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Media: plastic surgery ad 999 Yuan, Baidu has been spoiled

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Media: plastic surgery ad 999 Yuan, Baidu has been spoiled(媒体:整形广告点击一次999元,百度已被惯坏)

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Media: plastic surgery ad 999 Yuan Baidu Baidu has spoiled | | advertising | hospitals _ news

You believe that the nature of most "evil" is?

Aware of the problem, Wei Zexi of college students suffering from synovial Sarcoma was given the answer: "Baidu, didn't know how evil. "His in Baidu search first to find a top three armed police hospital to immune therapy, and here was a doctor who on television many times told of" 20 years ".

But in fact, this biologic immune therapy in several countries have already taken to hospital because of "low efficiency" had been eliminated; Putian, and has been responsible for running the hospital in Oncology are not as propaganda, the cooperation with the Stanford medical school.

Just a year ago, Baidu and Putian, also a result of PPC events like cat. At the time, in the face of boycott of Putian, Baidu tough, clearly pointed out that it will not waver "high threshold and strict auditing" determination, as represented by the Department of Putian and increase regulation of illegal medical promotion.

However, over more than a year. Treatment of false medical advertising, Baidu to change it?

 Qualification in doubt

Death of XI ' an University student Wei Zexi, Baidu again medical advertisement Department of Putian, and once again thrust into the forefront of public opinion.

And Baidu, which has repeatedly suffered a public relations crisis, Baidu's question is still focused on promotion of false medical institutions through the PPC mechanism, and allegedly provided fraudulent information leading to fraud.

"Whether or not he is in the Baidu search, whether or not to go to the hospital, he is likely doomed to death. But precisely because he went to the hospital, delay the formal treatment on the one hand, on the other hand his family bear a lot of medical bills. "One of the health industry workers said.

In February this year, knowing the answer, said Wei Zexi figured the money at home, and borrow from friends and relatives, spending a total of more than 200,000, transferred to the lung results few months.

"I'm now in hospital, has found a true reliable technology, faster at the end. "Wei Zexi said.

Happened to Wei Zexi, Baidu responded that in search results the first time review, the hospital is a public hospital, fully qualified. Has been submitted to the certification units and hospital authorities reviewed applications.

But in fact, netizens provides retained search results page is displayed, in Baidu type "soft tissue sarcoma" phrases, and Baidu promotion (Baidu, a pay-for-performance Internet marketing) given in the search results for the domain name, this domain name is clearly not a official site.

Look, Baidu's review has not been done even the most basic, but responded with the full license. As important traffic portal, Baidu search results-oriented direction responsibility cannot take off.

Public information, Baidu originated with the promotion of up to 470 million a day, in addition to conventional machines and artificial audits, but also increased nearly 60-person review team, swap 3 24-hour manual review, want to put an end to false information from the source into the search page.

  But why the false medical advertisement is repeated?

Perhaps, as "Paste" the father of Yu June said before: "Baidu's core values first, then the incentive mechanism. "Look, the current Baidu's problem is how to balance between values and KPI.

After all, the power comes great responsibility. Platform operators should not only consider its own commercial interests, must also take responsibility for this platform as it affects people.

Contrast is, Wired magazine reported that Google's advertising Department for profit, initiative to help sell counterfeit drugs to avoid their company's compliance reviews, making a large number of counterfeit drugs, smuggling of prescription drugs, illegal drugs (such as steroids) advertising pages long with its search results. FBI undercover investigation on Google, Google eventually have to pay the $ 500 million settlement, and prosecution of illegal advertising and re-employ a strict new third-party certification authority.

According to January of this year, Google released data showing 2015 screened a total of 780 million malicious ads in 2014, representing a growth of nearly 50%. In addition, the 2015 also shielding the 10,000 the company selling false goods Web site, shut down 18,000 sales of fake goods account, while shielding the 12.5 million substandard drug advertising. In addition, Google also blacklisted 30,000 websites for selling weight loss products.

 Medical advertising behind the ash: spoiled Baidu

On the eve of 51, Baidu has just handed over the first quarter of 2016. Reported first-quarter total revenue was 15.821 billion yuan, an increase of 24.3%.

Baidu's revenue growth behind the medical share of advertising revenue size occupied?

Earnings conference call after the earnings, Baidu CFO analysts of gold in her answer "in your ads, top five advertisers from what area? "Said," the main, top advertisers are from local services, retail, healthcare, education and financial services industries. ”

Previously, Shandong created Baidu's second-largest advertising agency company limited applied for listing the new ban, reporters read the open transfer instructions found in 2013, 2014, 2015 1 – June, to create a top five customers of the group are also hospitals.

2015 1 June, for example, company top five customers for Jinan Qing Hua hospital, Jinan Kowloon urological hospital, Jinan family infertility hospital, Oriental medicine hospital, Jinan in Shandong province women's Hospital, 5 hospitals of 25.45 million yuan in sales, accounting for revenues in the current period 4.54%.

While going through the company's major contracts, can be found, the company's largest customers were either hospital or health care products company.

Earlier, the media quoted 2013 Putian Communist Party Secretary Liang Jiangyong as saying: "Baidu 2013 advertising volume of 26 billion yuan, private hospital in Putian City did 12 billion yuan. ”

There are sources, Putian of hospital relying too much on search engine advertising, 60% voted for search engines, hospitals in the search engine promotion costs accounted for turnover of 70%, 80%.

According to electric shock in Shenzhen e-commerce company founder Gong Wenxiang provides information, many big-city medical bidding terms up to the CAP, reached RMB 999 per click, which has led to a hospital in Putian and Baidu have deteriorated.

A medical profession recently received first financial reporter, said in an interview: "some has been running the more successful the hospital don't need advertising through Baidu, need most is some low-end hospital, Baidu's Guide there is some help for them. ”

Another industry told CBN reporter in Putian, in hospitals, many are engaged in consumer markets such as Andrology, Gynecology, plastic surgery, search engines as user traffic entrance, very important to them.

"In Putian, first to feel the most expensive bid Baidu Word viewed 999 Yuan is plastic surgery hospital, Baidu is that they have the money, the hospital opened and all these years too many, depends on Internet marketing with guests, prices soared higher and higher, would not stop the car. "Close to Baidu's business people within the industry said.

The people had to newspaper revealed, from ten years Qian plastic hospital began appeared, its advertising put on has been used has high frequency times high costs of promotion way,--"like snowball as more roll more big, to now, plastic institutions marketing cost even average accounted for its revenue of 50%~70%, get a effective user of cost has reached has 10,000 block; certainly, Baidu also was used bad has. "He said.

Is on the other side of the conflict, although bidding words so expensive, but so far, it's still in Putian hospital Gets the user's "most effective" way.

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
Baidu ads hospital

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媒体:整形广告点击一次999元 百度已被惯坏|百度|广告|医院_新闻资讯


  在知乎的这个问题下,患上滑膜肉瘤的大学生魏则西曾给出答案:“百度,当时根本不知道有多么邪恶。” 他曾在百度搜索第一条找到了某三甲武警医院的生物免疫疗法,并在这里被一位多次上过电视的医生告知“保二十年没问题”。









  “我现在住院,找到了真正靠谱的技术,家里却快山穷水尽了。” 魏则西说。















  以2015年1-6月为例,公司前五名客户为济南青华医院、济南九龙泌尿专科医院、济南天伦不孕不育医院 、山东东方男科医院、济南阳光女子医院,5家医院销售额2545万元,占公司当期总收入4.54%。







  “在莆田系内部,最早感受到百度最贵竞价词一次点击999元的应该就是整形医院了,百度就是觉得他们有钱,医院那边这些年开得又太多,全凭网络推广带客人,价钱越飙越高,刹不住车了。” 有接近百度方面的业内人士向第一财经记者透露。




百度 广告 医院


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