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Shijiazhuang built runway in rural schools, many students vomiting, nosebleeds

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/29 5:34:06 Browse times: 151 Comment times: 0

Shijiazhuang built runway in rural schools, many students vomiting, nosebleeds(石家庄乡村小学建塑胶跑道,多名学生呕吐流鼻血)

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Shijiazhuang build plastic track more students in rural schools _ vomiting, nosebleeds | primary school news
Standing in front of a surname elementary school full of students ' parents. Tao Cui photography
A surname in the elementary school classroom, students absent from class seriously. Tao Cui photography

Original title: one constructed plastic playground in primary schools after the Shijiazhuang students ill taste acrid

CNS, Shijiazhuang, April 29 (reporters and Cui Tao)-is located in Shijiazhuang city development zone XI town of a surname in the village of primary school, built of plastic playground in half a month ago. Playground construction, many students began to appear symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds. At present, the school runway sample has been tested, results are detected. Schools will be closed in two days later, declared resumption of classes.

"The playground there is a smell like plastic burning paste, also sting the eyes. "High and new section of primary school students in Shijiazhuang city Zhang Jian (pseudonym), told reporters that since school spread plastic playground, he felt dizzy and sick, and starts to bleed a few days ago, has lost a number of times in the days.

Beijing, reporters learned that plastic playground after laying is completed with a surname since elementary school, and Zhang Jian had the same symptoms of primary schools there are a number of students. According to the students ' parents, apart from nosebleeds, and there are quite a few students are dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, some students still grow a lot of "pimples".

A surname elementary school is located in Shijiazhuang city, Hebei province, Hi-XI town village, students of more than 300 people, mostly children of the villagers. On April 12, the plastic of the school playground was officially put into use.

The morning of 27th, this reporter went to primary school. The school was square-shaped, teaching building at the South Gate in the North, dozens of meters wide in the middle of the playground has completely plasticized, if students want to go to the classroom or go to the bathroom, you must pass through plastic playground. On that day, though it was dark, but plastic playground at school, can still smell a faint smell of plastic. On a blackboard in front of the school reads: "normal school class today, sick leave arrangements make up afterwards."

On the Blackboard "notification", many angry parents at the school gate shutoff. "A couple of days ago, someone from the school playground sending samples to test, test results have not come out of school now forces the operation should have an impact on the child's body, who is responsible? "Parents, Mr Wang said.

Journalists in the building to see, 1-6-grade students are in class. Grade five or six classrooms, each class had eight or nine seats, class seats more in the lower grades, school absenteeism rate at around 30%.

The school's grade 5 students Yang Yue (a pseudonym), because the stomach, has more than 3 days without classes. Ms Yang Yue's mother, Yuan told reporters that from April 22, Yang Yue had been called in the stomach, in the clinic two days still no effect, she took the children to a nearby hospital in luancheng, "the doctor said the child's pain not stomach, but part of the chest, asked if House was under renovation. "The Yuan said, back to the village before she knew that a surname several students in primary schools have similar symptoms.

"We already have five students in the class nosebleed. "Yang Yue said.

Local television carried a report on the matter, said since dry laying plastic playground in primary school after half a month, has been more than 60 students dizziness, vomiting and nosebleeds. A surname primary school principal Zhou Liqiang said in an interview, "dry primary school has been closed," "pending the test results, if the parents do not trust, you can temporarily switch to other nearby primary school."

On April 27, Zhou Liqiang to Beijing, he denied that the school had been closed. According to Zhou Liqiang introduction, plastic playground is in Shijiazhuang high-tech zone uniform tendering the construction of the Social Development Bureau, have taken him to more than one school visit before the laying, plastic playground has such a taste. "At the moment, according to school statistics, a total of 9 students calling in sick, sick leave due to: discomfort in the feet, sore eyes, stomach pain, and cough. "Zhou Liqiang said that sick children are alone.

Charge of culture and education in Shijiazhuang high-tech zone, Deputy Secretary for social development, Li said, plastic playground is the high-tech zone of Shijiazhuang Bureau for social development tenders built in bid for Stron construction decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. Journalists in China bidding online, a surname primary runway in August 2014 and open bidding, completion planned for October 15, 2014.

Li said the high-tech zone, the relevant departments have the primary sample of plastic playground, prepared in collaboration with the municipal notary public, parents, school send their samples to test institutions testing qualification test. Previously, playground samples have been tested twice, once for parents organized inspection, the Shijiazhuang high-tech zone Community Development Board examination, there was no test results are obtained.

"After receiving the masses, is under investigation in the case disclose. If quality, liability according to law. "Shijiazhuang Vice Mayor and party member, Working Committee Secretary Jiang Wenhong said high-tech zone. (End)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Primary school

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石家庄乡村小学建塑胶跑道 多名学生呕吐流鼻血|小学_新闻资讯
段干小学门前站满了学生家长。 崔涛 摄
段干小学教室内,学生缺课严重。 崔涛 摄

  原标题:石家庄一小学建塑胶操场后多名学生身体不适 味道刺鼻  

  中新网石家庄4月29日电(记者 肖光明 崔涛)位于石家庄市高新技术产业开发区郄马镇段干村的段干小学,在半个月前修建了塑胶操场。操场修建后,不少学生开始陆续出现恶心呕吐、流鼻血等症状。目前,校方已将塑胶跑道样品送检,结果正在检测中。学校在停课两天后,宣布复课。

















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