, networking is also".

Up to now, the huanglong Temple has grown from an unknown ten years ago in no dilapidated temples, developing into a strong incense Temple. Today, 100,000 people visited the liturgy every year, burning incense is very strong. Releasing loyalty with his business acumen, this small temple "resurrection".

12 restore to its original 6 18, Hall spent 40 million Yuan, but this is only a phase of the project.?Coupled with the previously built over more than 40 temples, before becoming a monk savings running out. Then, the second phase project.

  Would like to sell 1 billion collection of temples

Releasing loyalty and want to make Temple commercial for money. To repair the temple, release Chung sold Kunming House and wondering collection sold before becoming a monk.

"Now a lot of temples is a commercial operation, the monks paid successfully advised pilgrims burning stick high aroma, they also can according to a certain percentage. "Release Chung said the temptation of so many after he took over the temple, but he refrained.

Last year, a Shenzhen businessman heard he build temples needed money, take the initiative to find him, said will spend 500 million Yuan to the temple reconstruction mandate, in the face of such temptation, releasing loyalty ultimately rejected.

Current distance required for the renovation of the temple was raised in 400 million Yuan is still a big gap, both do not want temples to commercialization, but also raise 400 million Yuan, release loyalty some stranded. "My collection, valued at about 1 billion yuan. If somebody is willing to help with my ambition to build a temple, my collection I am willing to lower prices become attached, that is on sale. ”

  I am a non-traditional monk

Like the Shaolin Abbot, famous after releasing loyalty on the Internet caused great controversy.

Release Abbot hospital monitoring system to cheat, the Abbot's room 30 square meters for his usual visitors, behind the Abbot's room has a swimming pool, his Abbot, also called by many mansions. However, release hold loyalty to mansion this statement do not agree. "All their Abbot in the raising of the block must have the same day the Abbot, the temple must meet certain specifications only, compared to the temple, I the Abbot had very shabby. ”

For driving luxury cars said he denials. "You just clarify for me, so-called luxury car is a Subaru SUV, this is where luxury cars. ”

In 2009, release chung made a bold attempt to put their experience into a TV series. But never had a chance to broadcast, he also failed to become a "movie star", which is more than 10 million Yuan on boondoggle.

In order to persuade people to do good, he also produced 10 Buddhist songs and MTV hero is his own.

Release Chung says he may not be a good monk. In his view, today the temple's living environment has changed a lot, the temple cannot respect the independent, monks also eat 50 monks in the temple, to spend 200,000 yuan a year. As Abbot, he can't be all chizhai, and to learn how to use the modern temple is administered, and to deal with officials. "Some people say I'm a political monk, I am actually a non-conventional monk. ”

  "I'm not the second abbot"

Reporter: you a worth billions of Regal, why become a monk?

Releasing loyalty: the money in the world is made up of. It took me 30 years to make money, but to be honest, that for decades I was not happy, and officials all day, drinking, dance halls, it feels like the people led by the nose by some secular stuff. Body is boiled down. So I decided to change a way of life.

Reporter: as early as two years ago, you had red, you know?

Releasing loyalty: Yes. I started to have time to earlier classes, then I have no morning class on time. Many people know that I build a temple here, give me a call and say their temples are dilapidated, let me go. But I don't have the energy.

Reporter: valued 150 million yuan of three strings of prayer beads is stolen, is a big blow to you?

Releasing loyalty: in the beginning I almost collapsed. But only for a day, I would like to open, and maybe it is evil I built you a monk, not good practice, interviews all day, this is not what is SIN? Will definitely be punished, just as a lesson.

Reporter: some people say you have Villa, Mansion, driving luxury cars, as well as life style?

Releasing loyalty: the so-called luxury homes you see, my Abbot and that place, not a luxury. Luxury SUV is a car worth more than 200,000 yuan. Said my life style problem is rumors, I'm more than 70 years old, and I worked at before becoming a monk never been married, never had children.

Reporter: Temple had operating income sources?

Releasing loyalty: not at all. Mainly by me alone, painting and writing, they give some money to the temple. I don't want to do the temple into the enterprise. Someone told me that a vegetarian vegetarian or something, I don't agree.

Reporter: you are so famous, no one needed to come out to repair the temple's 400 million Yuan?

Releasing loyalty: Yes. Come a lot. Some time ago there was a boss, help me to repair the temple, but the tone is too big. He said, "you go read you the temple, everything else I make. "When I heard that he meant it to circle the temple burning incense money, I don't agree.

Reporter: you disagree with others that you are the second abbot?

Releasing loyalty: I cause. I didn't have a lot of money to get out of the home. I rebuilt the temple, not for the money, I'm 74 now and no children, for money do? I now own painting, auction items, raised money to repair the temple.

Reporter: most people have the impression, the monks in the temple are not asking the world, practice, you may not seem like it.

Releasing loyalty: the monk if he can't afford to feed himself, can only think of other methods. Temple was seen with such a high income now, he could have been in there, he does not do, to jail, to make money. Fished almost, he was defrocked. This compared with the previous monk's behavior, not even close.

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Huanglong Temple

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  而从2013年开始,这些字画的“结缘价格”开始飙升,原因是释持忠画的一幅长达312米的《五百罗汉朝菩萨图》获得了“世界最长画卷”吉尼斯世界纪录 认证。消息一出,最贵的一幅画“结缘”了几十万元:“他们认为我的字画肯定值钱了,也有收藏价值”, 释持忠笑着说,这幅画他画了5年,曾有人以4000 万元想要这幅画,被他拒绝了。



  12年间修复原有的6院18座殿堂,花了4000万元,而这只是一期工程。再加上此前修的40多座寺庙,出家前的积蓄快花完了。 转眼,二期工程开工了。








  释持忠的方丈院内装着监控系统,30平方米的方丈室供他平时接待访客,方丈室后方有一个游泳池,他的这个方丈院也被很多人称为豪宅。不过,释持忠对豪宅 这个说法并不认同。“所有的方丈在升座仪式当天必须要有方丈院,寺庙必须达到一定规格才行,跟大寺相比,我这个方丈院其实已经很寒碜了。”




  释持忠说,自己可能不是一个好和尚。在他看来,今天寺庙的生存环境发生了很大变化,寺庙不可能绝世独立,和尚也要吃饭,庙里的50名出家人,一年也要支 出20万元。作为方丈的他不可能整天只吃斋念佛,而要学会用现代方式管理寺庙,还要和官员打交道。“有人说我是个政治和尚,其实我只是一个非传统型和尚罢 了。”


















责任编辑:张淳 SN182



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