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Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to the “Tibetan Government in exile“: a farce

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/3 5:38:17 Browse times: 139 Comment times: 0

Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to the “Tibetan Government in exile“: a farce(外交部回应“西藏流亡政府选举”:一场闹剧)

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to the "Tibetan Government in exile": a farce | Government in exile _ news

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei's regular press conference

  Q: recently, suspected the two missing 16 years ago in Tibet United States Mountain Explorer's body was found. China had communication with their family? Whether coming to China for them to identify the body and bringing the body back to the United States to facilitate?

A: we have taken note of relevant reports, are verified to understand the situation.

  Q: it is reported that recently, Syria ceasefire was broken in some areas, the situation is not optimistic. China currently Syria has any comment?

Answer: recently, Syria conflict intensified in some areas, and caused the casualties, the Chinese side expresses its concern about. Ceasefire is to promote Syria an important condition for the political process and the peace talks. We hope that the parties concerned will cherish the ceasefire situation, as Syria's political process to continue to create a favorable atmosphere.

A political solution is Syria the only realistic way out of the problem. Although this process may encounter some difficulties and setbacks, but only this way the one that fits Syria people's fundamental interests, and most conducive to the long-term stability of the region. Proceed along this road, and must maintain the confidence of the international community, the parties concerned must remain patient, both sides must show sincerity. China supports the UN Secretary-General, Syria the mediation efforts of the Special Envoy Mistura, ready to work together with all parties concerned, promote the Geneva peace talks resumed as soon as possible to further advance Syria the political settlement process.

  Q: Kishida Fumio Foreign Secretary, recently realized the Japan Foreign Minister first official visit in 4.5 years. How does China comment on this visit?

A: the current momentum of Sino-Japanese relations have improved, but remains fragile as a whole complex. We hope the Japanese side can meet each other halfway and with the Chinese side, in the four political documents, and a four-point principle on the basis of consensus, make real efforts to improve and develop bilateral relations.

  Question: you recently "exiled Tibetan Government" "elections" results have any comment on that?

A: you mentioned the so-called "Government in exile" has no legitimacy, no country in the world to recognize the organization. The so-called "elections" is only a farce of this organization.

 Q: yesterday, United States President Barack Obama wrote in the Washington Post, United States-led "trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)" implementation of high standards, and will ensure that the United States rather than in countries such as China 21st century trade rules of writing. Comment on this?

Answer: the US position is large, but smaller patterns. China believes, should be shared by countries around the world to discuss world trade rules, and not by individual countries. In the "trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)" on the issue, the Chinese side is open. We believe that the TPP and "regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP)" should promote each other, towards the Asia-Pacific free trade area to contribute to this common objective.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Government in exile

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责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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