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Lijiang, Yunnan killed 6,000 birds, officials said normal death and accidental death

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/1 8:20:39 Browse times: 187 Comment times: 0

Lijiang, Yunnan killed 6,000 birds, officials said normal death and accidental death(云南丽江6000只鸟死亡,官方称因正常死和意外死)

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Lijiang, Yunnan officials said 6,000 birds deaths from normal death and accidental death | | death of migratory birds _ news

Original title: lashihai about 6,000 migratory birds and local officials say the main reason is the Raptor predation

Kunming, April 30 (Xinhua Yuan Xuelian Bai Jingli) netizens in recent days reflecting the dead migratory birds in Lijiang, lashihai wetland in Yunnan province. April 30 reporters from Lijiang city Yulong County party Committee propaganda Department confirmed, according to statistics from local monitoring, overwintering death between October last year and April this year in lashihai about 6,000 migratory birds, the main cause of death for Raptor predation; surveys show that no poultry outbreak has occurred in the local.

According to reports, between October last year and April this year, 233 species of migratory birds wintering in lashihai Lake provincial nature reserve of about 126,000. During the about 6,000 migratory birds died, including death (old age and death) and accidental death. Accidents the main causes of death: one is the Raptor prey, at present there are 14 species in lashihai wetland of about 2000 birds of prey, such as Golden Eagles, Kestrels and Barn Owl, hunt migratory birds of prey with only about 5,000 a year. Two is part of migratory birds into nets to death.

Yulong County Government offices provide information, and through monitoring and patrolling in recent years, events that have basically no human poison birds. The on-site investigation, exposure of birds not found in the country, two birds, dead birds are mainly coots, from 2015 to 2016 is less overwintering migratory birds is about 80,000.

According to reports, the concentrated body of migratory birds found placement locations in the town of Hai Dong village village by the Lake. Main reason is less winter, spring wind, easterly winds, many migratory birds died of natural body blow to Hai Dong village an Shang village Lake; the second is less seasonal Lakes, and low water level changes, since April, the water level dropped significantly, the original chenhu bird body exposed. Yulong County Government Office said the carcass of mass migratory birds will be treated in accordance with relevant provisions in a timely manner.

Material provided by Yulong County animal husbandry Bureau said, according to the epidemiological investigation, Yulong town and no poultry outbreak has occurred in the County.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Migratory bird deaths

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Xinhua News Agency
云南丽江6000只鸟死亡 官方称因正常死和意外死|候鸟|死亡_新闻资讯

  原标题:拉市海约6000只候鸟死亡 当地官方称主要原因是猛禽捕食

  新华社昆明4月30日专电(记者 袁雪莲 白靖利)有网友近日反映云南省丽江市拉市海湿地大量候鸟死亡。记者4月30日从丽江市玉龙县委宣传部证实, 据当地监测统计,去年10月至今年4月拉市海越冬死亡候鸟数量约为6000只,主要死亡原因为猛禽捕食;调查显示当地未发生禽类疫情。



  据介绍,集中发现候鸟尸体的地点在拉市镇海东村委会安上村湖边。主要原因一是拉市海冬、春季多刮北风、东北风,许多自然死亡的候鸟尸体吹至海东 村委会安上村湖边;二是拉市海为季节性湖泊,丰枯水位变化大,4月份以来,水位下降明显,致使原沉湖鸟尸暴露。玉龙县政府办公室表示,对批量候鸟尸体将及 时按有关规定处理。



候鸟 死亡


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