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Hong Kong media said stalled iron ore prices rebound, China inventory or breakthrough million tons

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/10 8:04:31 Browse times: 180 Comment times: 0

Hong Kong media said stalled iron ore prices rebound, China inventory or breakthrough million tons(港媒称铁矿石价格反弹受阻,中国库存或突破亿吨)

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Hong Kong media said stalled iron ore prices rebound in China stocks or break million tons

Reference news, April 10, local media said, surprising since commodities this year in iron ore up suddenly encountered a stumbling block on the road. Chinese ports exceeded 100 million tons for the first time during the inventory year the situation may soon occur, potential pressure on iron ore prices.

Hong Kong's South China Morning Post, April 6, Shanghai steelhome information technology, according to port 2.3% to 97 million tons iron ore inventories surged last week, its highest level since April 2015. MineLife Pty Ltd. and Westpac said, after a period of sustained growth for three consecutive quarters, inventories of iron ore in the next few months is expected to exceed 100 million tons.

"Port inventories of iron ore completely is likely to exceed 100 million tons in the near future," MineLife founding Director and senior resources analyst Gavin Wendt said in an e-mail. "This situation will clearly affect and inhibit the potential for further recovery in iron ore prices. ”

Although after policy makers shows that desire to promote economic growth in China, iron ore prices in 2016, unexpectedly rebounded, but with the increase of inventories, increase has shrunk over the past two weeks.

Billionaire Gina Rinehart Australia's Roy Hill projects this year and gradually increase production, shipped last month, the first batch of iron ore exports to China have been shipped. Miners such as Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton are also aimed at increasing production, April 5 according to Port Hedland iron ore exports reached the highest level ever.

According to metal bulletin offer Qingdao 62% grade iron ore prices fell by 0.1% to 54.75 dollars a tonne on April 5, a week before price declines exceeded 2.8%. First quarter of the year, with steel in the building to increase production before the season, soaring iron ore prices 23%.

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-04-10 07:04:55
Reference news
港媒称铁矿石价格反弹受阻 中国库存或突破亿吨


  香港《南华早报》网站4月6日报道,上海钢之家信息科技有限公司的数据显示,港口铁矿石库存上周飙升2.3%至9700万吨,创下了2015年4月以来的最高水平。据MineLife Pty Ltd.和西太平洋银行称,经历了连续三个季度的持续成长后,铁矿石库存未来几月有望突破1亿吨。

  “港口铁矿石库存近期完全有可能突破1亿吨,”MineLife创始董事兼高级资源分析师Gavin Wendt在一封电子邮件中表示。 “这种状况显然会影响铁矿石价格并抑制其进一步复苏的潜力。”


  亿万富豪Gina Rinehart的澳洲Roy Hill项目今年逐步提高产量,上个月首批出口中国的铁矿石已经装船发运。力拓及必和必拓等矿业公司也在瞄准增产,4月5日的数据显示,黑德兰港铁矿石出口量达到了有史以来的最高水平。


(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-04-10 07:04:55

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