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Blowout in obese children in rural China: eating too much junk food

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/28 6:05:51 Browse times: 147 Comment times: 0

Blowout in obese children in rural China: eating too much junk food(中国农村肥胖儿童井喷:垃圾食品吃得太多)

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Foreign media say blowout in obese children in rural China: eating too much junk food _ | | obesity in children in the countryside news

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Reference news, April 28, researchers warned, as the negative effects of a Western-style diet rich in sugars and carbohydrates begins, surge in obese children in Chinese rural areas should pay attention to.

According to Agence France-Presse reported on April 26, a survey of China's Shandong province, a 29-year 2014 in the population under the age of 19, 17% boys, girls digital 9%--1985 years of both sexes of obese people are less than 1%.

Report authors warn that these findings are very useful to the whole country in 2014, 1.36 billion-about half of the population live in rural areas.

Joint author of the Centers for disease control and prevention in Shandong province Zhang Yingxiu (voice) says, "overweight and obesity increased rural income growth in China and the emergence of the phenomenon, we expect that this trend in the coming decades, Shandong and other regions in China will continue ... For policymakers, it is a warning, should not ignore obesity interventions in rural regions of China. We need to spread the concept of healthy eating and physical activity for children, monitor their weight and test whether these efforts will have an impact. ”

The European study published in Journal of preventive cardiology, the European society of Cardiology about Mr Percy said: "this situation is extremely worrying ... This is what I've seen of children and adolescents in the most rapid growth. "The data from the six municipalities of Shandong province for about 28,000 children in rural schools (7-18) survey.

Studies have found that the number of overweight boys increased from 0.7% to 16.4%, girl from the 1.5% to the 14%. This study also uses BMI (weight and body mass index--the ratio of the square of the height) to define overweight and obesity, but the differences in the scale of the World Health Organization.

As for who, between BMI at 25-29.9 were defined as overweight, and over 30 as obese. The study's authors used more strictly limited, 24-27.9 for the overweight, more than 28 were obese.

Cooper says that this means that it is difficult to compare these data with other countries, but does not deny the obesity trend found in China.

France daweide·nuoka of obesity experts pointed out: "the introduction of a Western-style diet, especially high in calories the United States junk food and sugary drinks, and is an important cause of this phenomenon. ”

Zhang Yingxiu (said in a statement: "in the past 30 years, China has undergone rapid structural changes in the socio-economic and nutritional ... In today's China, people eat more than in the past, the amount of exercise has been reduced. Traditional Chinese diet is high in fat, calories and fiber structure. ”

A 2005 "national adolescent health risk behavior surveillance", 4.3% boys and 2.7% girls having soft drinks. 13% boys and 4.3% girls spend time playing computer games for more than two hours.

The study found that the trend in children aged 7 to 12 years of age is growing faster than the growth in young people. Moreover, researchers suspect, boys have higher obesity rates, may be due to men's "social favor", which led to the "boy are enough and more access to family resources".

Who said being overweight is the cause of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some forms of cancer is an important risk factor.

Cooper said: "with China's significant increases in heart disease and diabetes mellitus, Western lifestyles fashionable will sacrifice more lives. ”

Last year, a national report, 2012 adult obesity rate in the country increased to 9.6%, more than doubled in ten years.

Published in March 2015, the United States journal of Cardiology, according to a study by the Chinese population three-fourths cardiovascular condition. In China has become a major cause of cardiovascular disease, 10 years to double the number of patients with diabetes has more than doubled.

Reports that obesity has become a microcosm of the world in China: launched in April a large survey, published in the Lancet says that by 2025, there will be one in every four adults in the world were obese. (Compile/Zhang)

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Childhood obesity in rural areas

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  参考消息网4月28日报道 研究人员发出警告说,随着富含糖类和碳水化合物的西式饮食的负面影响开始显现,中国农村地区肥胖儿童激增的现象应当引起重视。

















责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

农村儿童 肥胖


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