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Within a firm rebuttal to build China-Mongolian Railways threatening wildlife

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/25 8:35:38 Browse times: 148 Comment times: 0

Within a firm rebuttal to build China-Mongolian Railways threatening wildlife(中国公司反驳承建蒙内铁路威胁野生动物)

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China railway threatened wildlife within a firm rebuttal to build Mongolian | | wildlife _ the Mongolian railway news

[Global times Guofang] "Kenya railways under construction threatened wildlife", 22nd local time, United States National Geographic magazine English website launched in long report, pointing to the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway (referred to as Mongolian Railways). The projects undertaken by Chinese companies. 24th, Mongolian railway projects in the global times, a staff reporter, in the article "untrue and unfair to" respond to the comments.

Mongolian railway known as Kenya's biggest infrastructure project since independence. At present, the main part of the project is moving forward rapidly, has been 56% of the completion of the overall project is expected July 2017, traffic operations. For now, emn through the Nairobi Park railway (Nairobi to Maraba) is starting.

In this stall, according to national geographic, Kenya is implementing a plan environmentalists--to install elephant tracking collars, tracking 12,000 average African elephants across the railway. This will help researchers better understand the destructive power of the railways.

"People are already saying this is a great wall of China through the Tsavo" the national geographic quoted grew up in West Tsavo National Park Gros was quoted as saying he fears Nairobi National Park are the same thing will happen. Reported that only 12 km long railway in the Nairobi Park, affect the park less than its total area of 1%. Even so, love Park in Kenya who said, "it's like laying a railway through the pyramids in Cairo."

"The railway cross the National Park it is helpless and must move", Mongolian railway project 24th told the newspaper reporters, Tsavo National Park covers an area of about 20,000 square kilometers, the Park, 240 km long from northeast to Southwest, and Mongolian railway alignments within the same rail cannot be totally avoided. Moreover, both Kenya A109 road and United Kingdom m rail divides the Park into Dong Chawo and xichawo, and in parallel with the A109 road and the track of the railway to avoid secondary damage to the Park. Through Nairobi National Park is in passing round and put Kenya Heritage House after two programmes cannot be achieved, the only optional programmes.

According to the global times, a reporter, for the protection of animals migrate reference lines, China train collision between 2007-2012 and wildlife accident cases, statistics of animal crossings, finalize the Mongolian railway channel location and number of animals should be set aside. Project to set up a boot facility, guide animals safely through the line. Lines on both sides set the fence to avoid animals crawl through and reduce animal and train collision probability. Installing the culvert wildlife passage at the WA, zebras and other animals to drinking water.

But national geographic question, the construction of such a railway is not necessary at all. The report said, Kenya's old railway was built 100 years ago, fast no more than 50 to 60 kilometers per hour. In 2013, a World Bank study found that refurbished railroad will be able to make Kenya's annual capacity will increase to 600 million tons.

For this statement, Mongolian railway project told the global Times newspaper said, because of its standard restrictions based on existing technologies, meter-gauge transport capacity not more than 4.5 million tons of capacity expansion the year after, impossible to make Kenya transport volume reached 600 million tons, unable to meet the transport demand growth of Mombasa. New standard gauge Mongolian railway vision designed annual transport capacity of 25 million tons, double cable electrification conditions and set aside. But from the point of view of animal protection and wildlife can be casual in most regions through the meter-gauge, directly causing the death of animal accidents abound. Mongolian railway are all used in totally enclosed in protective fencing.

From the national geographic reported that Kenya's official attitude: Kenya President thinks is necessary to the railway on the economic development of the country, ultimately reduces costs in the long term. Adjacent to Tsavo West National Park and Tsavo National Parks Deputy Director luobote·oubulin said, the animals in the Park will get used to the new railway.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Mongolian railway in wildlife

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  [环球时报记者 郭芳]“肯尼亚在建铁路威胁野生动物”,当地时间22日,美国《国家地理》杂志在中英文网站推出长篇报道,将矛头指向蒙巴萨-内罗毕铁路(简称蒙内铁路)。该工程由中国公司承建。24日,蒙内铁路项目的工作人员接受《环球时报》记者采访,对文中“存在不实和有失公允”的言论作出回应。









责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

蒙内铁路 野生动物


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