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Zhejiang Zhoushan freezer ship gas explosion occurred, 1 injured

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/1 8:21:48 Browse times: 230 Comment times: 0

Zhejiang Zhoushan freezer ship gas explosion occurred, 1 injured(浙江舟山一冷冻船发生不明气体爆炸致1伤)

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Zhejiang Zhoushan freezer ship, 1 injury caused by gas explosion (photo) | | freezer ship in Zhoushan | gas explosions _ news

Original title: Zhoushan port a ship more than 600 tons of frozen gas explosion injured 1

For the scene of the accident. Zhang Shiying photography
For the scene of the accident. Zhang Shiying photography

CNS,, May 1 (reporters He Jiangyong and and Zhang Shiying)-today (May 1) at noon 11:25,, PuTuo district, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, gets a dock of a ship more than 600 tons of frozen gas explosion occurred. PuTuo after the fire alarm and 5 fire truck 36 soldiers rushed to the scene immediately disposed of. It is reported that when the cabin has one staff member was hurt by blast waves, has been rushed to hospital for medical treatment.

After the local fire department, police, and firefighters rushed to the scene of the accident found that docked next to the dock with a ship of more than 600 tons of refrigerated transport ship, which are being carried out. Subsequently, the protective gear firemen quickly into the warehouse to check to see if there are people trapped, and requested the ship opened the cabin door and porthole ventilation, excluding emergency evacuation.

Rescue workers told reporters that the cabins scattered throughout some of the deciduous wood, feet raised deck has a few plates shift.

According to reports, the unidentified gas in the warehouse exploded, when the cabin has one staff member was hurt by blast waves, has been rushed to hospital for medical treatment.

Relevant departments of the cause of the accident is under investigation. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Zhoushan freezer ship gas explosion

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图为事故现场。 张石英 摄
图为事故现场。 张石英 摄

  中新网舟山5月1日电(记者 何蒋勇 通讯员 张石英)今天(5月1日)中午11时25分左右,浙江舟山普陀区大干一码头停靠的一艘600多吨冷冻船发生不明气体爆炸。普陀消防大队接警后立即出动5辆消防车36名官兵赶赴现场处置。据悉,事发时船舱内有一位工作人员被爆炸产生气浪震伤,目前已送往医院救治。





责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

舟山 冷冻船 不明气体爆炸


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