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Qiu Xiaohua, the former Director General of the Statistical Office after his release by the reputation of the famous economist

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/27 6:18:42 Browse times: 174 Comment times: 0

Qiu Xiaohua, the former Director General of the Statistical Office after his release by the reputation of the famous economist(统计局原局长邱晓华出狱后获誉著名经济学家)

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Qiu Xiaohua, the former Director General of the Statistical Office after his release by the reputation of the famous economist Qiu Xiaohua Lok | | | heckling _ news

Information: Qiu Xiaohua

Information: heckling

Original title: Lok Ministers start a successful counter attack

Famous economist Qiu Xiaohua has been a very active and frequent appearances on various occasions to talk about economic issues, talk about real estate, stock market, GDP growth, due to the topic in full weight, often became the major financial media focus.

Qiu Xiaohua said, some young little friends may not be familiar with. More than 10 years ago, he was a celebrity even youngest ministerial-level officials, outstanding economists.

In 2006, the then National Bureau of long, he service received by unscrupulous business owners with cash, corruption, alleged bigamy crime problems such as double and removed from the Secretary post, convicted of one year's imprisonment.

Chang an Street (app ID:Capitalnews) notes that the outside except the title of Qiu Xiaohua, former Director General of the Statistical Office, also has one more: a well-known economist.

Many Lok officials after his release and cannot stand on their own feet so that the poor are different, Qiu Xiaohua, walked out of the door and immediately found a job, look at the China National offshore oil Corporation Research Institute as a senior research fellow, but to the people's livelihood securities Chief Economist. "The Economist" the new title, the resulting. Qiu Xiaohua made economic views close to current events, insightful, widespread in various new media platforms, also makes his now famous economic "net red."

In fact, as Qiu Xiaohua himself said: "I am a scholar. "In 1982, Qiu Xiaohua, the Xiamen University graduate assigned to the national statistical office. Meanwhile, whether it was written in 1986 from national conditions and countermeasures of China's economic development based on the strength of, also in 1991, the three-year readjustment reflection and review, shook China's economic circles. 30 years old of him, to government officials, winning high evaluation in the industry, officials of the same age with par are few and far between.

In real life, such as Qiu Xiaohua "counter attack" inspirational story there are many:

In 2013, the Central compilation heckling because the life style is from, his name still appears in the official directory of experts and scholars, is just as high titles of research experts. Removed 22 months later, he attended a public academic activities and reports on the topic.

In February 2004, sentenced to 8 years for taking bribes of Zhengzhou municipal Committee of original Yang Zhenhai, Member of early releases, Yang before entering politics, had a smelting plant in gongyi city, Henan province, from the technician to the engineer. Media reported that after his release, his wife had asked him to "look for leadership in the city, put them in school when the teacher", suggested the father to the son of an iron and steel company, but Yang Zhenhai chose "recycling business", an annual net profit of 128,000. A year later, he was hired as Deputy Director of a factory in charge of production and technological innovation.

Most impressive figure was Chu Shijian, Chairman of the Yunnan hongta group in 1999 sentenced for corruption. After he was released on medical parole, Contracting barren hills with his wife kind of Orange. Now, Chu Orange through business sold in the country, famous, then King of tobacco, has become a prize-giving ceremony "salute the special character".

Everyone has long short, officials are not perfect. They walk on the career detour, disciplinary proceedings and was duly punished in jail, though does not negate the ups and downs where they are useful to society. That this is the case, these trade officials, set off again after his release from prison, stand on their own feet to be a useful person to the society and turn over a new page complete reverse hits, equally deserving of praise.

Tolerance and fair evaluation of public figures, is a sign of social progress.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Qiu Xiaohua, the Lok heckling

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