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Heavy rains in Northeast winds caused by parts train

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/3 5:38:01 Browse times: 153 Comment times: 0

Heavy rains in Northeast winds caused by parts train(东北强降雨大风天气致部分列车晚点)

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Gale weather some train delays caused by heavy rain in Northeast Northeast | | trains of heavy rainfall _ news

Original title: heavy rains in Northeast winds train delays caused by the railway authorities to dispose of

CNS, Shenyang, May 3 (reporter Gong Xu)-3rd learned from the Shenyang railway Bureau, when under the influence of heavy rainfall and high winds in the Northeast, local wind speeds greater than 10, the railway power supply units power outage, Qinhuangdao-Shenyang, Harbin, and Shenyang-Dandong and Shenyang-Dalian line some trains stop en route, running late.

At present, the railway sector is organizing a rapid repair, order of train operation, as soon as possible.

Shenyang Central Meteorological Observatory posted 3rd wind forecasting said,? the same day afternoon to night, areas such as Shenyang, Dalian, Anshan, Liaoning province, Northwest 7, gust of 8 to 9, parts of gusts of 10 levels.

Railway sector suggests that passengers pay attention to station announcement, proper arrangements for travel. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

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Heavy rains in Northeast China train

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China News Network

  原标题:东北强降雨大风天气致列车晚点 铁路部门全力处置

  中新网沈阳5月3日电 (记者 宫旭)记者3日从沈阳铁路局了解到,当日东北地区受强降雨和大风天气影响,局地风速超过10级,造成铁路供电设备停电,秦沈、哈大、沈丹、沈大线部分列车途中停车,运行晚点。




责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

东北强降雨 列车晚点


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