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Fuzhou railway station elevator reportedly reversed message name, station has denied

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/8 9:10:45 Browse times: 168 Comment times: 0

Fuzhou railway station elevator reportedly reversed message name, station has denied(福州火车站电梯被曝逆行消息不实,站方已否认)

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Fuzhou train station elevator retrograde messages are not real stations have reportedly denied | Fuzhou railway station retrograde | elevators _ news

Latest news about 14:20 P.M. on April 8, West of the Fuzhou railway station 6/7 platform lift, in the normal course of running down, a passenger inadvertently carried heavy luggage down the luggage and comb-plate card after the impact, the trigger switch protection, caused the elevator to stop running. Subsequently, the elevator's passengers were walking up to the platform, and no passengers were injured. NET "elevator suddenly reversed, lift up all back off" message is not real. Here we would like to remind passengers up and down elevator, be sure to take good care of your belongings to prevent slipping accidents. Also thanks to the majority of Internet users attention to the concerns of the Fuzhou railway station, we will strictly implement the "three" service standards, good service.

Twitter authentication for 987 car radio @987 chaoyi said: train station replies, 2:20 P.M. today, a train arrives, downward elevator running here, a larger passenger luggage, hand did not take well, luggage stuck in elevator, escalator safety device automatically starts, elevators stop running. Visitors see not to, have back up from the stairs. Elevators did not reverse, no one was injured.

Voice of Strait car car radio FM90.6 rights ' of life columns reported this afternoon, there are things Twitter joke of buzzing in Fuzhou, Internet users broke the North railway station in case there is retrograde. Subsequently, 906 air traffic 110 journalists to contact the Office of the Fuzhou railway station. North train station replies, that's not the lift out of retrograde. But one passenger's luggage when the elevator was stuck not move. Results trigger the elevator stop on the protection, behind the passenger front passengers no more, the elevator stopped, caused a small uproar, and the elevator only forward and stop mode, cannot be reversed. Stir process there is no Stampede events, members can rest assured.

According to the Strait Herald official micro-blog, 14 20, Fuzhou railway station elevator suddenly reversed, lift up people all turned back. According to user @ Luo cats don't Meow said 14 20, Fuzhou railway station elevator suddenly reversed, lift up people all turned back, child mothers to put children in the picture to give lift, people will pick up a child, is horrible. My typing hands are trembling.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

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Fuzhou train station elevator retrograde

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福州火车站电梯被曝逆行消息不实 站方已否认|福州火车站|电梯逆行_新闻资讯

  最新消息 4月8日下午14时20分左右,福州火车站6/7站 台西侧电梯,正常向下运行过程中,一名旅客不慎将随身携带的大件行李滑落,该行李与电梯梳齿板卡碰撞后,触发开关保护,导致电梯停止运行。随后,电梯上的 旅客陆续向上步行到站台,现场未发生旅客受伤。网传“电梯突然逆行,电梯原本上行的人全部往后掉”的消息不实。在此我们提醒各位旅客,上下电梯时,务必保 管好自己的随身物品,防止滑落造成意外。也感谢广大网民对福州火车站的关心关注,我们将严格落实“三个出行”服务标准,做好服务工作。 

  据微博认证为987私家车广播记者@987超艺 表示: 火车站方面回复,今天下午2点20分,有一趟车到达,此处下行电梯正常运行,一名旅客行李箱较大,手滑没拿好,行李堵在电梯口位置,扶梯自动安全装置启 动,电梯停止运行。旅客看到下不去,就纷纷往上往回走,从楼梯口下去。电梯没有逆行,无人受伤。

  海峡之声汽车生活广播FM90.6 维权汽车人栏目报道 今天下午,有件事儿在福州微博圈儿里传的沸沸扬扬,网友爆料火车北站电梯发生逆行。随后,交通906空中110记者与福州火车北站办公室取得联系。火车北 站方面回复,事实并非电梯发生逆行。而是当时电梯口有一位旅客的行李被卡住动弹不得。结果触发了电梯的自停保护,后面的旅客一看,前面有旅客不动了,电梯 又停了,才引发了一阵小骚动,并且该电梯只有前进和停止两种模式,不可能出现倒退的情况。在骚动过程当中也没有发生踩踏的事件,请大家放心。

  据海峡导报官方微博,14点20左右,福州火车站的电梯突然发生逆行,电梯原本上行的人全部往后掉。另据网友@罗猫猫不会喵称, 14点20左右,福州火车站的电梯突然发生逆行,电梯原本上行的人全部往后掉,图中小孩母亲赶紧把小孩举出电梯,路人将小孩接出,太恐怖了。我打字的手都是颤抖的。

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

福州火车站 电梯逆行


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