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“D“ leaders wishing to visit India to see the Dalai Lama cancelled visa

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/29 5:34:28 Browse times: 165 Comment times: 0

“D“ leaders wishing to visit India to see the Dalai Lama cancelled visa(“世维会”头目欲赴印度见达赖被取消签证)

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"D" leaders wishing to visit India to see the Dalai Lama cancelled Dalai | |-d _ for visa news

"Global times special correspondent Evan," Agence France-Presse reported on the 28th, a Chinese dissident said the same day, New Delhi cancelled her travel to India visa. She had originally planned to India to meet with the Dalai Lama. A few days ago, after a protest in Beijing, India Government cancelled the offer "d" Chieftain duoli-Kun ? Aisha visas to India. ? Aisha-Kun is wanted by the Chinese police and Interpol red terrorists.

Said the dissident was quoted as saying that she now lives in United States, intends to fly to India this week in the Tibetan "Government in exile" a meeting in Dharamsala, the seat. She is said to have received India's electronic tourist visa, India aviation officials stopped it at New York's Kennedy airport. In New York, she accepted "today India" said in an interview: "they told me, I'm sorry, you can't go. ”

28th Agence France-Presse reported that the dissidents, believed, was because she got to meet the Dalai Lama was India canceled visas. India has not comment in detail on the matter, but in relation to another case, said that foreign travelers attending the meeting needs to apply for a tourist visa.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

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  【环球时报特约记者 伊文】法新社28日报道称,一名中国异见人士当天说,新德里取消了她前往印度的签证。她原本计划到印度与达赖喇嘛见面。几天前,在北京表示抗议之后,印度政府也取消了给予“世维会”头目多力坤·艾沙的赴印签证。多力坤·艾沙是国际刑警组织和中国警方红色通缉的恐怖分子。



责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

达赖 世维会


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