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First day of cross-border commerce and change, diaper rises more than 10 Yuan

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/9 7:18:54 Browse times: 210 Comment times: 0

First day of cross-border commerce and change, diaper rises more than 10 Yuan(跨境电商税改首日,纸尿裤涨十余元)

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First day of cross-border commerce and change diapers rose more than 10 Yuan cross-border import | | |-mail _ tax news

Yesterday, the comprehensive free trade zone imports outlet centers in Nanjing, and commodity prices did not rise modern Express Reporter Xu Yang photo

Yesterday, April 8, cross-border e-commerce, retailing and import tax policy and mail tax adjustments into effect, "the last era of tax-free" finally came to an end. Yesterday, modern Express Reporter log on many cross-border e-commerce sites found that milk powder, diapers, health products, food, cosmetics, personal care products, and many other categories of goods, have begun under the new integrated cross-border e-commerce tax, consumables such as diapers, 15~20 Yuan per pack price increase. Prices, many consumers are grumbling, but behind the development of cross-border e-commerce standardization, most e-commerce platform and it was accepted.

Modern Express Reporter Wang Yingfei Liu Jingyan

  The new deal

50 Yuan allowance policy cancellation

According to the Ministry, the General Administration of customs, the State administration of taxation jointly issued a Declaration on the cross-border electronic commerce, retailing and import tax policies circular, April 8 this year, China will implement the cross-border e-commerce retail sales (business to consumer, or B2C) import tax policies, the abolition of tax of less than 50 Yuan allowance policy and adjust and mail tax policy.

This habit from cross-border e-commerce channels for overseas purchases by the customer, have no small influence. Because according to the previous provisions, for personal use, a reasonable number of cross-border e-commerce retail mail tax on imported goods in accordance with the postal items, generally lower than similar composite tax rate on imported goods.

Abolishing the 50 Yuan allowance policy means, people used to buy 500 Yuan cheap baby products, food products, health products, cosmetics and other consumer goods "duty free era" ended.

From April 8, cross-border e-commerce, retailing and import commodities, start all in accordance with the tariffs and import value-added tax, consumption tax on goods. In addition, cross-border e-commerce retail import single transaction limit of 2000 Yuan, and mail tax policy than the original single transaction limit of 1000 Yuan more than 1 time and individual annual trading limits are set, 20000 Yuan.

New deal stipulates that temporary tariffs on imports within the limits tax rate is set to 0%, no tariffs, import value-added tax and consumption tax to be charged, but only 70% per cent of statutory tax levied. In addition, for more than a single limit value, accumulated over the personal annual limit for single transaction, as well as the duty-paid price of limit values of more than 2000 Yuan a single indivisible goods, in accordance with general trade taxes in full.

  Effect of

Buy two packs of diapers, pay more for 33

"In simple terms, what is now no matter how much money, to pay sales tax. To make water not wet, for example, its VAT rate was 17%, over 70 percent, is 11.9%. "People in the industry said.

Yesterday logs on a number of cross-border e-commerce Web site, found that many commodity prices have been raised.

And some Web sites, although there is no commodity introduction page to adjust prices, but indicated at the checkout page of taxes and marked, "this product the tax rate applicable to 11.9%" and linked "tax collection rules". Click on "collection of rules" as you can see, Web sites selling milk powder, diapers, and health care products, food products, cosmetics, personal care products, and many other categories of goods, has been started in accordance with the "new cross-border e-commerce integrated tax" charge. For example price for 278 "Kao Shu l 2-Pack diapers, wonderful" during checkout to charged 33.09 Yuan (278x11.9%) and fees.

"Feeling up. "Have a one year old baby of Nanjing residents and summer Lady tells a modern Express Reporter, from the beginning of April, she is often a cross-border e-commerce shopping site posted notice of tax reform, remind you to stock up. Thought only promotions in the summer and said that she did not care, open software until yesterday, only to find that prices do fluctuate. "According to the normal price, and a tin of powdered milk has risen an average of 15-20 Yuan, 20-30 yuan more expensive than rates at least. "She used to buy several brands make water not wet, yesterday had been pulled from the shelves.

Ms people's feelings are more obvious. She still has a few months to produce, before the price increase, deliberately hoarding large quantities of urine is not wet. "I bought 3 packs in the best make water not wet, 59, is now 198 Yuan, has more than 3 bags combined. ”

Until the beginning of April the sea got more than 2000 Yuan health products of Miss Chen also found that she had all branded or purchased off the shelf, or price. "It seems as if to start was right. ”

  Physical store

No prices, recent stock rise

As the library still has a lot of power business tax reform before buying products, so some yesterday and hit the "tax not to raise prices" slogan, sold at the original rate.

And many of the store's merchandise, also temporarily keep the price. Yesterday afternoon, came to xinjiekou Nanjing modern express journalists comprehensive free trade zone imports direct marketing centres. Prices of all commodities, than in the past and did not rise, the shop has not posted about prices, mass notification of promotions, and so on. Because it is working hours, in-store traffic and usually in the afternoon, everything seems quiet.

Shop staff told reporters that they haven't received notice from company's prices, may not rise in the near term, "If you shop for price increases, the company will generally advance notice. "Whether the price, the clerk said not necessarily," even if the price increase is not too large. "In addition, in order to attract customers, and as always, stores a portion of the goods will still be doing some promotions on a regular basis.

In addition staff also recently looked at stock pretty much, especially diaper consumables, "most people are buying two or three bags at a time before, many people now buy six or seven packages. ”

  Electrical contractor

Industry standard development

And accelerate the shuffle

The introduction of new tax policy for cross-border e-commerce, many Hai Tao and shopping in the "full-screen lament". "Domestic quality about it is domestic. "In one Amoy sea micro-groups, many people hold such a view. Also it was mentioned that they may select Hai Tao mode in the past--from purchasing individual buying foreign goods, "they should be less affected. "But most young parents said, for those who really need overseas to buy goods, they would choose the regular cross-border e-commerce," prices can't, after all, this would count as a specification for enterprise, and buy than from individuals from buying more secure. ”

Despite the rise in prices for many consumers hesitant, but the majority of cross-border e-commerce for the new deal is still positive. "It will help standardize cross-border e-commerce phenomenon of unfair competition within the industry, enhance the richness of the domestic platform category, opened the product price range, the long-term and healthy development of the industry has a positive role in promoting. In addition, after the implementation of the new system, cross-border e-commerce is more effective in stimulating and guiding the escalation of domestic consumption, stimulate consumption abroad to come back. "Suning Tesco market official said.

In addition, many also pointed out that the cross-border e-commerce platform, the new policy also means that cross-border e-commerce industry was recognized at the national level, and will enter a development stage. This specification complete by way of price competition or gray import business, and could accelerate the industry's shakeout.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Import duties on cross-border e-commerce and mail tax

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跨境电商税改首日 纸尿裤涨十余元|跨境电商|进口税|行邮税_新闻资讯

昨天,南京综合保税区进口商品直销中心,全场商品的价格并没有上涨 现代快报记者 徐洋 摄

  从昨天,也就是4月8日起,跨境电商零售进口税收新政策及行邮税调整正式开始实施,“最后的免税时代”终于落下帷幕。昨天,现代快报记者登录不少 跨境电商网站发现,奶粉、尿不湿、保健品、食品、化妆品、个人护理产品等诸多品类的商品,已开始按照新跨境电商综合税收费,例如纸尿裤这样的消耗品,每包 价格上涨了15~20元。面对涨价,不少消费者虽然心有怨言,但是对于其背后的跨境电商走向规范化发展,大多数电商平台和市民还是持认可态度。

  现代快报记者 王颖菲 刘静妍







  新 政规定,对限值以内的进口商品关税税率暂设为0%,可以不用交关税,进口环节增值税和消费税依然要收取,但只按法定应纳税额的70%征收。此外,对于超过 单次限值、累加后超过个人年度限值的单次交易,以及完税价格超过2000元限值的单个不可分割商品,均按照一般贸易方式全额征税。





  还 有一部分网站,虽然没有在商品介绍页面调整价格,但在结账页面注明了税费,并标明,“本商品适用税率为11.9%”,同时链接了“税费收取规则”。点开 “收取规则”可以看到,网站内售卖的奶粉、尿不湿、保健品、食品、化妆品、个人护理产品等诸多品类的商品,已开始按照“新跨境电商综合税”收取。例如标价 为278元的“花王妙而舒L号2包装纸尿裤”,在结算时要另外收取33.09元(278×11.9%)的税费。

  “的确感觉涨了。”家有 一岁娃的南京市民夏女士告诉现代快报记者,从4月初开始,她经常购物的一家跨境电商网站就贴出了税改的通知,提醒大家赶紧囤货。本以为只是促销手段的夏女 士说,当时她没有在意,直到昨天打开软件,才发现价格真的有波动。“按平时价格看,一罐奶粉平均涨了15-20元,比优惠价格至少贵了20-30元。”而 她习惯购买的好几个品牌的尿不湿,昨天都已下架。






  而 许多实体店的商品,也暂时保持原价。昨天下午,现代快报记者来到新街口的南京综合保税区进口商品直销中心探访。这里全场商品的价格,较之以往并没有上涨, 店内也没有贴出即将涨价,大规模促销等等的通知。因为是工作时间,下午店内的客流量和平时差不多,一切显得风平浪静。

  店里的工作人员告 诉记者,他们目前还没有接到公司的涨价通知,近期内可能不会涨价,“如果店里要涨价的话,公司一般都会提前通知的。”对于之后是否会涨价,店员表示不一 定,“就算涨价幅度也不会太大。”此外,为了吸引顾客,和往常一样,店内部分商品仍然会定期搞一些优惠促销。





  对 于跨境电商新税收政策的出台,不少海淘购物群中“满屏哀叹”。“国产质量差不多的就还是国产的吧。”在一个海淘微信群中,不少人持有这样的观点。同时也有 人提到,他们或许会选择过去的海淘模式——从代购个人那里购买海外商品,“他们受的影响应该小一些。”但是大多数年轻爸妈还是表示,对于那些确实需要海外 购的商品,他们还是会选择正规跨境电商,“涨价也没办法,毕竟这对企业来说也算是个规范,而且从企业购买总比从个人那里买更有保障。”

  尽 管价格的上涨让许多消费者有些犹豫,但大部分跨境电商对于新政还是持肯定态度。“这有利于规范跨境电商行业内的不正当竞争现象,提升国内平台商品品类的丰 富度,拉开商品价格区间,对行业的长期、健康发展有积极的促进作用。此外,新税制实施后,跨境电商将更有效地刺激和引导国内的消费升级、拉动境外消费回 流。”苏宁易购市场相关负责人表示。


责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

跨境电商 进口税 行邮税


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